Chapter 34:Time Won't tell

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Marci's POV
I put midnight's lifeless body next to comet... wait, Comet! I went to him. He was bleeding almost everywhere! I looked at his back and his wings were Damage like really Bad! His very pale from blood loss. His skin was also wounded, his stomach has a large cut pouring more fresh blood from his skin and I finally checked his heart beat. *thud* *thud* It was slowing down! "Comet! *Sob* Please... *Sob* Wake up" My voice cracked as I shake him. I held his fingers tigthly "H-hey... *Sob* You better W-wake u-up... It's n-not healthy for me" I rest my head on his chest and waited...



I felt a hand run through my hair and stop at the middle then pats me. I slowly smile while I broke into tears and held his hand properly "Ma-rci... Listen... *Inhale* I don't have *Exhale* much... time. Please l-look at me..." I didn't listen to him. I only stayed there paralyzed as I continue to crying "Marci... Please look at me... *In pain*" I did the same, I didn't listen to him but I just to held his hand tighter. If I look at him. What will happen, If I look up? What should I do without him? What should I do with this feelings I have? Why can't he just stay forever with me? Will he l- "You will regret this marci if you won't look at me..." I quickly look up to find out that he...

Kissed... me on the lips. My eyes shot wide while I felt my face heating up. I didn't move at all. I looked at him. His eyes were shut, his soft rosy lips were focused to mine, his breathing was normal. If I watch even closer. He has scratches on his face and his cheek marks were dying and his scar on his forehead, it's where we share our bond, our comfort zone, our happiness is still there remain untouched. I feel my fingers had been interlocked with mine as my eyes started to water out of nowhere. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. It's different from Jack's. This one is slow, peaceful, meaningful, Full of love. I didn't want to end it but in reality we have to end it for air so I cherished this very moment and hope that everytime I close my eyes, this will come up on my mind. Comet stopped and broke the kiss. I opened my eyes and was being met they the same blue bright eyes from the very first day I met him. He smiled and rested his forehead to mine. I let him do that while my tears still falling down. He was still very warm, just like when we chuddle every friendship thursday. We waited for a few good minutes until he broke the moment "Marci?" I looked at him and I smiled weakly. He held my hands tighter and rise it a little higher "Will you marry me?" ... what. I felt my heart beat faster and I never once felt this feeling before. I blushed and looked down "I'm not sure... I'm still 18 and I'm not even your girlfriend. Comet... I'm so lost right now..." I said, avoiding his eye contact. He answer back "*Weak laugh* It's fine. I think I am so pus-" "I can't marry you!" I cut him off. His weak smile is now being replaced by a frown. I continued "I can't marry you... because your an idiot that can hurt itself so easily" I smiled. He smiled back and laughed a little "I can change that. Even when I'm already dying... I WILL be back" He chuckled "Then... I'll marry you... when your back, okay?" I cried mixed with tears of joy and sadness flowing down from the side of my cheeks. Comet wiped my tears away and rest his whole body on mine, I can hear him crying silently. He also rest his chin on my right shoulder and hugged me gently. He sighed in relief  "*sob* I'm *sob* so happy..." His voice cracked while on the other side I was helpless and still worried about his wound and his blood loss "B-but *sob* *chuckled* How can we make this work? *sob* I'm having second thoughts... I'm not sure that you will be back alive and If you did come back alive such I find it difficult for a science believer like me, I'm sure that you will forget about me... " I hugged him back and gripped hard on his shirt. We were both are crying. Comet bury his face on my neck "B-but looked at the bright side. *sob* I get to fall in love with you... all over again..." Comet said as he spit blood. Once I heard this, my crying level went much worst from last time "I'll be back... I promise" I feel his breathing lessen and his body tempreture drop... "I love you, Marci. No one can stop me from loving you till death~" Comet's body got heavy. I touched his hands and it was cold. I hugged him tight and burst into tears. His gone for real "Y-you idiot~ *sob* You... *sob* didn't even *sob* let me reply..." His parents was crying... both of them. Jonnathan keeps on rejecting his tears while he ball his knuckles "COMET!!!" I yelled at the tip of my lungs as it started to rain...
7years later~

