An Adorable Blueberry (Jason Todd x Reader)

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Here's another chapter! This was requested by @Shove_A_Cupcake and @raven30057 and this uses prompt 16 (We're more than just friends and you know it!). I hope you enjoy! And as always, I love you. I appreciate you. Thank you for existing and as always remember how dope you are. Xx


Jason Todd Pov

I'm not exactly sure what love is but I think it's hearing her say, "You're an asshole," while the smile on her face betrays the words that had just come out of her mouth. It's getting a FaceTime call at eight in the morning so she can show me her outfit because she wasn't sure if it looked cute. Love is being afraid to let her know about certain parts of yourself but telling her anyway. It's making breakfast with her in the morning, dancing with her despite my two left feet, and passionately singing the wrong lyrics just to hear her laugh. When I first met (Y/N) she didn't make my stomach flutter or cause my palms to become sweaty. My heartbeat softened, knowing I was safe with her. I craved her touch, my hand searched for hers whenever we were together. Often, I picture us holding hands and watching movies or sitting on benches beneath old oak trees and hearing her laugh throughout the day. It may be selfish to say but I want her all the fucking time. 

But I think she's afraid to love sometimes. I think it scares her. She is the type to like things that are concrete, like the ocean. Something you could point to and know what it is...and I think that's why she struggles with love. It's not tangible, she can't touch it. She can't hold on to it and make sure never changes.

(Y/N) Pov

It is the magic hour when the sun dyes everything in golden hues, when it finally stopped raining and the clouds partially disappear, allowing some sun rays to reach the city. As I step outside the sweet light and cold autumn breeze after the rain welcomes me like an old friend. The calming sound of the soft wind seems to carry the autumn leaves falling over me whilst I walk. It's mid-October, and I can feel the autumn breeze running through my veins, caressing my lungs and lay deep inside my heart, filling me with a nostalgic, calm happiness. I look over at Jason, he's wearing his leather jacket with a cigarette between his teeth; he is the type of guy you'd fall in love with, no matter how many beer bottles in his system. His charisma is embedded on his gorgeous facial features- blue eyes and all- and when his lips curve up, they form two small dimples sitting upon his cheeks.

"You're staring at him again," Dick sighs.

"I'm not," I reply. "I simply just gazed over in a direction and he was there."

"Then why was that look on your face?" Dick asks.

"What?" I ask. "What look?"

"You look a certain way when you see him," He informs. "You look at him and it's like you're staring at some sort of galaxy."

"And?" I arch an eyebrow.

He looks down. "You love galaxies."

"We're just friends Dick, that's all." I shrug.

"Just friends" huh? Well "just friends" don't steal secret glances at each other. "Just friends" don't get jealous when the other one talks about someone else. "Just friends" don't get butterflies from each other. "Just friends" don't hold each other like you two do." He snaps.

"Just drop it Dick," I sigh, irritated from his words.

I divert my eyes as Jason turns my way. Cold licks at my face and creeps under my clothes, spreading across my skin like the tide on a frigid winter beach. The cold that had seemed mild at first now numbed my face and extremities. I pulling my woollen hat over my reddened ears and tightening the scarf around my neck and slightly over my blue-tinged lips. My body begins to shiver, only to stop when someone wraps a large jacket around my frame. I look around for a moment to realise Jason is standing about ten centimetres away from me, jacketless. My, oh my, even his jacket carries his smell.

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