Chapter 15:Reality is harsh

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~At the emergency room/hospital~

"His.... gone" "AAAAAHHHH! I HATE THIS, WE JUST LOST OU-..." A hand has touch the shoulder of the doctor "It's Fine... he may lived in peace. Tell the folks from the outside, they have waited for you" The mad doctor started to cry then the other said "I have failed my job as a doctor" One doctor was crying while the other was trying to comfort the other one. Finally stood up and decide to tell the parents and friends "*sign* If no one have the guts to tell them then I'll do it. Okay, I'll tell them the bad news"
Marci's POV
we have waited for 12 hours and yet still hasn't heard any news from comet. Comet.... I hope your alright. If you die right now, I won't be able to make any cookies from now on "Oh comet Please be alive. I will never forgive you if you leave me like this" My mom hold me then let me cry all over her until her shirt were starting to be fill with tears "Oh, don't worry Miha. Comet will be fine" Until someone intrude us "Don't worry marci, My boy is stronger than you think he is" I look at who was talking then it was the parents of comet "Mr, Dragonfly! and Mrs, Dragonfly! Why are you here!?" Comet's mother only smiled "Your mother has called me and for the last time call us by our first names, okay" I nodded at them then for an minute I saw mrs, moon started to cry. His husband comforted her "River *sob* We might *sob* lose our only SON *sob*" she gripped hard on mr, Rivers "Don't lose hope Dear. Our son can't die, He still too young" The opening of the emergency door intrupted them. A doctor came out with blood on his coat then a disappointed face. I knew that kind of face but I don't want to make it true "Hello diaz's family and the parents *Inhale* *Exhale* As some of you know that today, will only be a bad news" My eyes widen, my heart beats slow and everything just... STOPPED. Those words might hunt me forever then He look at me "Your friend is...." I tear up, not wanting to hear the news Then I covered my eyes while kneeling down on the floor, my head between my legs... I can't breath "Gone" Everything went to slilent. I broke down to tears and forever regret going to this hung out with Jack. My thoughts broke out letting me say the words on my mind. I yelled at myself while I gripped my hair.

"If only I've stay at HOME!"

(Flashback of comet's making a childish face)

"If only I spent MORE time with HIM!"

(Flash back of marci and comet on friendship Thursday)


(Flashback of comet supporting her on Jack

"IF ONLY! *sob* if only.... I've been a real bestfriend for him *sob*"

           'comet's smiles'









The doctor look at the monitor "What is this? His coming back... alive! We have a miracle over here! Call the other doctors" He then check the heart beat of comet on his chest "His still alive!" One doctor ran outside while the other's operated him.

"DOCTOR!!! HIS ALIVE!" One clashed the door. Marci, The Diaz's family and comet's parents were happy to know that comet was still alive "Whao! that was a miracle. *long Exhale* Thank Goodness that his still alive" The doctor sat down on the floor then cried in tears of joy "I know that I'll been operating people in many accidents and saved their lives but I've never been so happy to see that my  patient didn't die on my hands" The doctor look at the parents "Your boy is indeed very, very strong" The parents replied "We know..." The doctor chuckled. He look at marci, who was still crying in joy "It seems that your friend, never wanted to leave you at all. Even his in a badest state" Marci cried even more than before.
After the operation, Years later on...~
~Patient room 326~

Marci's POV
I've been waiting for a year for comet to wake up, Which is weird is that mostly people on earth and have the same situation as comet but they only wake up for 3 weeks. I think this is magic... Comet has said it before that his usual rotine is that monsters came to kill him. Even he showers, monsters tried killing him in side the bathroom. Hahahaheheh.... No wonder comet is scared of getting inside the bathroom by himself, He keep on waking me up everytime he wants to pee. Hehehehehe, typical comet. I look at him breathing so peacefully then I hold his hand tight interlocking it and never let go until I needed to "I miss you... comet. When will you ever come back on my arms again" The nurse came in without any warnings and different kind of doctors were dehind the nurse, talking to each other "May I help you?" I didn't stand and never let go of comet's hand "Ummmm, well. We have talk about comet's conditions and.... We all agree to-to unplug his monitor...." I breath heavily and not knowing what to do next "Wh-why?" I stuttered, he replied "It's been a year... comet has to go" I ball my hands into knuckles while gripping the hands of comet a little thighter "YOU THINK THAT I'LL JUST LET HIM GO! I NEVER LET YOU DO THIS TO HIM" I snaped and let all rage transfer to them "I'm sorry but we will unplug him by tomorrow. Better to say 'goodbye' to him and It's better if you don't..." He turn around towards the door then stop at the center of it "Because I've already experience it" then he and the others walk out. I was crying, wishing that everything was just a nightmare and anytime comet would jump on top on me and keeps on annoying me all day but no, it wasn't a dream. It was in fact reality.

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