Chapter 16:Last year's (FLASHBACK)

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Day 1:
Marci can finally see comet on his room at the hospital. She look at comet, where all kinds of electronic wires has been connected all over his arms and body. There was an oxygen mask attached to his face to enable to breath easily. I walk towards comet's bed then sat down on the chair besides it. I drag the chair with me so that I can stay close to him. I stare for a few hours then started to cry all the sudden then I receive a flashback from before. He was protecting me and Jack even though He doesn't like Jack's attitude from before. I then realized that comet can be sometimes overprotective and responsible even though I'm the resposible one, not him. I waited for him to wake up but still hasn't. It was already midnight and I was getting sleepy maybe I come back tomorrow. I look at comet one more time and whiper to his ear "I'll be here again, waiting" then I went out of his room.

Month 8:
I've been visiting comet, almost everyday and also Jack and I Already have an relationship. You know the 'thing' Girlfriend and Boyfriend? Jack has been spending time with me on school days, free time and everytime I visit comet. He notice that I've been depress this days, ever since comet... never mind. So I visited comet once again like my usual daily activity then went inside of his room. I still feel sad everytime I see him but comet doesn't like when it comes to me being all sad so today I'll be all cheery and better to keep my hopes up because the comet I know was always, everyday and everytime happy even though when He concurs a hard and  difficult challenges like the time He have to pick up the poop of his cat 'Midnight' because Midnight was so angry at him for stepping on his tail. It was cute that midnight have apologized to comet by chuddling him at night and licking his forehead of comet everytime comet goes to sleep. Yet, He still manage to put a large smile on his face. I look at comet breathing slowly then I held his hands "Comet... When will you ever wake up. You missed a LOT of events that you like and... maybe don't like" I smiled at him then continue to speak "Okay! first is that you missed Star Wars: The force Awaken and your Favorite Anime in episode 12. Hey, since you don't know... I'm gonna tell you anyway. In the Anime, Both characters that you like ended up together and believed me, The two characters was actually both the missing friends that they have been looking for. Back at home, Midnight misses you. I know because that Midnight has been down like he sleeps all day on your bed even though he have his own bed (That's basic) He keeps on looking for you in every corner AND the weirdest was that he gather up some cats on your room and was planning on finding you like you were missing, I was looking at your room so then I saw the whole thing" I blushed for what I said 'I was looking at your room' "I mean that not in a weird way that I've been snicking at your room then grab your pillow while sniffing it for your smell and crying all night thinking of you!..." I stopped then I blushed Harder. O.M.G! What is wrong with me today! I've been thinking of comet every each seconds! "I mean... *sigh* never mind let's continue. Jack is already my boyfriend. We dated not so long enough and because of you being so supportive I got my Dream boy so thank you comet. My favorite thing was that everytime he says 'I love you' I-" *beep!* *beep!* *beep!* I was being cut off by the sound of the monitor of his heart beat going fast and has higher beat then all of the sudden comet's heart rate, goes down *deeeeeeeep....* I called for the nurse then they got the defibrillator to shock him then it went normal. My heart can finally beat again... I know it's kinda impossible but my heart stop at the time when his heart rate went down. *Large sigh* I grab my shirt where my heart is located then kneel down on the floor "I almost lost comet, I should never told him my relationship of Jack.... weird" The nurse kneel down and help me to get up. The nurse said "Are you okay, dear?" I replied "Yeah, I'm fine..." The nurse let me sit down on the chair then she put her hand on my shoulders. She asked "What happen to him, Did you touch any of it's wire?" I look at her confused "No, but I was talking about my crush on becoming my Boyfriend. I don't understand. I didn't touch any wires on his body or his arms... just his hands" I blush but eventually shrugged the feeling then look back again at her. She stare at me for a while then burst into a laugh "Hahahaha, OH MY! That boy was listening to you after all! Hahahahaha" I questioned her and I was confuse again "What do you mean, 'He was listening?' I-I don't understand...*Exhale*" she removed her tear away from her eye "You will know someday... Ahhh... Young love" Young love.... Wait What!? Okay... I'm just gonna shut my mouth. The nurse went outside the room while grinning back at me. *Roll eyes* Weird nurse... "I think SHE needs some help" then looked at comet "Right, comet" ". . ." Oh yeah your still asleep. Oh well.

