Chapter 8- Idle Chatter

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Hiromichi simply crossed his arms and looked away as if refusing to answer his question.

"Aww come on don't be a sour loser you know what this is about all along. Best you can do is play nice as we get to the city. Besides I'm sure you've done plenty of things besides kidnapping villagers to deserve this."

"Fine! To answer your question, which is stupid by the way, monsters always respawn in wild areas like this. Anything outside civilizations, monsters spawn all the time. It's mother nature's way since the beginning, seriously where do you come from?! How do you not know any of this?!" Hiromichi persisted in getting answers from Kami.

"I'm from a faraway place, can we just say that? Nothing like this exist where I come from so I'm coming to understand what's going on here." replied Kami.

"What corner of Tyr doesn't have monsters and adventurers? Whatever just stop asking me all this crap it's like teaching a toddler." said a frustrated Hiromichi.

Ah well it looks like I'm done getting info from him. Hopefully I get some more answers from someone else in the future but for now I think I understand some of the basics stuff around this world.

"I-Im done!" said Himari as she breathed heavily.

Kami suspected she was more tired from the consistency of having to kill monsters for hours without end then because of the difficulty of the monsters. He pulled up his Companion menu to check out her stats.


Name: Himari Chiba

LVL: 3

EXP: 256/300

Title: Loli In-Training

Class: Companion

HP: 93/93

Stamina: 85/85

Mana: 92/92

Strength: 82

Endurance: 83

Intelligence: 91

Dexterity: 79

Charisma: 78

Wisdom: 83

"It's looking from those two levels you earned that your best stats are constitution, mana, and intelligence so if I'm correct here... a mage?" commented Kami after looking at her stats.

"M-mage? I don't have a skill to be a mage" replied Himari looking a bummed out.

"Don't worry about it, since I can't really transfer info to you right now cause even with the stat boost your mana shouldn't be able to handle some stuff, we'll just wait until we get to the city and we'll buy some scrolls with the gold we get from Himorichi to teach you magic there. For now stick to the sword since I don't think any of these monsters are strong enough to beat you anyway."

"Yay! I'm excited, I never thought I would be a mage!" replied an enthusiastic Himari.

"What about you kid?! What's your Class?" asked Himorichi looking at Kami suspiciously.

"I don't have one yet." replied Kami as he crouched next to Himari and adjusted her small metal plate armor she had strapped on her.

"Bullshit! You gotta be kidding me with that!! You know what no! I demand answers who the hell are you?!"

Kami let out a heavy sigh as he snapped his fingers once again. Himorichi fell to the floor as he began to snore loudly. Himari looked in awe yet again as if it was the first time seeing him do this.

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