Chapter 28:Past Time! Yay!

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Jonnathan's POV
I carried comet and he was REALLY heavily. I want to throw him somewhere and just leaved him but I can't. Someone has wounded him and his losing a LOT of blood. Of course, It's my fault... Maybe~ While I was walking along the way. I heard comet groans in pain "Don't worry buddy, you'll be just fine... I think. So... How was your fever. Is it going down?" Comet chuckled "It's already gone, thanks to marci... Did I hurt marci while I was undercontrol by toffee?" He asked. I shake my head for a 'No' "But you ALMOST burn her... Did you know that toffee is inside of you this whole time?" Comet sighed "Nope, but only just now. When I had an unexpected fever... I started to hear voices and I realized that it was toffee's. It's a good thing that you stopped me... Well, Almost killed me but least you did it to protect marci" I laugh while comet was dying... I mean! Resting! We countered the king and Queen... and A Hot Girl demon. I kneel down to the rulers as they quickly took comet's body. They checked comet and let him heal using Queen moons power "A raised, General Jonnathan. Tell me what happend to him?" King river Asked. I let myself obey as the hot chick, Crossed her arms in surprised. What's up with her? "Hello, King River. While I was just about to go to the meeting area. I... actually got lost like this castle is SO BIG and I also heard one of my friend's voice. I got in and saw comet about to hurt marci so I punched him in the stomach and do some cool actions. I quickly knew that comet was in control of toffee... Our mortal enemy. My father's killer" I lower my voice on the last senctence. The king pat at my back hard "Cheer up, Boy! I know your father will be very proud of you. We've been bestfriends ever since I met him on the battlefield and he became my ally but it seems that moons bestfriend, toffee... didn't get along with him. I'm sorry for your lost. He was a brave man and a great BESTfriend" I held my tears and smile painfully "Thank you, sir" The king chuckled and we talked for a while. We went to the infirmary and watch over comet. *laugh* we left the hot chick

We watch over comet in the bed, just in case for toffee to take control again. Comet wound was healing but was already awake "Hey... I'm just *breath* gonna rest here so don't mind me" Comet asked. The king nodded at him and continue to tell some stories stuff. He told me many, many great things about my father "Jonnathan... Your father had save me millions of times. In return, I will protect his whole family and that includes you" King River chuckled. He held my large scarlet sword "This sword..." He pause. I continued his sentence "Yes, My king. That is your sword that you given  to me as reward for my skills" The king burst into a laugh "*Laugh* No... This was your father's sword. The sword of the Scarlet warrior *Chuckled* Your name was the extact name of your father" I shock to find out that my name was the name of my father's... I guess the only thing that changed was the word added 'Jr'. Part *laugh* Stupid Old man... You suck at naming your own child *sob* You could have name me something more cooler *sob* I inhaled sharply and I slap my own face. Do cry too much, Jonnathan "Sir, May I ask... How did my father died. I only know that the lizard/toffee kill him" The king sighed as he smiled... he seems that he had a flashback "Okay, listen well. Jonnathan... and comet" Comet sweats as he slowly opened his eyes. He laugh nervously. The king continued "Let's start On how the Great War of mewni started..."
(Flashback base on River's memory/ story)

