Chapter 8:You Chicken!

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~School/ Second Subject~

Marci's POV
It was P.E (Physical Education) Our lesson was all about Swimming. I looked around to see all of my classmate were very excited. Except for Comet... He was down and It's kinda obvious because he was all quite and I know that comet doesn't does that. It was kind of odd "Comet... What's wrong?" I ask while I pat at his back "Marci. I'm scared! I'm not sure if I can swim again. It's been so long... *Shiver*" He said while I put my hands on my cheeks, resting it while I look at him "How long have you been Away from the beach?" I asked. He look at me in defeat and slammed his head from his desk. I got surprise but he thumps up to me, Meaning his fine. He look at me with a blank face "Marci, Mewni's Beaches are very dangerous. We, the dragonfly family only go to the beach every 4 years and I only experience Swimming only for three times... I can see my Death, Drowning on a school pool!" He said it with a scared look. I chuckled. Our teacher told about the basic of swmming and some tips. He also said that there will be a drill today. We were asked to change into our swimming suite. All of my classmate yelled in happiness while They all went outside the classroom. Comet sinks into despair. I stood up and went to his desk "Comet. Not all Humans can swim too. You will be fine" I said. He groans "I don't care..." He said while he slowly stands up from his seat. I helped him because he was about to trip, Fall or maybe faint. He was shaking too. Is he that scared? "Comet, I said everything will be alright. Unless your scared to show your body... *Laugh*" I smirked at him while I angered him in the same time "Me!? Afraid of showing! Of course, not... I'm just scared of swimming..." He said it with passion at the first but at the last... he chicken out. The teacher went inside the classroom again "What are you two doing here? Go get change and don't be late. The others are already changing" We both nodded then went to our school pool then separate our ways... you know, Girls locker room and Boy's locker room. When I went out of the girls locker room, I saw a lot of girls surrounding Jack. I went towards Jack. When I saw him, He was topless... Of course and I saw his abb *Gulp* He is really handsome. He have the most nicest body out of the other men, He have two abb's! All of the girls were drooling because of this sight until we heard some foot step from our back. We all look at 'him' like all eyes on him and some people drop there jaws. All of the girl's eyes turn into hearts even I could help but to stare at him "Comet?..." I whisper to myself. His hair is kinda messy because of the hurry, I think. He has... I looked down at his stomach location area and can't believed, What I see. HE HAVE FOUR ABBS! My eyes widen while he walks slowly towards me, I scan him from head to toe. He was shaking a little bit while he tried to cover himself, even though it didn't help. Why can't I move? He faced me "Marci *Shaking* Why are they all staring at me? I-I'm scared" He said scaredly, he lost his confidence again. He quickly hugged me on the front. Surprise attack!? "Marci... I w-want to go h-home" He buried himself from my chest area... "Comet, Get off!" He was still shaking. *Sigh* Marci... duties again "Fine, Your only staying like this until you have your confidence back. You better get a hold to yourself" I said in frustration with a slight blush while Comet nodded at me, He was still afraid. While I waited for him to man up, A lot of girls Death stared at me. I sweat a little because of the pressure building up inside of me. Comet's shaking stopped and he got his confidence back "You okay now?" I asked while I look down on him. He smiled weakly and nodded. I sigh in relief Then I drag him to our meeting area. Our teacher were just explaining about diving and swimming stuff. Some of my classmate didn't listen while I was taking down notes "Okay! Now, Let's start our drill *Whistle*" Some students was being called for the drill play 'Swimming race' while the others were just splashing around the water and Talking. I was warming up while comet sits on the floor and held his kneels. He was still scared. Mewni's Beaches are indeed scary, it scared comet the out of him. Tramuatized? I experience that before but only a little bit "Comet... It's okay. If you don't want to swim. I will be there to look out for you or I'll stay beside you" I said sweetly, I'll been yelling at him a lot... "You don't have to do that... *Breath sharply*" He said while stood up then he brushed his hair towards at the back "I will do this for you" He said. I blush again ... Ummmmm in a friendly way? *Blush* "O-okay... Comet" He smiled while I avoid his eyes... dummy.
few minutes later~

