Chapter 5:His Gone missing

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Marci's POV
Mrs,Moon dragonfly is really red from being angry like boiling hot volcano and Mr,River seems to making to her to calm down "River, what should I do now!? I don't even know where he is! My boy is GONE!" Mr,River replied back to her "Oh, don't worry honey. I taught Comet how to survive on his own by just leaving him at the most dangerous forest from mewni, when he was still six years old. Oh man, I can still remember on how scared on face is when he comes back at the castle. Ahhhh, good memories" Mrs,Moon replied but this time twice as mad as she was last hour ago " YOU DID WHAT! NO WONDER COMET BECOME SO WILD AFTER I COME BACK FROM MY GENERAL MEETING 4 MONTHS AGO FROM THE LAST 12 YEARS FROM NOW!!!" Mr,River Back out a little until I went in between of them breaking the weird vibes "Whaoo ,wait calm down Dragonflys. I know that your son is gone but I already solve the clue that he left so follow me" I told them but Mrs,Moon says "I'm sorry marci but I can't, I'm just so stress today. I might even slap him a cross to his face right now if I see him now" Mrs,Moon said "I will be staying over with my wife so you go on marci" Mr River replied, I nod and run to where the clue pointed out to me.

River's POV
"You did that on purpose did you moon?" I look at her and she looked at me smiling and replied "Of course they have to be alone, it's been years since they last met and anyway Marci has become so matured and a fine lady now." I replied with another different question "Why did you choose this place anyway there are thounsands of different schools but why this?" She replied again "It's beacause this is where we first met at Echo Creek High School on earth" I blush and went to her back hugging her while saying "We still have it, don't we, MY QUEEN BUTTERFLY " Moon replied and giggled "I think we still have it, MY KING DRAGONFLY and why did you even use my old family name? You know that I'm already married to you though someday Comet will find his own lover like I found YOU" I kissed her on the cheeks slowly and gently "For me, I already know his lover" I replied while we sat down talking about our past on how we meet and how we got ended up together even until today "Oh moon, Do you remember when I ask you on our first date?" I ask her while holding her hand looking at the sun as it goes down "Hmmmm... I don't seem to remember river. I only remember that you came at our house then knock on my door and out of nowhere, you just said are you ready? Did you know that I can't remember anything at that day?" I smiled and I burst into a laugh "HAHAHAHAhhhh, That's because I ask you when you were drunk moon" She replied "Wwwhhaaaaaaat"

Marci's POV
"Does this guy always makes trouble almost at everything he does!!!" As I run to the nearest forest Which is from the back of park and I'm sure that he will be there. While I was running, I saw a unfamiliar huge tree out of nowhere "Why is there a huge tree in the forest? That's weird, Trees like this doesn't grow in our country" I just shrugged it off then I thought that I might need a rest from all that running and restore my energy again "Ahhh, where is that guy anyways and the worst thing is that I run without asking them what he even looks like!" I sat down and I lay my back at the large tree to rest it. A few seconds later, I heard someone snoring from the back of the large tree which made me curious and followed the sound. When I crawled over towards the opposite of my side then I saw legs after that I saw a mask looking boy who's hair is... golden yellow "His hair is golden yellow? blonde?" Which made me think that I've seen it before. Just that time it is like that the world slows down only for me until my curiousity kicks in. I quietly went towards the resting body hoping for him not to wake up and sat besides the boy Because of my curiousity feeling made my hand just moves by itself, Slowly I lifted the mask bit by bit eager to see his face then finally saw it's face. His hair was covering his left eye while he breaths slowly which made me felt goosebumps all over my body down to my spine "His handsome than I thought" I notice his cheeks have marks like heart marks, which made me think that it's cute. I giggled. "O My Gosh, that's the most cutest marks that I've ever seen!" She whispered to herself. This made me realized that Jack is not the only one that is handsome but I felt like that I've known him a very long long time ago. After a few minutes of staring at him and adoring his looks. He slowly open his eyes "Oh My Gooooood Lord!" I whisper to myself as I was panicking, thinking what I should do next until he reveled his Big Light Blue eyes just like the deep wide ocean which is full of energy and adventure. I was speechless until he opened his mouth about to say the word "Oh Shoot!!!" I quickly closed his mask which this made his nose hurt then I back out quickly as I can keeping from my distant that surpise me. DANGER! DANGER! DANGER! My thoughts broke out until I heard a small yelp coming from that boy.

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