The kingdom (mewni) was ruled under the butterflys and I was only a human, who made a friend on another dimension. I met moon Butterfly on earth while she was away to practice her magic at age 14 same as mine. She was my bestfriend, responsible and a really fun girl! I then deeply fall in love on moon but she didn't know my feelings for her yet. So I decided to stay at mewni, her place. At that time, I became a knight on mewni to protect her and to be there for her always at age 16. The reason became a knight was not to be cool and super amazing but The reason to see her again, Everyday and Everynight. She introduced a friend to me from mewni as her loyal friend and an trustworthly adviser. They fight sometimes but they quickly apologised to each other within a minute. I was kinda unsure of her friend... Toffee. As months passes by, We have incountered a great army out of nowhere. The enemy was all ready to fight so the queen order her army to prepare to battle. It was a violent and a bloody fight. I was able to survived while the others are ingured and dead. I saw a man with a silver armour and his bloody glowing scarlet sword raising up on the air on top of the hill. That was Jonnathan's father. His rumors were truth... he was called 'The Scarlet warrior' because of his scarlet sword. He was fearless, brave and his good at picking locks. He came in running at me as our swords clashes, filling the sound of silence. We fought until it's already dawn but The He got tired first. He kneel down as he catches for air. I used the tip of my sword to put it under his chin and raise it up to met my eyes "You have fought well so-" I said. He smiled "I know the drill... I'll die but can I ask you a favor? Can you tell my girlfriend that I love her" I got surprised and I lowered my sword. I kneel in front of him then pat at his shoulder "No, I won't..." He look down and grip the bloody soil. I continued "But you have to tell it for yourself. Scarlet warrior..."  I stood up and lend him a hand. He Accepted it "Call me... Jonnathan Andrew Scarlet but in short, Jon" I chuckled and helped him to get up "Okay, Jon. Let's get you to the queen... I ask her not to kill you and Explain Why are you really here" I said. He nodded at me then We both went together to the queen and explain why were they there at mewni "Queen Butterfly... Hear me please" Jon kneeled down to the queen and never look up to her face while I just stand beside him. The queen sat down to her throne "Please continue..."  Jon continued "We came here because of your treat by the message you sent to the King... King William Conor. You send a letter for declaration of War from your kingdom. So that's why we are force to fight you... Your highness" The queen was shocked and asked Jon to stand up. Jon nodded and followed her orders "I didn't send any message to your king. I do respect him a lot. I don't even want any violence to be created from my kingdom... Someone else must have send this message. Hmmm... I want to talk to your king" She said. Jon bow down to respect her and he was allowed to use the magic mirrior. He called the king to come over to the Butterfly's Kingdom to talk with the queen. The king arrived not so long and talk to each other in private...
~Mewni's Garden~

"Oh... So you didn't send that message... so It's all an misunderstanding *Sigh* What a relief" King Willaim said while he face palm his face "Someone is a traitor to my kingdom. Man... *chuckled* I can't believe I fall for that simple plan. I know that You wouldn't declare War on me. I'm so sorry that my army killed your men. I should have notice sonething was fishly. Once again... on the behalf of my kingdom, I am truly sorry! King Willaim" Queen Diamond bow down. King willaims was panicking and waving his hands in the air not knowing what to do next "Pl-please. Don't do that. I also sense something fishy about the message... I know your hand writing isn't like that. Your writings are more meaningful and also well-organized. I am also very sorry, Queen Diamond Butterfly~" King william said while he held queen diamond's right hand and kissed it gently. The queen only smiled and chuckled "Well, we are the mess up twins though... *Laugh* Bring backs the old days" The queen said. King william went silent and avoid her gaze. The queen noticed his action and hug him in surprise. The queen whispered "You know that it isn't your fault... It's not" King william answered back "I wish things were back to normal. I wanted us to be together again like always, when we go adventures, stalk your crush and have sleep over at each other's room but everything is gone, just beacuse I hurt you accidently" The king felt really guilty and wanted things to be normal once again. The queen patted his back and broke the hug "Past is the past. We cannot change it. Come on, Your men is waiting for you. They might think that I have killed you *laugh*" The king smiled then went together inside the castle with Queen Diamond. Meanwhile Jon and I talk and eventually become bestfriends. The door open as it shows the king and queen held each other's hands! Jon and I were very shock and dropped our jaws "You two like each other!" Jon and I said in union. The king and queen look at each other then Laughed "What no! This is my sister, Queen Diamond Butterfly and I am her older brother. Our parents separated us and my family name was being changed into Conor *laugh* You guys misunderstood us!"  Jon and I sighed in relief. They wave for goodbye and went home. Jon stayed. I decide to let Jon meet moon but moon also... decide to make toffee meet Jon "Hey, lizard. I didn't expect you to met again, old friend and to have a sweet girl as a friend of yours" Jon said as he crossed his arms "I didn't expect you to have a girlfriend, Pink boy" Toffee said in confidence. Jon Fake smiled at him even His very angry "It is scarlet, Grey face" Toffee stare at Jon "Well, I'm sorry if I've been born as a monster but I didn't regret it because I could have been born a weak mewman kind like you" Toffee put a blank face. It didn't went well as moon and I expected to happen "LET'S GO HOME, RIVER! I CAN'T FACE A MONSTER LIKE HIM" I was shock while I was being drag by Jon. I waved goodbye at moon as Toffee drag her too and she wave back at me "Bye... moon. See you later... I think"

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