Chapter 32:Meow?

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Moon's POV
I am in the Largest dungeon, looking at comet who has been chain almost everywhere in the air. Comet was already wake but Tired and In pain. He already know why he was chained and was inside the dungeon. He understood his situation "Mom, How do I defeat toffee anyway?" Comet asked as he tried to scratch his other wrist "*Sigh* I don't know but I will find a way. I promise" I said while comet was still reaching his other wrist to scratch. He stopped and sighed in defeat then look at me in a blank face "Promises are meant to be broken. Marci said it to me and..." Comet said. I was waiting for him to continue "I can't scratch my wrist! It's so Ichy! *Fake crying* This is Pure torture!" I face palm and Went near him "Let me help you" He look at my hand and growl... Did he just growl at me!? "*Growl* Mom. Stay away from me. Toffee might take control of me again so you better leave me alone" He said while he stop growling. He got a point. I can't let my guard down "Smart thinking comet. You have improve a lot ever since you went to earth" I said while I smiled at him. His face brightens up and smiled back "So that means your proud of me!" He said in excitement. I let my motherly release. I miss this "Yes, I am very proud of you" He laugh and cheer for himself "Oh, YEAH! Score 1 for Comet Dragonfly!" We both laughed until we heared foot steps from the stairs. It was only River, Jonnathan "Hi, Jonnathan! By the way where's Tomara?" Comet asked while he look at Jonnathan "The Red hot chick? She went home to research a way that only kills Toffee instead of both of you" Jonnathan said it in a chill way. So Tomara is also researching, That's fine "*Laugh* Oh, Okay... Wait! Where's MARCI! Is she okay!" Comet panicked. I answered him "It's Okay. She's home at earth, where is safe" Comet Sighed and smiled but then he frowned "I can't face her... I made her cry" He said. On other side, Toffee is still in control of him. I regret not killing toffee fully. If only I didn't miss. I looked at comet and he started to yawn and he closed his eyes *Sigh* I know toffee made that large mewniquake because a mewniquake takes only for a second but that quake takes for a minute *Smirk* Lizards...
~Earth/Diaz's home~

Marci's POV
"So I'm that dead Girl?! Whhhhhaaaaaat! That's just insane! So I already died once! *Shock*" I yelled and panicked while I keep on walking around the couch. My mom hold and shaked me "Come down miha, You didn't died. River saved you when you were falling. We... lied and kept the secret away from you. Toffee could have located you and do mean things to your head. This is to protect you from danger" I breath in and out to cool my head off. So much to process "*Sigh* Why are you making this hard for me. I'm gonna go to my room to... ummmm. To Just think" I was about to went up until my mom stop me at the middle but I didn't face her "If you want your questions to be answered then use this pair of dimensional scissor. Take your time" My mom gave me a dimensional scissor... Where did she even get this? I carry on and went to my room.
~Marci's room~

What does she mean my questions will be answered by a magical scissor. I think she lost herself. I was laying on my bed while I glance at the scissor and open and closing it "Something is missing..." I closed my eyes and focus. I felt something soft on top of my stomach just now, I open my eyes to see comet's cat, 'Midnight'. He was closing in to my face and finally put his both paws on my forehead "Whaaaaaaaattt are you doing?" Midnight lower his head and bump his foredead into mine gently. I giggled because of his unsual action. He rub his small fluffly head against mine. I Removed him and lift him up "You remind me of comet. He always does that when he needs comfort from me... I miss him a lot. His warm smile,*Blush* amazing Abb's, his cute cheek marks, *Giggle* His annoying self, gentle voice, His comfortness an-" "Whao! Lady, Your so in love with him... Oh, wait, No. Your obsess with him" Did midnight just talked!? "Midnight! Y-you can talk" I stare at him as he rolled his eyes "Of course! I made contact with your forehead into your little mind. I can't just talk to the seven magical users with my cat voice. That's Stupid!" Midnight bit my hand as I let him go in pain "Hey! Stupid cat! Respect your owner. I clean your pee/poop, you know!" I pointed midnight right into his nose. He answered back annoyed "I'm a cat! I can mark my place everywhere. Just so you know that I lived more than a thousand of years and I'm the pet of the seven magical users... Basically I'm a valuable cat and your a human that can't even find an answer itself!" I grab my pillows and throw at him but he dough it and climb on my desk "Why are you being so cold?" I said. Midnight jumps towards me from the desk and landed near the dimensional scissor. Midnight looked at me and drag the scissor to me "It's true though. You ask a lot of questions instead of answering it for youself. Here's a clue to your answer... Look at the scissor " I lift the scissor up and stare at it close "I see the reflection of mine" I said. Midnight nodded "Correct then open it up and tell me what you see from the other blade of the scissor" I open it up and saw nothing "It's empty like I said before, something was missing..." Midnight nodded again "Who do you think is missing to your life? Who was the one that makes you smile almost everyday? Who is the person that cries with you when you need it? Who is the person that loves you even he risk his life for your friend?" He looked at me. I think of a person that did this all for me and I think it's cute "*thinking* *thinking* Jack?" Midnight sighed "Oh, well. I tried. The future of mewni will vanish and all will
die" He jump off the bed "Marci, if you got the answer. Bring me to 'it' and use the dimensional scissor while I be off somewhere to rest" I nodded. I pull out my phone called jack.
'Hi, Jack! I'm already at home'