Christmas Day:
I went to comet's bed room at the hospital, It was 8:39pm. I was late because I had a date with Jack at 4:00 pm aaaand I brought some gift's for him. I knock at the door then I remembered that he still hasn't woke up... Stupid brain! I opened the door slowly and letting my head pop out first "Hey, comet. Ummmm... Merry christmas! I brought you some gift's it's your favorite! It's that ring that you wanted... you know the one that has a golden star on the center of the silver circle. Hehehe... don't worry about me not receiving any gift's from you but... there is one gift that I WANTED and... That is you, Right into my arms giving me your last warm hug. I-is that t-too much to A-ask" At the last sentence, I started to stutter and cry. I couldn't even face him then ran out of the room for air. I finally got out then lean over to the door outside of comet's room "*sob* *sob* What keeps you from coming back to me? I miss you SO MUCH comet..."

New year:
I was at home with my family and My boyfriend was with his family to celebrate but it was fine with me, Family is more important... well, except that mine is not complete. I wasn't able to focus at the party so I went upstairs but was being stopped by my mom "OH miha? My daughter, why are you going upstairs?" I then replied to her but not making any eye contact "I'm not feeling well mama, I'm just gonna rest. Enjoy the party though, bye" I went up. I was suppose to go inside of my room to rest but pass by the room of comet and it has stop me from moving. I took a good long look at it then temptation was buliding up. The urge to twist the doorknob but I eventually open it. I look around his room that still remained untouch for a few months. It was all dusty and messy, I chuckled by the looks of it then started to clean his room. At the end of cleaning up his room, I went to the study table then sat down looking through many kinds of stuff like Some pens, glitters (Is comet a girly type?) and other unimportant stuff until one picture has caught my eyes. I saw comet with his family and a girl.... Hmmmmmm... in the picture? Her face and her body figures are blurry while the others are so clear.... weird! How come the others are clear yet this figure of a girl is blurry. I put back the picture to where it was then I heard count down from the outside of the balcony. I went outside of the balcony as I observed some of my relatives and friends yelling for count down from my backyard "10! 9! 8!" I look down on the balcony then It was indeed very very high "7! 6! 5!" Out of nowhere, My body started to climb over the balcony's mini wall and stand still on the top of it afterwards I look down and... I was crying?! What I'm I doing! "4! 3! 2!" Everything went silent. My emotions rush through out my body. My head filled with despair and hope. My life flash before my eyes and comet was Always there with me in every flashback. Oh, No! "This will end my despair and For me to see you again... Comet" "1!" I was suppose to fall until someone grab my wrist then fell backwards and pulled me into a warm hug on my back while tears flows down on my cheeks. I heard a small fainted whisper on the back on my ear "Do you think that this will make me happy?... " I put my hand over my mouth then cried even more, hearing his voice after so many months has passed "Just so you know. I would like to taste your famous homemade cookies again, My favorite" I chuckled then touch his arms, holding it tight never wanting it to go "I miss you" then I felt the hug disappeared. I quickly look back and yet again was being suprised hug again by the front and my face was burried underneath his shirt. He hugged me tight then he lift my chin using his whole hand then finally saw HIM "Comet..." I said. His whole body was very bright, it was really hard to look at his face. He leaned forward then my forehead bump into his. We both smiled then He whispered again "See you later..." He back up then give the biggest smile he'll ever give "Marci~..." He vanish right into my arms. Leaving me there alone in his room, scared yet happy. I was able to see him again, that was the most best gift I ever received... Thanks ghost comet *Laugh* Ghost.

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