Chapter 21:Prom Date

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Comet's POV
The school is coming to an END. YES! I'm free! But I'm gonna miss some earth people here. Marci and I are already at the school. As marci was walking on the school grounds, someone yelled her name and it was Jack. I wave at Jack as Marci followed "Hi, Jack! Your late" Marci said. Jack chuckled and put his arms over marci as I distance myself from them. You know couples, They need space for only each other "Hahaha... Yeah, I kinda woke up late because of your crazy party yesterday. I enjoy Dancing with you~" Jack replied. He lean in and kiss Marci on the cheeks. Marci got surprised and blushed but eventually she kissed back. They both laugh and talk some sweet things at each other. So I only smiled at them and went towards to the classroom door. I don't want to be a third wheeler so I went inside the classroom first, It's good moved to avoid Problems. Were nothing but friends... right? *Chuckled*  Just friends...  

Marci's POV
The class ended and I went to met up with Jack. I am SO Excited to him! I Fix myself first and thought of topic that we might talk about. Jack was already there at my locker. I wave and run towards him as he only waved back and roll with his skateboard "Hi! Jack!" I yelled all the way to the halls. Jack quickly Hug me and kiss me in the cheeks. I got surprise and blushed so Hard, He let me go and smiled "Jack what was that!?" Jack chuckled "Nothing, it just that I miss my girlfriend SO MUCH" I smirked and crossed my arms "Jack, your seat is right in front of me. Is it even possible for you to miss me?" He chuckled while moving towards me then he hold my hand. We interlocked our hands and walk through the halls. While we were walking we eventually incountered comet caught on staring at a poster on our school Billboard. Jack and I look at each other then nodded, We went to comet quietly. Jack used his other hand to tap at comet's shoulder. He was first at shock then eventually calms down, He once again regained life. He look at us then down to our interlocked hands "Dude, comet... why are you staring at the billboard?" Comet pointed out the poster and question Jack "What is a Prom? A lot of girls keep on talking about it. I also notice that many girls keep on staring at me while holding a piece of paper and that paper looks like this poster on the school billboard" Jack find it hard to explain even it is very easy. I tap Jack's shoulder then told comet "Prom is like a party where people dances, Have their last memory with their friends, Eat some snacks and other fun stuff. You also needed to go with a prom date or With a friend to go to prom.... hmmmm and it say's here in poster that a week before prom base on our date today" After I finish my explaination, Comet frowned and look down meanwhile As Jack remembered something. He then move towards in front of me then kneeled down "Marci! I just remembered something and that is... will go to prom with me?" I blushed and giggled at him "Yes~" He stood up then hug me tight. While he was hugging me, I saw comet leaved and called someone as he walked. I whispered into Jack's ears "Jack there's something off with comet" Jack released me then looked at Comet then back at me "I kinda know something is wrong with him because it's a 'boy thing' but I'm not sure" He look uneasy. I told Jack "Let's just give him sometime of himself, he might lose his cool. I'm gonna go home ahead of comet" Jack held my hands again "I'll walk you home, It's not safe for you to walk alone" I chuckled "Oh, please I can take care of myself" He smirk then we went home together.
9:00 pm~
~Diaz's House~

I am already at home while Jack kisses me on the cheeks for goodbye. I wave at him while he waves back then leaves. I was home but the whole place was empty...
few hours later~

I waited for comet to come home so... to kill time, I baked comet's favorite 'Marci's special cookies' then sat down on the couch to relax. I checked the time and it's already 1 in the morning. I thought to myself that He could be lost, hurt or even worst hungry... I am very concern of comet's health, He keeps on eating earth junk foods especially Chocolate/ related to sugar. My thoughts was interupted by the sound of the door. My hopes got up then tried to look whose home "Comet! Where were you! I was worried Sick!" He look down and acted like a child as I scolded him more "Marci, I'm sorry I was at Tomara's place..." After I heard that shocking news I held both of his arms "ARE. YOU. CRAZY! Tomara could have killed you!" Comet shove my hands then backs up "Tomara has changed" I stare at comet for a while then sat back to the couch then asked him. He followed then sat down on the couch beside me "After I went off, I called Tomara. It took me 8 calls of tomara to answer because she keeps on rejecting my calls, she felt guilty. So I opened a portal then travel through her room. I look around and her room was a Mess, I can see her on the bed covered in bedsheets and she also told me to go away..."
(Flashback base on comet's memory/ story)

"Tomara~ Are you okay?" I ask her then she face me. Half of her face was popping out of the bedsheets "Comet, leave me alone. I might hurt you  and I don't want that to happend again" I went close to her bed area then pat her shoulder but she didn't care at all "Tomara, I'm fine... I half know that you didn't mean to do it. I know a little bit because I dated you, right? So basically-" Tomara cut me off by holding my hand "Yeah, comet. I get it... it just that I wish I have no anger issues or only if I can turn back time and be better girlfriend... Never mind that... what are you here for again?" I was shock what she said. She was not acting at all and she was also serious about our break up. I can sense that she change for the past few years "I-I'm here to ask you..." I mimic Jack's action last time, I kneel down then held tomara's hands "Will you be my prom date?" I felt tomara's hand tremble. I look up to see her blushing and crying!? "Yes... and For your information *sob* I am not acting at all...*sob* This is real tears *sob* Okay~" I chuckled and sat beside her. She leans on my shoulder then held my hands. I didn't mind at all, I let her cry on me as I interlocked our hands. I rest my head on hers, I waited and waited until her crying went to silent. I took a look at her and she was already asleep. I tuck her into bed and put a note beside her desk saying 'March 9 at the echo creek's gym. I will pick you up at 6 in the afternoon at your home... Love comet'. I opened a portal to earth and once again look at tomara who is sleeping so peacefully "Sleep tight, Tomara~"

(End of Flashback)
Comet's POV
Marci smiled weakly and she looks pale? "So tomara will be your prom date, right?" I stood up then fix myself "Yeah, I have no choice..." I face the kitchen and NOT facing at marci "Because the one I was suppose to ask... was already taken" I went to the kitchen and grab the cookies and went to marci. I look at marci, she looked worried. I can only offer my smile for her but she frown again "Marci... I'm not mad at you. I simply said that she has already a prom date" Marci didn't answer. I got worried and put the bowl of cookies down "Hey, marci~ How about we go to the mall tomorrow~" I showed her my biggest smiled and Bear hug her "HUGS!"  She chuckled then she hug back "Okay, comet. Let's buy us some fancy clothes, tomorrow~" We broke the hug. We also decided to watch a movie since we already have snacks 'which are the cookies' and We are also near the T.V. Yay! Were going to the mall! TOMORROW~

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