Comet's POV
Marci, Have been teaching me some swimming basic forms and she is really good at it. I just sat at the edge of the pool while I dip my legs on it... cooling myself down
"Comet, How did you get abb's? All of our classmate thought that you are the wimpy type..." She said while she swam towards me. I was offended "I actually work out. My dad teaches me how to defend/Attack and Some survival Rules stuff. He said that A true man will always protect a woman even It puts your life in danger" I said while I smiled at her. She nodded in agreement. She got out of the water then I gave her towel. While I was distracted, marci has wondered her eyes somewhere at our area then spotted something "Comet, You stay here. I want to try that diving board... The highest one... Don't go anywhere or you'll drown, Okay?" She said. I nodded and remove myself from the pool. Marci went towards the highest diving board. Oh... that's very high *Shiver* so cold... "Comet Dragonfly! Your next!" My teacher yelled at me. I stood up and went to her "Okay... comet, my boy. In this drill, all you have to do is just swim fast until to the end of the pool" My teacher said. He pat my back hard. He continued "You can do it!" He gave me the thumps up while I drop my Jaws. B-but I can't swim!... My other classmates prepare themself to race but I only stay still... lifeless "Ready!..." I was panicking until I saw marci on top of the highest diving board. She was waving at... Jack. Then Jack wave back, I look at her again and she was about to jump "Set!..." She run and jump but she slips and hit her head on the diving board and fall on the water fast "Go!!!" I dive into the water first and swam fast towards marci. My body is moving in it's own. WAIT... I'M SWIMMING! OH MY CORN! I AM SWIMMING! I swam even faster. I don't want my bestfriend to died in water, It was suppose to be ME! I dive even deeper then I saw marci. Flowing down or more like sinking! I tried to reach for her hand but It didn't even reach. COME ON! Just a little bit further...

I can't reach...

A little further...

Yes! I got her!

I pulled her out of the water then swam towards to the outside pool. I carried her. OKAY, COMET THINK... RULES OF SURVIVAL... *Thinking* *Thinking* Rule #175 When someone drowns. First check It's pulse If it's dropping then immediately do CPR! I did it without a hesitation and went to her lips and gave her air. I pumped or applied force on her chest using my hands together to make the heart beat again "... 22, 23, 24, 25..." I gave her air again to her mouth and pump again "... 4, 5, 6 ,7 COME ON MARCI!" All on my classmate only stared at us worried even jack is worried "24, 25..." I gave her air for the last time and this time it's even longer. COME ON MARCI! BE ALIVE! I remove myself and waited... Marci? I look at her and she didn't move... "MARCI! WAKE UP!" I yelled. She moved her fingers and she spits out some of the water "Marci!~" My voice cracked then I hugged her while she slowly sat up *Sob* *Sob* Marci rub my back and pat me at my head "You could have died..." I said while I rest my forehead to hers *sob* *sob* "I'm sorry comet... I was just showing off my skills to Jack *Awkward laugh I guess it backfired me" She said while She smiled at me and then she rest her forehead into mine "T-there are times you *sob* want to show *sob* off for y-your love one but N-never put your life in d-danger if that is the reason! It's not safe! *Sob*" I said in between sobs. She widen her eyes and hug me back as she still rest her forehead on mine. I closed my eyes and continue to cry "I'm so sorry comet... I'll never do that again. Promise" She said while she cross her heart. I stopped crying and let her go. I support her arms so that she can stand up and walk towards to the exit. My classmate clap their hands together. Some shouted "Go COMET! YOU THE MAN!" but I am already going "Take care of marci!" Uhhhh... I already did "Our hero!" I only did CPR but... Okay, I think. My teacher gave me the thumps up then I help her go to the Clinic... This is why I'm scared of water.

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