Just A Kid In Love (Tim Drake x Reader)

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Hi all! How's everything going? This was requested by @Blue_Leopard_13 and uses no prompts from the previous chapters. Here is a happy little chappy so please enjoy! Merry Christmas btw!! I hope you have an awesome day and also enjoy this little story!


~The Other Night~

"Will you go on a date with me?" Tim asks.

"Of course I will! Who's the lucky girl going with you?" I reply, joyfully.

"I was thinking it would be just us..." He mumbles.

"Oh, Tim. I'm sorry I thought you meant..." I apologise.

"Don't worry about it, I should've known." He sighs.

"We can still be friends Tim, I promise," I assure him.

"Yeah sure (Y/N)." He responds.


(Y/N) Pov

The guilt is like gasoline in my guts. I remind myself that I cannot unsay what I said to Tim. But, I can try to make amends for hurting him. I still want to be friends. Staring at the ground I walk through the hall. Nobody seems to notice me. I take a glance down to make sure I am still here; that I haven't turned invisible. Nope - still here. I think I like it this way. I had once been told that I had the kind of face you forget even when looking directly at it. Good. I didn't want to be remembered by anyone here. Attention has brought me only trouble in the past, so I do my best to dissolve into my surroundings. Music in my ears, I have a smile plastered across my face. Until the bell rings, and a glance at my timetable tells me I have maths. Way to ruin the day.

Though the classroom walls are bare the windows are large. Everyone fights for a window seat, to sit in the unsubdued light of the morning. Outside the sky is blue except for a few smaller clouds that trail like aeroplanes. Whoever painted the walls in here must have had an imagination bypass, but then isn't that the education system all over? Fill our minds with facts we can google instead of teaching us how to think, question facts, experiment and explore. It isn't the nineteen hundreds anymore, they aren't preparing us to clock in and out of factories. The teacher walks in looking as inspired as a used tea bag and already I feel a daydream starting, a really good one. This teachers gonna have to be really interesting if she wants to compete.

Tim Pov

My tiredness makes me hang limp like wet laundry on a cold still day. I feel like every muscle is slowly giving into gravity. I just spent fourteen hours working on a case for Bruce and I'm not ready to do anything else yet. These six hours will most likely feel like sixty, oh joy. This morning I had put on the wrong clothes, left the milk on the counter and realized my car keys are missing due to Damian. Rough start, right? I reluctantly enter the classroom, the two coffees in my hands slightly spill out of the lid as I move towards (Y/N).

Her hair is in a pony-tail and her face is free of make-up. She has that shy look young women often wear, but it is never morose. Behind those slightly pursed lips is a smile just waiting to be tempted out. I like her. Sometimes she'd look my way and I generally pretended not to notice. If I had too much interest and I think she would run. But when I do return her glances I don't have to try to smile, it just comes naturally. In those moments she will blush ever so slightly and I'd imagine her being my girl. But some people are worth the wait and she is of them. We'll only ever be friends...besides she wouldn't like to date a guy like me, I'm not good enough for her.

"I got this for you," I say, handing her the coffee. 

"What would I do without you?" She asks with a giggle.

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