It's been 7 years since the incident of comet's Death. I've been depressed for a few years but luckly, my friends, Jonnathan, Jack, Horsehead... I don't know where tomara is now...  The last time I saw her was her being called by the king. Never mind that... So they been cheering me up and in the end, I have accepted his death. Comet is now on earth on the graveyard. His parents wanted to bury comet on earth to the nearest graveyard from The diaz's Home, in short my old home. I have already move into my new house but not so far to my old one. I transfer after I graduated college and have a job, which was being a lawyer... It's kinda tiring job but it's the only job that I could think of. It's been on my mind since I was still very young. Now, I'm already 25 and I'm still looking for a date, I have move on, I think? But... Everytime I do it, I feel bad and guilty... So going back! I keep on visiting his grave everyday, never once missed a visit. Even in my breaks, my free time and Every second that can make me free. *Sigh* "Gosh, I miss him~".
8:46 in the afternoon~
~Marci's new house~

I am at home and it's saturday and it's already night time. My boss said that I would stay at home because I am still in effect of the 'Incident' even though I'm fully okay... But it's good. Well, It's kinda of a day off so I didn't argue about it. I am at the living room at my couch, Just chilling, watching T.V while eating late night snacks cookies until a I heard a broke glass shatter from my kitchen. I went to where the sound was created while I karate stance myself... Little did you know that I'm still a 'Green belt'. I didn't finish because I was focusing on lawyer school. Anyway, Going back. I slowly move towards it and saw a black figure. I quickly karate chop it but it turn my hand and put it on my back as it made me fell on the ground, Forcefully "Whatever you are! I demand you to let me go!" I yelled and I tried to escape but it won't budge. It was silent at first but then it laugh... HEY! THAT'S VOICE IS FAMILIAR! "Jonnathan! I know it's you!" I said. Jonnathan continued to laugh harder and released me. He sit at my table near the fridge and opened it. He took my milk jar and my... SANDWICH! "Hey! Don't just break in and take food that isn't yours!" I yelled. Jonnathan stop half way from eating my sandwich "PUT. THAT. SANDWICH. DOWN!!!" I poked him on the chest. He looked at me then to the sandwich then back at me "*Gasp* Don't you dare!" I point a 'nonono' finger on him but He quickly put the sandwich inside and started to chew it fast and he then shallowed it. NO! MY SANDWICH! I grab him from his collar and was about to punch him. He raise his hands for defeat and started to sweat "State your business, Jonnathan Scarlet" I said seriously. He gulp and eventually replied "Hey, chill, chill. I just wanted to ask if you wanted to come with us for the concert like... Right now. You know 'The new mystery famous singer'... A lot of them talk about it and he is already in this city. He will have his concert on this land. I mean, It's been months since we hang out so... yeah that's kinda all" I let him go. He sighed in relief. I went back to my living room and continued to watch my T.V. I sat down and I shove a bunch of cookies inside of my mouth "I'm not really sure if I can go... now. It's kinda late" I said. Jonnathan went to me and groaned on top of the couch "Your such a party pooper... COME ON! JUST HAVE FUN! FOR THE FIRST TIME OF YOUR LIFE" I shaked my head for a 'no' but he keeps on complaining.
few minutes later~

"Please" "No" "Please" "No" "Pleeeeeeeeaaasse, marci" "Nope and nope..." I am starting to get annoyed while Jonnathan pouted at me and roll on the ground as He laied there at the floor staring at the roof. ONE MORE WORD AND I'M GONNA BLOW UP. He asked, again "Please?" "*Groans* Ugh! You what!? Yeah, I should GO!" I burst and yelled at him. He creeped into a smile and he jumps for joy "Finally! Now, Go change party pooper" I rolled my eyes and I then went upstairs looking for a dress for... whatever. Few minutes has passed and I still haven't picked one yet. I almost gave up until I saw my old hoodie... I grab it and smell it... Nice, It's clean and It still fits me. I went to look for a grey shirt related to the old one and then I wore my black Short pants with my newly new converse. I'm finally done then I went downstairs. What surprised me is that Jonnathan wears his version of his old daily clothes back then "Where you get your clothes? You didn't even have a bag with you" I said as I went down. He chuckled and fixed his beanie "I have my ways..." I went next to him as we went inside of his car. As we get in I saw a picture of a girl "You got a girlfriend?" I teased. He smirked "That's my mom, doofus" I frozed. Huh? Whaaaaaaaaatt!? So young! "That's your mom!?" He started the engine and drove off to the road "Yup!".

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