Tell Him (Jason Todd x Reader)

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Hi guys! This was requested by @Shove_A_Cupcake and it uses prompt 23 (Hide me!). I would like the people waiting for requests to know that I am getting around to them. Hope you enjoy this one!


Dick Pov

I don't know what it is about (Y/N), but she attracts disaster wherever she goes. She has car accidents, losses her passport while abroad and gets involved with low-level criminals like Jason. She's the softest and law-abiding person I know, but there's part of her that thinks she can rescue everyone if she just shows them enough love. I tell her she's stupid and she meets me with a grin that takes me back to when we were kids. When Mom and Dad died I had to become more than just a brother. I had to be a father a mother, to keep her safe. I walked her to school, helped her learn spellings and told her to go to bed at eight-thirty before I left with Bruce for patrol. Sometimes she sounds so much like Mom it's like they are the same person. 

(Y/N) has always been the smart one but she never applied herself in school. So she left me to do all the achieving while she was off doing whatever legal thing she wanted to do. After she graduated she decided she wanted to go and travel the world, Bruce supplied her with the money and then she was suddenly gone. We didn't hear from her until six months later, she didn't tell us what happened while she was away but we knew she was different. Innocent no longer.

(Y/N) Pov

I look up in the sky, covering my eyes to protect them from the blazing sun. There it is, my endless dream, my heart's burning desire. I smile, my nostalgic eyes still upon the sky. Following the stream that the plane is leaving. Like painting with a white brush in the pure blue that colours the summer. A sigh escaped from my lips. Without caring if people on the street could see me, I wave goodbye to the plane. I then put my hand and my head down, back on earth. And I begin to wonder while sitting on the bench in the park: where is it going? Wherever they are travelling, I wish I could fly into the sky and go with them. It doesn't matter the destination, I just want to go away. Travel around the world with a backpack, a camera and a big smile. Nothing more, nothing less.

I put my hands on my chest, closing them. Like I am holding something precious. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, regaining control of myself again. Holding back the tears. The wanderlust consumes me; it burns my soul like I am in the middle of a raging fire. But the last time I decided to travel, I accidentally got recruited to be a member of the League of Assassins. I'm not ready to be a part of something like that again.

Just as a drop of crystal-clear water appeared on my (S/C) skin, I smile to myself. It's not Gotham until it rains. I sigh and stand up, quickly making my way towards my car. I drive down the familiar roads of the city, taking all the right turns towards the manor where my brother is located. It only takes a few minutes until the manor is within my sights.

I notice Jason's motorbike parked in the driveway, sending a rush of happiness through my body. I didn't think I'd see him until our date tonight. I cover my head with my jacket as I run inside, hanging it to dry off on one of the dining room chairs. 

"Hello? Anybody home?" I call out.

I wait for a response but only hear silence. I groan quietly before running throughout the manor, glancing in every room looking for Jason and Dick. I finally reach the grandfather clock in the main study, I take a second to admire it before reaching up and changing the time to 10:47 pm, the time that Bruce's parents were murdered.

The clock moves to the side, allowing me to enter the Batcave. I place my hand on the wall beside me, keeping me stable as I walk down the dimly lit stairwell. As I approach the training area I can hear Dick's mildly irritating voice.

"Coward! You shouldn't run from your feelings!" Dick yells.

Jason runs toward me, Dick right behind him with one of his Batarangs in his hand. I indulge in a grin, but it fades faster than a tie-dye shirt. Jason isn't slowing down, god help me! I brace myself as Jason crashes into me, sending us tumbling to the ground. I groan as Jason and I hit the ground. 

"What the fuck?!" I yell.

"Hide me!" Jason yells.

"Why?" I ask.

"Jay's a coward that doesn't want to tell you that he loves you," Dick explains.

Not only my cheeks, but my whole face immediately turns red. Though my ears are hidden among my hair, I know that they are as red as my face. Jason scratches the back of his neck, a slight pinkness decorating his cheeks as well.

"Dick, we're gonna need a minute or five," I mumble.

"Yep!" Dick replies.

Dick turns on his heel, quickly making an escape while I help Jason to his feet. Our eyes glance around unceremoniously as we try to avoid catching each other's eyes. I purse my lips before bursting out in laughter.

"We gotta tell him." I giggle.

"I thought we told him already..." Jason frowns.

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