Chapter 2:Dark memories

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~Comet... comet, please don't leave me~
"Ahhhhh!!!" Comet screamed and had sweat all over his body while looking around at his room."Holy warnicorns! and creampie! I just saw that girl from my dreams again! I think I must lay off those sugar cupcake maybe those are the cause of those weird dreams" He laid down on his bed and his head on his pillow thinking what that girl is as the door opened. There, a butler came out saying "Prince comet, her highness has called you. Please report at the throne right in an hour" Comet replied in a rude and tired voice "Eshh, what now mom!? Can you tell her that call me like 5 years from now on!? or like I'm dead and probably staring at them in heaven?" The butler replied in a respectful and loyal way "I'm sorry prince Comet but I can't tell her like that. Now go and change" Comet replied "Uhhhh fine! Tell her that I'll be there. The butler just nod and close the door. As Comet gets up to his bed. His cat Midnight attack him on the face and keeps him from doing his action. He pulled his cat away to his face and giving it the 'Why did you do that' face "Hey... Midnight... You still hate me, Don't you?" He was holding his cat and distance himself from him so that he wouldn't get scratch from it's claws again "Me meowwww mooww" Nightmare replied "Hmmm that means 'I hate you'... oh come on! Midnight! I promise that I won't throw you at the castle again, I was only testing you if you could fly and It didn't but at least YOUR alive" I vowed then Midnight stare at me first then seems to be satisfied and lick my hands. I put him down and continue what I were suppose to do. I started to change into My favorite shirt and run towards the throne area. There you can see his strict, organize yet loving mother queen moon while his father at her side is his favorite long bearded, adventurous dad king river "Hiiiii mom, yo dad sooooo why did you called me here? I did NOT do anything that burns our kingdom yet" Comet smiled nervously and giving them the 'Don't kill me' face as he remembered his first day of receiving his wand and totally burn the whole kingdom but luckly his mother and father just grounded him and not sending him at St,olgas where problematic prince's are and making them perfect prince's for the future. His parents smiled and that made comet confused "Comet, are you still thinking about what you did last week? Ohhh don't worry, me and river were just thinking that we might sent you off to ea-" Queen moon was cut off by comet's screaming and keeps on yelling at both of them"Oh MOTHER!!! Did you change your mind!!! Please don't send me to where trouble prince's are being held and trained!!! I will try to be a good prince. I'm just so young to be perfect!!! Dad! Why did you do this to me you said that I won't Go anywhere!!!" King river look at him with a suprise expression and replied "Of course not my boy! Just let your mother continue" Comet is still yelling at his dad "DAD!!!! your fine with tha--wait what?" Comet stopped and was shock what his father had said. Queen moon cleared her throat and continued "As I wad saying that we will send you to earth. Where you can practice your magic with your wand and I will also send your spell book at earth later on and... oh! Try not to destroy this dimension son" Comet replied in a confuse voice not knowing how to say the words right "What's Earrr-th??" My mother replied "Comet it's earth which is from other dimension, there you will stay at a normal house. Now, I give you my full trust to behave and to learn how to control your own magic, I might think that you will find a perfect girl or maybe a future queen?" Moon said. Comet nervously smiled as he played with his fingers "Hahahahaha... Mom I am NOT into girls but I'm into... " Comet's mother replied again. Making him discontinue his words "Guys?" Comet cringed and continued his words again "NONONO! MOM! Where did you get that idea anyway" She replied bakc to him "Well... I saw you and some unknown guy talking to you when you were still little and you both where so close that I though that both of you are gays and I might, I mean we might, me and your father were kinda praying the gayness would be lost... " His mother look at River while River avoided her eyes and started to whistle "Wow, both of you thought that I was gay AND first of all it was a girl not some unknown guy, second she was my first bestfriend, I think..." Comet stopped for a momen. He started to tear up out of nowhere. He ball up his hands into fist "And then when we went at the edge of the cliff, the ground started to shake. She fell but I was able to grab her hands. I was also slipping so she decided to let go... before she let goes of my hand she said three words that change my whole life" Both of his parents went both side of him as one hugged him "Then what is it?, dear" He hugged his mother "Remember. me. comet" He continued, shaking "I will never forget her mother, Never" Her mother hugged him tight and closed her eyes "I know you won't... now how about you pack your stuff and consider this as your break, how about that ,hmmm comet" He wipe his eyes and stop sobbing "Okay mom, I'll start to packing" He smiled weakly. Both parents look at him as he went up to his room. Moon started to talk without looking at river "I remember that day he started to stop eating. It went for two months, no eating, he shut himself out and never spoke to anyone even us parents then he started to cut his arm and lost many amount of blood. There was one time, He jump off of his window. Luckly, I was there in time to catch him in his fall with my butterfly wings flapping. I look at his eyes, It was hallow, dark... empty. It was the worst months, we've been through" River hugged her and put his chin in top of her head "I know moon, I was there too".

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