Chapter 27:The Truth

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Marci's POV
Wow... That was awkward. I only stand while tomara sit's down while we were waiting for something to happend. Someone was walking through the halls... "Mr, Dragonfly!" I yelled in surprise "Oh, Girls. What are you doing here?" King River asked while tomara stood up "Something urgent had happend" Tomara replied. Mr, Dragonfly change his expression and went to tomara directly passing through me "Tomara, we must talk with my wife about this" He face me and pointed out to me "You, marci. Watch comet and check any unsual action. We'll be back... Let's go tomara" Tomara nodded and went off with king Dragonfly. I went inside comet's room and saw him on the floor beside on his bed. I walk towards him and help him get up. I can feel his body tempreture is heating up. I tucked him and put my hand to his forehead. He was having a high fever. I grab a wet towel and put it on his forehead to lessen the heat. Comet was breathing heavly, My worriness has filled me so I stayed inside to tend him. I waited for 4 hours and checked again. He was sweating really fast. I can't help to think that the sweat would soak to his shirt and to unable to replace a newly clean shirt... *Blush* I have to... *Gulp* REPLACE his shirt on my OWN. I faced him with a Red blush on my face but he is fighting the fever... And As his bestfriend I must help him!  By taking his shirt off. I can't belived I'm doing this for him. I removed the covers and help him to sit up "Marci~ *heavily breathing*" Comet said. I replied rubbing his back "Comet, I'm gonna change your shirt... your sweating too much" He nodded and started to remove his shirt... *blush* In front of me *gulp* I help him removed his shirt and It was actually quite hard. He keeps on moving and falls down on the bed. So I thought of an idea to remove his shirt without letting him collapse "Comet lay down and rest... *blush* Let me do this for you" He lay down then I went on top of him... *blush* Eeeeekkk! Stupid sick bestfriend! I slowly remove his shirt without hurting him and I accomplish it. He was still breathing heavly and he had a red shade on his face. I think it is the cause of his fever and it's heat. He breath hard while saying "Marci... Just do this fast... your hurting me~" I blushed hard BECAUSE THE WAY he breath is weird and Even the way he says the words. Everything he just do is making me blush. I must watch my words too "Stu-pid Comet, J-Just lay there w-While I do my J-Job" I replied him while I stutter. Wait... *Blush* That's even more weird! Why I did I say that! I quickly grab his new shirt and get on with it. Before I put his shirt back, I notice that he has a small black/violet spot on his chest and it was located to his heart. He maybe got punch by a monster while we were back home on earth... I touch it without a thought  "Awww... marci~ That hurts~" I blush again. I keep on thinking weird thoughts and tried to shrugged this weird thoughts that I have. *blush* Stop! *blush* Stupid Brain, stop it! *blush* This is so weird... his only my bestfriend! "Comet, would you mind to stop that *Blush* The way you speak the words are *Blush* making me feel weird~" He chuckled while he grip his chest "Comet... you okay?" I asked  "*Cough* I'm Fine... *Cough*" He answered. His cough was getting worst and worst until he cover his mouth using his hands. He ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I hear puking sound and hard breathing. I knocked "Comet? You okay" "..." Comet didn't answer and blood was coming out of the bathroom door. I got worry and tried opening the door. I was panicking "Comet! You okay!? ANSWER ME!"  The door knob clicked and slowly opened. I was eager to see him but as the door slowly opened and I saw... Red blood. All over the bathroom. I looked up and saw that the black spot was spreading to his vains. His vains were colored black. I look up to his face and what I saw wasn't comet that I know but some else... a murderous one. I step backward and trembled a little "Marci~" He smiled while I ran away from him. He keeps on laughing and laughing while he floats in the air. He look at me upside down "Hello, Marci~ You may don't know me but I'm toffee. I would like to borrow your boyfriend for while" He said. I karate stance myself " You leave comet's body alone!" I yelled. He floats down still smiling as he walk towards me "Oh, Marci. Thank you for being alive. My plan wouldn't work if you didn't kiss Jack~" I blush and tried to back off but I was cornered "What do you mean work!?" He slammed both of his