Chapter 29:Great War of Mewni

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Continue of Story~
As years passes by...  Queen diamond, sadly died due to illness and the throne was completely pass down to Moon Butterfly. She was the youngest queen in all of the other queens but she didn't complain and accept the fact that she will carry the burden. She was only 18. Ever since she became queen and her time with Them has been lessen but that doesn't make Me and Moon to be aparted. We keep on meeting at each other at our secret hiding spot. We talk like it's the end of the world until I decided to confess to her "Moon... I mean Queen moon" Moon chuckled "Just call me moon, River" I nodded "Okay... moon *Blush* Ever since we met and Ask you on date... even though you don't remember *chuckled* I-I've been experencing... This new feeling that I got from you. I then found out that I-I was in fact In l-love with you..." Moon blushed and avoided my gaze "I-I kinda like you too... River" I blushed as our conversation ended but Toffee had seen us. He was in Raged, Filled with anger and He was jealous. He decide to go aganist us. He leaved the castle, Disappear out of nowhere and never leaved a single track. Moon got worried but she has more other importants works for her to do. She instead leaved it at be meanwhile Toffee made a large army of monster. An Army of hungry monsters and monsters that had great gruded against the Butterfly family. Toffee became their Leader and He lead them to War. Moon didn't realized about the War until She saw her corn field was burning in Dark flames. She look closely as she saw toffee on top on a large boulder. Toffee was wearing a Black Armour and A Banner of the butterflys as A sword was strike in the butterflys sign. Meaning of destroying them. Moon was surprised of the action that toffee had made. She decide to talk to toffee "Toffee, What is the meaning of this?" Toffee raised an eye brow while he stare moon into her very soul "I came to realized that MONSTERS and MEWMANS were mean't to be enemies until the end. No matter how they change it, It has always been our nature kill... So QUEEN moon. I ask you for WAR" Moon backs up and roll her hands up into knuckles "But Toffee... Since I'm already a queen. I can change the way we lived. I-I'll make monsters live in peace together with mewmans and-" "ENOUGH!" Moon was cut off by toffee's loud voice. Toffee continued "Queen moon. You must be daydreaming... Reality doesn't works that way. Prepare yourself or Die! Don't dissappoint me..." Toffee left moon there speechless as she held her tears and left "This calls WAR... Toffee!" Moon came back at the castle dissapointed as she shouted to her army and to the villagers from her balcony "Listen! My People! From this day forward. We will no longer lived in fear because of MONSTERS! We will fight and win! Let's show them that we aren't WEAK!" The whole village applause to their new queen. Moon was in front of her army and beside her are Me and Jon "Moon. If we manage to win and to be alive... *Blush* W-Will you m-marry me?" I asked while I avoid her eyes. Moon blushed while she smiled at me "Of course, River~ *laugh* So stay ALIVE, Okay" I am filled with Joy and can't wait to finish the war. There on top of the hill is the army of toffee "Prepare to battle!" Moon yelled while she let out her sword/wand. The army of monster run down to the hill with their swords ready to kill while the army of mewmans strenghthen their grips from their very shields, awaiting for the large epact to happen. As they clashes their swords and slash some body's. Moon and toffee went face to face "Toffee! Will you stop this nonsense!?" Moon yelled at him "Do you think, I'm a fool that can be ordered around by a useless QUEEN!" Toffee yelled back. He clash his sword to her a lot of times and tried to hit her fatal parts of her body, Luckly she was able to cath up if toffee's strenght and speed. Toffee was at advantage. Moon has a lot of scratches and bruises from toffee's Kicks and punches. She fell down as her wand/sword was released from her grip while toffee was closing in. Moon tried to reach for her wand but toffee has stab her hand to avoid of any movement. She scream in pain as she tried to remove toffee's sword from her hand. He smiled at her as he held the swords handel then apply force to make it even harder to move and to make her feel pain even more... going DOWNWARDS. While moon screams in pain, Jon had heard her and came on running at toffee. He waved and tried to cut him but toffee was too fast to be hit. Toffee keeps on dodging Jon's attack and he doesn't even have a sword to attack, it was in moon's hand. In short, Toffee's good at sword fighting and close combat with no weapons. Toffee eldow strike Jon on the center of his chest then he added up with a side kick on Jon's stomach. Jon fell on the ground breathing heavly. He slowly stands up and wipes the blood from his mouth "Your good at close combat, Toffee~ who thought you that" Jon said as he released his sword and cracked his knuckles. Toffee moved back a little as he sense Jon's power raising up "*laugh* Your's truly your father's killer... My Pops" Jon smiled as scarlet fire started to color his hands and scarlet lightings/electricity were all over of his body coming out and in. Toffee lost his smile and started to take this fight seriously. Toffee released his sharp claws and prepared himself to fight. Toffee was now surround by Black a smoke out of nowhere, a never ending one that was created by Jon. Toffee look around to see nothing but pitch black "I think your wondering why do I have magic even I'm only normal mewman. Well, to answer that... My Girlfriend who is now my WIFE, Taught me how to do witch craft and some magic stuff while I taught her how to pick locks in exchange" Jon said, somewhere on the black smoke. Toffee couldn't locate where Jon is. Jon take this change to hit toffee since Toffee can't see him in the dark smoke. Jon hit toffee at full speed, making him confuse. Every hit made toffee really mad, Toffee fell down on his knees after he got hit on his leg leaving a large wound. Toffee's eyes darken as he focus on where the next hit will be. He found out the pattern that Jon made and just waited for the attack. Toffee sense the next move then Grab Jon's leg, which was suppose to kick Toffee. Toffee cleared out the black smoke and he punch Jon DIRECTLY on the face, making Jon get nose bleed, Jon fell on the ground. Toffee Walk towards him and grab his neck then he lift him up high. Jon tried to remove it but it didn't budge as toffee went to the nearest cliff and take his sword with him "Jon... You failed me. I think you are out of your position now. You are retired" Toffee said. He used the force to take the sword from moon's hand while she was released by it but still in pain, it was bleeding. Jon decide to cast toffee a spell/Great and unbreakable curse "I may not kill you... but I will make your life a living hell" Jon instead Touch Toffee's both arms then electric shock him with the curse on it. Toffee released Jon as Jon breath for air "What did you to me!?" Toffee yelled as he can feel his energy being drained. Jon kneeled and look at toffee, he was laughing at him "*Laugh* Toffee! What's wrong? Your face is all mess up... just look at it! You look like you just saw River stripped naked! *Laugh* It's really a good choice to read at your diary... YOU LIKE PINK! *Louder laugh*" Jon said as he wipe his tears. It was his last tears of Joy and sadness "Is that your last words?" Toffee said as he look at him blankly "Not really but See you at heaven... oh, wait.. YOU CAN'T! *Laugh*" Jon smiled at toffee, who is very annoyed and angry "Moron" Toffee swing his sword then stab Jon at his stomach. Jon remained smiling as he remember what his wife told him.
(Mini Flashback of Jon)

