Chapter 11:What Bestfriends are for?

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After school~

Comets POV
"Hey, marci wait up!!!" I ran towards her and panted really hard, it's even hard to breath. This time I must be happy and supportive then I shrugged off this feeling I got earlier. As I walk towards her at the half way there she seems to froze and staring at someone besides me (Of course) There he is Jack lynn Thomas. I touch her shoulders and she regain life once again "Hey marci! Why won't you just ask him for a date or maybe just hang out with him?" I stared at her still waiting for an answer "Comet I'm not sure, what if he rejects my request or maybe what if he hates me and never talk to me ever again because I'm a creep" I quickly grab her wrist when I notice that her face was starting to tear up then I hug her tight at the back while I go near her ears "Marci... your not a creep, your actually a great girl and a cool friend so don't even say that your ugly okay your pretty, no not pretty but beautiful. Just... do your best on asking him" I back up little so that she can have space for her own then I look away after I said that. I can sense that she blush at my short speech "Thanks comet and you are also handsome, just so you know..." She hugged back at me making me smile again "Come on! Marci! time is not waiting for you" I break the hug and I avoided the complement then I push her towards to Jack to in order to hide from my extremely large blush. I add a little push so that Marci bumps into Jack. Jack turns around and greeted her. I hide from the bushes and peek at them... or stalking "Hey marci, it seems that you ACCIDENTLY bump me heh~" Jack said. I stared at them while I sense someone moving. I look back and saw no one. Once I turn my back again, I was meeted by a monster *Girly scream* I fell backwards, hitting my favorite butt. I rub it in pain then look up, to find out... Jonnathan. So the monster is Jonnathan "Jonnathan! Get a life man! I am doing some serious business here!" I whisper yelled at him "*chuckled* Hey, comet... Some serious business, right? Like stalking marci?~" He said it sweetly. I blush and moved away from him "What! Nononononon... No! I was just... uhhhhh... looking for my... " I looked around to find something that can prove my sentence. I continued "My... Stick!" Jonnathan space out for a while then laughed. He keeps on laughing that his stomach hurts and his breathing was starting to be short "Hahahaha... I know your lying comet. I watched you like for 3 hours and I know that you were stalking at them. Oh~ Your Jealous of Jack" I Played with my wand and avoided him. I went back to my place and look over to marci. I sighed "Jonnathan. I'm not Jealous of Jack. I want to support Marci and nothing else. Besides, Marci liked Jack since they were in kindergarden before she met me. Were just friends" Jonnathan went silent and pats at my back hard. *Owww!* "I must go home now, comet. See you later Dude" I look back and he was gone already. He disappear so quickly *Shock* Jonnathan is a Ninja! Oh, well. I'm a magical prince from another dimension. I looked back again and pick off from where I last started. Marci was having a very hard time speaking with Jack "Oh hi J-jack, I w-was w-wondering if y-you wa-ant to h-hang out w-with me on your free time if you j-just like too" Marci said. She stutters a LOT, I keep my laugh from bursting and even tried to pinch myself so that it will lessen my laugh then after marci said that silence broke out for a few seconds "Okay, sure cool so I'll pick you up at 9 in the morning, tomorrow okay" Jack smiled he is so straight forward "Really!... I mean, yeah cool" Jack walks off waving back at marci who is WAVING TO MUCH. I can see that I have my so called feelings Jealousy but at least, I can control this feeling already. I was able to manage this type of feeling throught out the whole afternoon classes.

Marci's POV
I almost fainted back there, it's a good thing that comet has look out for me *sigh*. I felt so much happiness, I keep jumping and smiling like an idiot then walks towards to comet "Thank you comet! Thank you! Thank you! Without you being so forceful and comforting, I wouldn't might not ask him to hang out with me" I thank him jumping up and down, spinning and even singing about love, whoa I'm so in love. It feels so AMAZING after I ask him out. "Sure thing marci, that's what bestfriends suppose to do" he replied then we went off to my house.
~At home~

When me and comet was already home, their was no sound inside the diaz's house. I walk towards to my parents door then there was a note.

Dear, Marci and Comet

We are sorry for the short notice but me and your father was called in our offices to have a business trip from Taiwan. We will be back for a few weeks while we are away, marci is in charge of the house and comet. Comet stay away from dangerous activities and please stay safe, marci will be there if you need anything.

love, your
Comet's POV
"Well it's just you and me now marci, we can have all the space we need YAY! I'm sure this will be the best few weeks ever!!!" I look at her and smile whole hearted. She smiled back at me too, We both are excited and even started planned what to do in these few weeks "WAIT! COMET, my date with Jack is tomorrow. What should I do COMET! I'm not even prepared" She just keep on shouting at me until my eardrums was about to blow up "You'll be fine! Your Marci Diaz. The girl who is my bestfriend and an responsible girl that can do any and whatever she wants. She's very cool and she knows how to bake COOKIES!" I keep on thinking good things about her so that she will be very confident for her date. I continued "She likes love sentences band and likes to keep everything organized. Marci Diaz is like my Owner and I'm a fluffy cute Big Cat!" I acted like a cat and do some weird cats stuff actions. Marci smiled "Hahahah! really comet!? That is so like you" Marci laugh and have teary eyes. She stopped and frowns "But... comet. I am REALLY NOT ready for the date. I don't know what to say... I think this date will be very lame because of me" I looked at her and she was very confused "Marci... Huggs?" That's all I could think off. Huggs is the only word that appears in my mind "*Sigh* Okay... I think I need Huggs" I pulled her into a long hug "Marci, I'm so sorry that I can't think of anything that can help for your date. All I can do for now is Huggs... I may have expercience a date but it didn't go well too... I'm so useless to you. This is why I was sent to earth, to practice my magic because I am weak" Marci looked at me "Your not useless and your not weak, Comet. You have done a LOT of awesome and Great things that you didn't even notice" I Hug her again and hugged tighter "Thanks marci. I have an advice for you... Be yourself. Your already perfect me... AND JACK ESPECIALLY" Marci smiled and Thank me for everything. I patted her head "Okay marci, let's sleep so that you can get your beauty sleep and get ready for tomorrow... RACE YOU TOP AT THE BATHROOM!!!" I ran as fast I can but marci was able to catch up with me then slammed the door in front of me. I knocked then I heard giggling sounds "Hey marci, when did you run so fast? I'm I suppose to be the fastest runner in this house?" I smirked and leaned my forehead on the door. I listened to her voice clearly and tried to cherish it. You will never know that one of your friends might disappear... and never comes back, ever again "Ummm, I suppose I got so fast because I attend on running class and no, your not the fastest in this house but your an airhead, comet" she replied, I keep on hearing giggles on the other side of the door and I'm very sure that she is enjoying this. I chuckled "Marcccciiiii~ are you teasing me because if you are then I am going to bed. I don't want to stall you up all night. You have a date tomorrow, right?" I keep on smiling like a dolt after that I heard the door knod twist so I waited for it to open. Marci was out and looked worried? "Comet, I guess I should go to sleep now... and don't take my date so serious. I am sure that I will take your advice" She yawn and rub her eyes "Okay, now sleepy head get some beauty sleep" I said. She walk towards her room and was about to get in but she stopped. She turn around facing at me then she small wave "Good night comet" She whispered while her eyes are still dropping "Good night marci, sweet dreams" She nodded then went to her room. We finally get our beauty sleep. Being Bestfriends with marci is just FINE.

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