Extra SC: Mom

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Few years later~
~Mewni's castle~

Marci's POV
I am at the castle sleeping peacefully until a certain voice woke me up "MARCI! GOOD MORNING!" *Sigh* Comet... I groan and I covered myself with my blanket ignoring comet's yelling "Oh! Come on, marci! Don't be so grumpy!" I ignore him again. I felt a weight on my bed. I know it's comet "Please Marci~ I'll give you a special kiss if you get out of bed and maybe help me make breakfast~" He said sweetly and gentle. It made me want to get up to bed but I don't want to. I let my head pop out of my sheets "I won't fall for your charms AGAIN!" I stick my tonge out and went back to my sheets. He chuckled. I waited for him to leave "Marci... I have to say that I'm sorry" This is odd. Why did he apologised? I heard the door being shut. I slowly peek on my blanket until something OR SOMEONE jump on me "Owwwwww..." I removed my blanket away from me and saw comet smirking at us at the door... Yup! US!!!

"MOMMY! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! Up Up Up Up Up" I groan and chuckled on the same time "Okay, okay. I'm up now"  My son Zach Conor Dragonfly keeps on yelling at me and keeps on jumping on the bed. His super hyper and he have a thunder mark on his cheeks while he also have a smooth white skin. He have the hair style of comet but his hair color came from me but darker. His eyes are light blue... Lighter than comet's eyes and he wears a red Jacket like mine but in his size, he is also 3 yrs old. He wears an army leather boots and his little army leggings and his favorite Black fingerless gloves. His face is mostly look like comet but he got the skills of both of us. If your wondering why we name him 'Zach' because comet likes the name a lot and even though he used it once... The fake name *Sigh* STUPID COMET... WAIT! NO... STUPID HUSBAND!!! "Mommy! Don't space out!" Zach yelled right into my face. I nodded. Comet cut in "Yeah, marci! It's bad for our new baby" I smirked at him and crossed my arms "An advice coming from the guy with heart marks on his cheeks with extra special stupidity" He laughed as Zach only looked at us, not knowing what we're talking about. I pulled Zach and hugged him "Don't worry. You will only know this when your older. Okay?" Zach nodded and Rub gently on my tummy as comet when to us "Mommy? I'm I gonna be a great Big Brother?" He asked and he hugged my tummy. Comet cut in again "Yup, Your gonna be the bestest Super Greatest Big Brother for little maria" Our new baby is Little Maria Samatha Dragonfly. I nodded and pat Zach's hair. Zach giggled and whispered to his unborn sister "I will promise you that I will protect you from Danger... AND BOYS!" Comet and I went silent at first until we both burst into a laugh, Zach looked at us with anger "I'M SERIOUS! BOYS ARE DANGEROUS! Except for me and THEY DO VERY DANGEROUS STUFF AND THEY COULD HURT Maria" Wow! I think Zach... Acts like me. He have my safe kid skill  *Laugh* We only laugh harder and smiled at Zach "Yup, That's good" Comet and I said together. We looked at each other and laughed again... I'm happy to be a mom.

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