"Honey, What should we name him/her? I can't find any good names at all" His Wife sat on the chair as Jon went to her. Jon touch her belly then rub it gently "If it's a she then we name her Janna and If it's He then We name it... Ummmm. Buttface?" "Jon!" Jon laugh and continued "Okay, okay. We'll name him Jonnathan Jr. Andrew Scarlet!" His wife stared at him "What?..." Jon said. His wife rolled her eyes "You just named our son under your name? You just added a junior part *Sigh* You suck at naming, do you?" His wife face plam. Jon smiled widely and put his forehead on her belly "You will never know that he will be a great man like me or more than that. He will be an amazing Warrior and a great lock picker *Chuckled*" He and his wife laughed...

(End of Jon's Flashback)
Toffee Then Kicked Jon on the cliff. Jon Fell on the cliff and never lived "Jonnathan!" Moon yelled weakly as she stood up slowly. She saw toffee, He Losing his magical powers. Moon cried then cast a spell, that was passed down in many generation "*Spell casting!*" Toffee was hit but only one of his fingers. In the same time he triped and fall on the same cliff that Jon had fall on. Moon cried and cried while River went to her just in time when she was about to fall "River... *sob* Toffee killed Jon *sob*" Moon said in between sobs. River was shocked, he was speechless but he only held his tears and moon. The Monsters were deffeated and the mewmans won. Jon was honored by his bravery from the kingdom. River honored him as great warrior and a great friend. As month's passed by Moon and River got Married and became the rulers of the Kingdom also In the same time Jon's body was found but Toffee's body wasn't even there. Moon got worried that toffee might be alive and will be ready to kill her husband and her unborn baby Comet.

(End of flashback)
Comet's POV
"So the Jonnathan Today. Is the son of The scarlet Warrior" I asked poilently. Dad nodded as Jonnathan on the other side was crying... silently. We can't do anything for now... while I was looking at Jonnathan, I heard a faint voice whispering on my ears or... inside my head. It said that.

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