'Sup, marci! I thought you spend summer with comet?'

'The vacation was cancelled and I also wanted to talk to you'
'I also wanted to talk to you too'

'Oh, Really?'

'Marci, I hope you understand but... We need to break up'

'What! Why!?'

'Listen. Your an amazing girl and great a friend. The reason why we need to break up is that you aren't happy with me'

'Jack. Tell me what I have done wrong. I could change and be a better girlfriend'

'Nothing is wrong with you. You are a good girlfriend but I know you are more happier if your with comet. Comet has done a great job like He save you from drowning, Risked his life for me and His the person who stayed by your side always... I don't even know you that much. I'm sorry... I just wanted you to be happy'

'Jack are you even sure? I also wanted you to be happy too'

'I am only happy if you are happy. Marci, please understand'

'Okay... Jack. I understand'

'We are still friends, okay. So bye marci... be happy. No depression or I will be sad'

'Okay... Bye, jack see you at the end of summer'

'See you later, Safe kid'
I Inhaled deep as one tear flows down from the side of my cheeks. I wipe the tear away "Be strong, marci. Jack said be happy and no depression" I slap my cheeks at both side a little hard and went to look for midnight.
few minutes later~

I finally found midnight and I carried him as I grab the magical scissor to open up a portal. Midnight yawned and looked at me "So you finally decided" Midnight said. I nodded at him "It's hard to believe but yeah. I did" I went in the portal.

I was inside the castle. I looked around but I found out that the castle was empty. I put down midnight "Stay close" I said. We roam around the castle and still we haven't found a single person "Midnight. Where are they? It's so quiet" I asked. Midnight looked up "I don't know what is happening but I sense life under of this castle" I nodded. We went underground. It was dark, silent and somehow... Spooky *Shiver* I wanna go home. Midnight stayed by my side as he heard a foot step. He let a growl as I karate stance myself. It was closing in, It gets louder and louder. We looked at each other and nodded. The signal to attack, We run towards the black figure and tackle it. I held it down as Midnight jump towards it's hands. Midnight bit it's hand hard. It scream in pain "*Tears* Owowowo! Please let me go! I am your king! Respect me!" I frozed. I was confused and scared in the meantime. I removed myself on him. He light up the area using magic as the light has been spread all over the area. The person was "River!?" I yelled. He chuckled as he stood up and fixed himself. He raised his hands up with midnight still biting river's hands "Ummmm... Midnight. You can stop now" I said. Midnight answered back "Meow... No way. I hate this guy that's why I attacked it" He was biting his hands over and over again "So you already knew that it was RIVER!" I yelled and he nodded. I faceplam and sighed. I pulled him away from river "Thank you marci! I suppose your here for comet" He looked at midnight "Hey, Midnight. I see that you are still alive" River smirked. Midnight escape from my grip and walked down away from us "Don't be cold, oldly. I'm just doing my job. And I have 4,806 life left before I die. I'm NOT an ordinary cat, boldly" River looked at me "Let's go marci. I think comet will be happy to see you again" I nodded at him as we walk towards from comet's location.

We finally reached our destination. I looked around and found moon and Jonnathan. I saw this large cage... something like that. I also notice that there were chains like everywhere and it's all located to one place "Comet?" He was hanging in the air and he was bleeding. He looked towards my direction and was meeted by my Gaze "M-marci? What are you doing here?!!!"

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