hands to the wall to trap me "Listen well, Tomara has cast a spell on comet because he ask too so that he wouldn't feel any love for you *chuckled* You know what... The spell that tomara cast wasn't really working. As comet was blast by the spell, I cancel it and Turn it on my own. The spell was everytime he feels love~ from you... He will feels a very painful pain from his heart and that was to weaken him" My eyes shot wide and avoided his eyes "What do you mean he wouldn't feel any love from me?" I replied back. He sighed and remove himself. He raised his hands as Black flames appear "You are smart but not smart enough to notices others feelings. You are indeed blind" I ball up my knuckles and prepare myself to fight. He continued "Comet had feelings for you, Marci Diaz!" He was about to burn me in black flames but instead he stop and released blood from his mouth. I look at his stomach and there, I saw a hand punched him from the side. The hand was coming from... Jonnathan!? "Jonnathan!? Why are you here!?" He chuckled and kicked comet on the face. Comet fell and hit his head hard on the floor. Jonnathan went in front of me and lift a very large sword. The sword was glowing? "Hey, marci~... while I was just passing, I heard your voice... Then I thought. Why would marci be here? She should be spending summer break with Jack doing mushy stuff with him as always" I blush and slap him as the back. He chuckled while comet groans and stood up. Comet wips his blood from his mouth. Toffee was still on control, he cleaned hiself "Oh! I didn't expect you to be here... General Jonnathan jr. Andrew Scarlet" Jonnathan whisper underneath his voice "I guess I was exposed" He sighed "Jonnathan SCARLET!? Your a General from mewni!?" I question him in shock. He groans in annoyance "Marci, would you mind to avoid questions. This is summer break not pop quiz. Your attatch to school too much" He rolled his eyes as he came on running to comet. He clash his sword into comet's hand as blood splash on the ground. The two headbutt at each other while they keep on grinning. Comet/Toffee said "Whao, Jonnathan. You are strong like your father. No wonder why, River promoted you to be his general" Jonnathan replied. Still on smiling... would you both stop smiling! It's very creepy "I know right!? Like he just promoted me out of nowhere *laugh*... and Why aren't you using magic? Your host is... damage, man. Not cool~" Jonnathan!? Why are you so calm! Your the one who damage comet's hand. You Idiot! "Oh, This body? I don't really care. He'll eventually die... I am only sucking his powers out of him" Toffe said. After I heard that My blood was boiling but Jonnathan only replied "In that case..." He strike the glowing sword on comet's stomach and it went through. Jonnathan kicked the sword's handle and Comet was pin down by the sword on the walls. Comet  was unconscious and there was blood dripping from him. I ran to comet and tried to think what to do next. I panicked and tried to remove the sword on him but it won't budge. I look at Jonnathan in frustration "What is wrong with you!? You might kill him to death!" I yelled at him. He answers back in a calm voice "Marci~ Don't worry. He'll be fine..." He yawned "What do you mean don't worry!? Comet is unconcious and dying! Your such a BAD FRIEND!" I yelled at him even louder. Jonnathan changed his expression into anger and his voice went deeper while he march towards me "A BAD FRIEND!? I only hurt comet if he eats my snacks! I hurt him because he was about to hurt YOU! YOUR THE ONE WHO IS BAD! You forgot your friendshi  thursday with comet, Every now and then you eat lunch with Jack AND you left comet to eat by himself then I was force to eat with him. You know that every lunch I'll always disappear BECAUSE I have to attend Magical general meeting! I was also being scolded by the king EVERYTIME I get late!" Jonnathan breaths slowly and pinch the bridge of his nose "Marci... you don't even realized that comet supports you with Jack only to make you happy and in return he gets to see you kiss Jack right infront of him... on prom night. You been hurting him by your actions... You broke his heart...*Chuckled* I just realized that I stalk too much" I stood there, speechless. Not knowing what to say next but My head was filled with different kind emotions that I never felt before. Jonnathan sighed and went to comet. He released comet from his large sword and carried him from his back "I have to tell the king and queen about this... See you later, marci" I was left there... Alone.

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