Chapter 18:Suprise Visit

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Early in the morning~
~New Park~

Comet's POV
The doctor has apologised for beinging impatient and I was eventually being released at the hospital. Marci and I have spented a LOT of time together ever since I was being released. She has showed me a lot of new building, friends AND ANIME! so what marci said was actually true! Awwwww... my favorite character are growing or my babies are growing too fast *Fake sob* I feel like a proud Daddy seeing their child grow so fast, Hehehehehe except that I'm a single parent. So going back. As we pass by some new building, she then said about a birthday, I ask her "Marci, who's birthday is it?... " She looked at me confused then laugh "*Laugh* Hahahaha... comet, you don't know who's birthday is it?" I look at her guilty then I look down in shame... is it marci's birthday? Oh... I'm old "Comet, it's my birthday... Ohhhh. Comet, I didn't told you my birthday... well. I was about to tell you but I keep on forgetting. It's good that I'm able to tell you now" I look at her then I smiled. That's good. I thought that I have a short memory *Awkward laugh* "Ohhhhh... okay! Then when is your birthday? Marci" I asked. She put her finger on her chin looking like she was thinking while we continue to walk towards the diaz's house "Hmmm, Two days from now on. I think" I look back at the road again then thought of what should I give her for her birthday. She's turning.... ummmm. I don't know "Marci how old are you?" She replied back while putting her hand in her pockets connected to the hoodie "Well... I'm already 17 years old and I'm turning 18, Two days from now on but your older than me comet by months" She said. I quickly replied back "Okay, I'll give you the best birthday gift that you will ever receive" She smirked then laughed a little louder "Hahahaha! No, comet. I already got my gift from you! Hahahaha" I look at her confused and stop walking "What do you mean?" I asked. Marci also stopped then look away. She blushed "You being alive..." My eyes opened wide after I heard her then blushed, I was smiling like an idiot... Oh, wait. I am an idiot. I was suppose to say 'Thank you marci' but she cut me off because we're at the Diaz's home already.
~Diaz's house~

As we went In, her parents greeted her happy birthday. I was so confused again "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARCI IN ADVANCE!" They hug Marci then let her go "Mama, Papa. My birthday is still far" They smiled and held each other's hands "We know miha and we were just planning for your 'debut' on your birthday" I ask them right after they said that "Ummm... what's a 'debut'?" They look at me first confused then eventually smiled or grin. Both of them dragged me away from marci. I was panicking, Did I say something that could hurt them? "Where are you taking me?" As they dragged me outside the backyard. Marci's mother put her hands on my shoulder as she bend down "Comet, That means 18 Boys must dance with marci and they also must carry a red rose. My husband is the first one to Dance with 'miha' then marci's boyfriend, Jack and her other friends. Here I will show you the list the one's that will dance with marci" As I was scanning on the list, I didn't found my name. I was actually Sad because my name wasn't there in the dance list. Then Mr, Diaz called my attention "Comet, If your finding a special gift for marci then I suggest you to play a song for Marci since you know how to play a guitar" Mr, Diaz said it so confidently. I only showed him my smile then nodded at them "Okay! Thanks Mr, Diaz. I will sing a song for Marci and I will practice starting today. Tell marci to keep out of my room and Just in case I will put sound proof magic. SO BYE!" I ran to my room passing by marci then slammed the door "Hmmmm... Oh I know what to play!" I grab my guitar then started to play the song. After a few hours of practicing, A portal opened. I then saw TOMARA, My... Ex-girlfriend. She smiled then tried to kiss my hands but I took it away. She smirked at me "Comet Dragonfly, I'm here to invite you to the blood moon ball" I stood up then pushed her outside my room "Nononono, NOPE" She then look back at me, all acting sad "But Comet, I've changed! I am not anymore a drama queen a-and I am Anger free in 176 days. You don't know how I tried to calm down in 176 days. I wanted to be with you again as my cute boyfriend. I wanted to be bonded with YOU forever... So I ask you again. Will you go to the blood moon ball with me?" I look away from her glanced then crossed my arms "We broke up. (Period!)" I was about to closed the door but She grab my wrist and dig in her nails in my wrist *Ouch!* I was in pain. I can't help but to cry a little then I asked her to let go. She said 'No' then her hand was lighted up by a fire which it hurts my wrist too and it was being heated. In short... I AM IN PAIN! "Aw! Let me Go!" She stared at me then pulled me into her "If your not going with me then.... NO ONE WILL HAVE YOU!" She was about to burned me in fire but Marci jump in front of us then chopped her hands off that is connected to mine "Haaaiiiya! YOU leave comet ALONE!" I went to marci's back then hide behind her, I tremble. Yeah! I know! I look like a girl hiding behind a boy from it's ex-boyfriend but It's true. I'm just so scared of her. Tomara held her cutted hand then looked at me, mad. Her eyes which was glowing in red has started to fade away as she stare into my wrist, which it was bleeding and burned. It was also shaking, Really! I can't stop this shaking stuff. She moved backward and the hand was crawling back from where it was then it reattach. She was also... crying? "Comet, I-I'm So sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. It's because of my anger issues growing larger Day by day... I'm gonna go home" She opened a portal then run off to the portal then it closes. Marci went to my wrist then panicked "Comet! Are you alright! Your wrist is hurt! Let me aid you!" She dragged me into the bathroom then she gets the first aid kit. As she was fixing my wound on my wirst, she was also crying "Marci, Why are you crying? It's just a small wound. It doesn't hurt that bad... Okay, It does hurt really BAD but It won't hurt that much if your here with me" I smiled at her confidently. She stood up without looking at me then hugged me very very very tight "Marci... Tell me what's going on?" She sobbed "*sob* It just that after I saw your blood flowing down on your wirst. I then re-membered the day you got hurt and your blood *sob* where all over my hands and my shirt. I was very very VERY d-depressed *sob* a-and I was in Pain whenever I see you around. Even a-at the school, my grades as drop-ping just because *sob* I can't focus at all. A-all I c-could think was you" She was doing her best to talk because she keeps on talking between her sob's. I hugged her back then brushed her hair gently with my other hand "It's fine Marci, I'm alright. I'm not gonna leave that easily without making Jack like you" She backs up quickly then she shooked her head "Comet, while you were unconscious. Jack has been noticing me being so Depressed. He then decided to cheer me up. As days passes by Jack and I dated not so long and yeah we are a thing now" My heart just shattered but I manage to put a smile "Oh Really! Wow! So you don't need me, Marci you can do anything without me. I'm so proud of you" She shook her head again and blushed then hug me back AGAIN!? "Everything I accomplish was being supported by you, comet. I simply NEED you" I blushed and the hug went for minutes I then pat her shoulder "Ummm, Marci you could let me go now" She quickly let me go then run off saying "I'm fine! And I think it's my turn to feed midnight SO BYE!!!" ... Hehehehehe, My safe kid is alright! SHE'S. JUST. FINE.

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