Chapter 13:Hanging up with Jack

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Comet's POV
O.M.M! (Oh My Mewni) Jack is here! I did not even notice him being outside of the door, MARCI is gonna get mad and if I said mad, I mean VERY VERY EXTREMELY MAD! I wonder if Jack saw ALL of those stuff I did to her on just at that time, when I carried her on bridal style *sigh* She's gonna kill me after this "Hi! J-Jack! you m-must be here for our hu-ung out, right?" Marci replied but she has frozen herself from him "Yeah, so shall we go? now?" Jack replied then marci nodded then left with Jack and she also leaved me with HER...*sigh* She.... did not even say 'goodbye' to me. "Hey, yo Comet! Are you still in there man!" I got back then look at jhess "Yeah, yeah...." I replied with no soul in side of me like It died, I had this feeling before but I did not even realized that my blue eyes of life has become the eyes I had before, bitter and empty after that Jhess slap me OUT OF NOWHERE "Hey! THAT HURTS YOU KNOW" I shouted at her then she grab my collar into her angry face then said "Comet.... You better don't go back to being depress alright! I hated those at lot! You cut off all my calls and tomara's calls, you hurt yourself by cutting/slashing into your arm and WE know because your parents has told us, you stop eating your meals, you stop smiling and, and, and.... you even tried to kill yourself" I Focused at her one more time then notice that she has trembled a lot and I felt her hands heating up from mixed emotions and her grip was getting stronger then I heard her making small sobs and flowing tears were coming down on her flashed face. she continued "Y-you th-thought that y-your the only one has b-been hurt because one of our f-friends has died!.... she was also my bestfriend y-you know" I hug her back then I also broke down into tears "I know I-I-I just missed her so much but I can't remember any detail about her it's like she was been erase completely yet leaved a small memorable events that we only can remembered"
Few Hours later...~

After a few hours of crying, we stopped and then we went to the couch to sit down. "Do you feel better after crying, comet?" Jhess said as she pats the my back  "Yeah, after all that crying. I actually feel kinda happy now" I smiled at her giving her the most biggest and happiest smile that I could give "Atta! boy! comet! but your still a cry baby, you know" She chuckled and then stood up then walk outside the door. I ask her "Where are you going?" she look back while opening the door "I'm gonna go home for now, I must unpack my things and you know, organizing and stuff" I burst into a laugh while putting hands on my stomach "Hahahahahahaa I thought that you didn't care about your things and a kind of person that doesn't clean itself" she look  back directly at me then she threw a large fireball. Luckly, I didn't get hit by it "Just move on comet, bye" After she left, silent broke out then I was alone at the diaz house.... Again.

Marci and Jack when to the park and when for an ice cream. After that Jack, out of nowhere drag marci to his favorite spot.
Marci's POV
The HANG OUT with Jack was really going well. We talk while walking, I got to know Jack well then we bought icecream. He said that this was the most fun hang out that he ever had then I ALSO KNOW THAT HE DOESN'T LIKE ANY GIRL YET! EEEEEEK! I'm so happy that he doesn't like anyone YET so this could be my change with him "Hey, Marci. Do you remember when we were still very young or since we were classmates in kindergarden?" Jack Ask and since I got to know Jack, I was able to speak fluently to him "Yup, I never EVER forget every single moment in kindergarden" I blushed and then Jack only smiled "So do you still remember the time we partner up for our art project?" I replied back quickly, You know that I didn't forget even a single moment with him! Ekkkkk! His so cute when we were very young "Very Much, I remember that day" He laugh! O. M. G! I made him laugh, YES! score one for me! "Hahahaha, I only remember that day of how our art are the best in class and on how you keep on talking about this friend Boy of yours and it was your childhood friend. You told me that He was very hyper and He has marks on his cheeks, you even said that he was very unusual like his not from here Hahehehehe.... I think that you like him because it's very obvious that you keep on saying that his amazing and cute" I look at him confuse. I DON'T remember any of that! I was suppose to tell him how it was but instead
Out of nowhere Jack grabbed my hand, Which it has made my nervous level to code red! Then he dragged me out and went to somewhere quiet. Okay... I don't know where this leads too but I'm so nervous. Just look at me I'm sweating like their was no tomorrow! "Hey, are you okay back there marci?" I replied "Huh?... Oh! Yeah!, yeah I'm cool. I'm very, very fine Jack" He smiled "Great! where almost there" After going through the bushes. We stoped then saw a beautiful view of a sunset. We when on top of the hill then chill out "Hey marci, did you know that your the first one who knows my secret hiding?" I look at him then panicked "Oh! so s-so I'm the first to know your hiding.... well, It's an honor to know it and As your trustworthy friend.
I Promised to keep it as a secret" I smile at him then Both of us brust into a laugh "Whao! you even said it in a princess way Hehehehe, so royal" He replied then while I was removing my tear away "Heheheheh yeah, Comet had teached me some princess tips stuff and mostly I'm the one who teaches him to be a proper gentleman beacause you know comet, his wild and a loving person but just saying that were not a 'thing' (Girlfriend and Boyfriend). We are just friends, Bestfriends" I look at Jack who already laied down "Hmmmm, I thought that comet was your boyfriend so It was all an misunderstanding, Huh" He look at me then looked back at the view. After a few minutes has passed by,  At the end of the hill or the lowest part of the hill. There was a light forming a line through AIR. I'm I crazy!? Then A HAND! JUST COME OUT OF THE LIGHT LINE THEN IT BECOMES BIGGER after that their was an army of MONSTERS!? or are they just people who whore cotumes but... halloween is still far from this month "..... *shock*" This is what comet said! Monsters that cones out in the air! I Then saw a ugly greeny, blacky, CHICKEN WHO WEARS A SKULL ON TOP OF IT'S HEAD and went out of the large light then the light closes. I think I'm gonna faint but noopppeee, nope! I can't just faint out here while Jack is alone and also panicking! For a while he started to man up then stood up and He said "Wait here marci, I must go talk to those weirdo's. So that they can't disturd our hang out" Jack went down to the hill but I tried to tell him that we just leave them here then find another one but he doesn't like my idea though he said in a coolest way "No marci, This is OUR secret hiding spot. I can't just give it to them, no matter how weird they are" He continued to go down as one weirdo caught him then run at him like crazy Then the weirdo was about to hit Jack with it's weapon "JACK! LOOK OUT!" I yelled at him but he couldn't move Then he let out a loud scream. I couldn't believed what just happen, It was too fast for me to follow.

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