Chapter 10:Unknown feelings

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Early in the morning~

Marci's POV
I woke up with my jamjams beside me is my teddy bear Mr,Jelly. I look at my alarm and it seems that I'm extra early (5:00am) I should wake up Comet and why should I? well, because of HIM!!! EVERY DAY IS THE WORST DAY OF MY LIFE WHY!? HE ALWAYS WAKE UP LATE AND I HAD TO WAIT FOR HIM!!! I EVEN MISSED TO NOD AT ~Jack lynn Thomas~ ohhh!!! This time we won't be late, As I said EXTRA EARLY. I walk towards to comets room and entered without knocking even though if I knock he always ignore it and Never answers it. I peek at his door if he was still asleep and HE IS, I walk slowly towards to him more like sneaking so that he won't wake up. It's because I have a evil plan *Evil laugh* Hehehehehe, I pulled out my black marker and I want to draw a funny drawing that I've been wanting to draw at his face. I went where his bed side where he rest his head and I successfully made there without making any sound "Comet dragonfly, you better prepare yourself for your punishment" I whisper to myself while going to his upper bed until I see his face, I look at him and I smiled "Ummmm..... still cute as ever, hah Comet?" I whisper to myself again then smiled, just look at his tiny nose and his cute famous cheek marks, I still like those. I got distracted because words came out from his mouth but the words aren't so clear so I kneeled down and leaned forward so that I can hear his words "Marci~" by just hearing my name from comet, I turn into thousands shade of redish and pinkish color. I ask myself if what kind of dream was comet having "I l~love" My eyes open wide when I heared those heart melting words and my heart was beatimg extremly fast, I was so focus at the next word to come out that I did not even notice at my surroundings. Thousand of questions filled in my mind thinking if he likes me for than a friend? maybe he likes another girl at school? or what should I do if he does like me. I was lost until a clear voice came out "You" I heard him saying YOU! so that means HE LIKES ME!!! MY HEART JUST EXPLODE REALISING MILLIONS OF BUTTERFLYS, I look up quickly almost touching our lips from each other and there he opened his eyes, smiling and he just SMIRKED AT ME!.

Comet's POV
I felt a strands of hair touching my cheeks so I peek so then It was marci. In a sonic speed I realized that my dream was all about confessing to marci at the top af the hill so I continue my sentence yet the last words are so clear that marci quickly look up at me just the time I opened my eyes. We stared like we were the last two persons on earth, finally I snap out of myself and smirked at her "Comet did you really mean it?" she ask, I lied to her by saying "Sorry marci, but I don't know what your talking about. Maybe I was half asleep" I fake rub my eyes and yawned giving the signal that I just woke up, I'm sorry marci but our friendship might torn apart just because of this, Someday you will know my feelings for you I though to myself. "So marci, you should go downstairs ahead while I go change okay?" I told her happly, she replied "o-okay comet see you downstairs" she ran out of my room and I look if she wasn't there anymore then lay down again on my bed telling myself in a low voice "I hope nothing, goes wrong today" I look at my alarm clock that it's already 5:23 in the morning so we're early today wonder why, marci went into to my room. Gggrrrr!!! I'm sorry marci for getting late like last time but I keep waking up late and I actually have a good reason for that, it's that I've been practicing and memorizing my magic so that I can protect you someday with my own magic "I'm so overprotective, calm down Comet! this isn't so you
Your not the kid that you use to be at mewni (responsible kid) Now your wild and at least I know what's fun" I get up and change into my favorite shirt which is colored tortoise and with the octopus in the center of my shirt then ran off to downstairs. Marci was there already eating Mrs,Diaz famous and DELICIOUS PANCAKES!!!
Marci was already so was I then we took off of to school.
At school~

When we were at the locker area, out of nowhere marci was panicking then started to use the position that she's been telling me, a few seconds later a boy with a skateboard rolling down on the locker area as he passes by he nodded at marci and marci nodded in reply. "Marci, what was that!?" I ask her "This is what I'm talking about Comet, That I shouldn't be late every morning because every morning he passes this area and I should be there noding at him!" she replied and I look at her, she seems so red Of course because SHE IS IN LOVE WITH JACK!!! I scream in side of my head. I replied but now I feel kinda....sad "Marci, how much do you exactly like HIM" I was so sad that I didn't know What my words are saying. What feeling is this, I feel....mixed.

Marci's POV
"What do you mean Comet?" I replied to him and now I'm seriously worried because his voice seems to be down. "Oh, nothing marci, How about we go to our classes right now. You know that you don't what to mess up your academic report card right?" He replied while smiling and he pulled my hand quickly then we run off to our classes.

Marci and comet went to there seats just in time when the teacher went in. Their first subject was math, which comet hated the most. As an unknown person came out through there door "Hello students, I am Sir,Amon kellfiro and I will be your new teacher until the rest on the school year. If you don't like me then I don't CARE, okay....let's proceed to our new lessons then open your textbook to page 214 -216 . Now on your textbook you can see that...." Comet had stared at the window within the whole period of math, his feelings that he experience at that time with marci with another guy he felt somewhat weird, it keeps on bothering him on and on. Then he found out it's jealousy that he felt. His eyes started to drop half way and avoid marci eyes on contact for the rest of the periods. This is some unknown feeling ~huh~.

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