Misunderstanding Part 2 (Bat-Family x Reader)

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Hi all! Mmmkay, I have no idea if this is going to turn out alright I hope you guys like it. This was requested by @PunkMewtwo and uh yeah, that's about all I have to say. :)


(Y/N) Pov

All my life, I have been told that Dick is the pretty one, the stunning, the belle of the family. And I? I am just the mousy bookworm sitting in the corner, while Dad's numerous associates and friends gathered around my brother like ants to a Nutella sandwich. Of course, he is prettier than me... but it isn't fair for them to cluster closely around him. I watch as each of my brother's handle the growing crowd around them, their smiles never faltering. My eyes drift to the group of guys hanging around the far corner. 

Even given just a script of their conversation, with no context or voices, you immediately know they are around my age. The conversation looks as if it is interrupted only by jokes, often at the expense of one of their friends. Yet from the way each of them reacted it is clear that no offence had been taken, quite the contrary. They enjoyed the banter, the witty and not-so-witty put-downs. They teased and jibbed one moment and discussed team strategy the next, taking one another seriously and giving well-thought responses. But the sensible talk could never last too long like it was scheduled by an egg timer. Soon the hilarity would start all over again. 

I roll my eyes as they continue their childishness and open the aged book that sits in my lap. It smells warm and dusty, like the inside of an attic. The fragile old pages almost become delicate snowflakes with the touch of my hand. Most people would have left this book without as much as a backwards glance, but I am enthralled. I always appreciate the beauty of an old book, no matter the content inside. I jump as an unexpected voice pulls me back to reality. 

"Are you okay?" he asks the question smoothly

The baritone of his voice reverberates through my bones as Ethan slides a strong arm over my shoulders. The low rumble of his voice is comforting. I squeak and then flush lightly when I realize that Ethan is waiting for an answer. His eyes shift acknowledging my presence once more, a surge of understanding has calmed and further mystified me at the same time. From the moment I first laid my eyes on him, I know he will never truly be mine. 

"I'm fine," I reply softly. 

The chuckle that replies is that soft, rolling thunder that billows across the dark skies on a stormy night. His hair is rich like mahogany and his dark eyes are large and bold, framed with thick lashes. Everything is about him is symmetrical, most obviously his cheekbones, but it extends to the way he smiles and holds his body. Ethan radiates with nothing but grace, making me absolutely enthralled. 

"Tt. I do not approve of your intentions with my sister." Damian interrupts.

"Lord help me," I mutter.

Damian spends half his life in the gym, the other half on patrol. Even though he is only a teenager he's got girls lining up to date him. At home he's my nemesis, poking fun at me morning and night. No embarrassing secret is untouchable; he fights hard and dirty. But at school, he's my big brother, the one who shut my bullies down when the teacher's do nothing but crap. He walks me to class every day so those jerks can see he's still got my back. Brothers, eh? Worst enemy and best friend all in one neat package.

"What are you talking about, bro?" Ethan asks.

"By the way you look at my sister, you are planning on using her for your own personal gain," Damian replies.

"DAMIAN!" I yell.

"And I advise you to not call me 'bro' again." Damian continues.

I clench my teeth and immediately grasp onto Damian's arm, dragging him a few feet away from Ethan. When I am angry I go for the jugular I take the issue with 'teenage swagger' and 'teenage entitlement.' If their friends are there I'll go for something embarrassing. If they are alone I'll go right for their guilt buttons. I get loud and I vent. They used to get loud back, right in my face, but to be honest, it is more hassle than it is worth...most times. 

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