Chapter 23:Prom night

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5:45 in the afternoon~

Comet's POV
Ahhhhhh!!!! Eeeeeekkk!!! I can't believed that I kissed Marci!... yeah, I know that it's been a week since I kissed marci on the cheeks but I can't seem to forget it! All of the rest of the weeks has passed, I didn't even go out of my room. Don't forget that I have magic... wand. So yeah, today is the school prom. I didn't Buy any clothes from the mall because I have my wand. I zap myself a cool suite then finally went outside my room for the first time. I looked around then went down stairs. I saw marci's parents already eating their breakfast "Goodafternoon, Diaz's" They look at me and they were speechless. Mr,Diaz said "Whao! Comet, you look Amazing! If your parents are here to see you so grown up. They will definitly cry" *blush* I'm sure that they will be happy but cry? I don't think so "Thank Mr,Diaz. May I ask where is Marci?" Mrs, Diaz replied "Marci Has been picked up by Jack already so you might go now to pick yours" I nodded at them then opened a portal to tomara's place.
6:56 in the afternoon~

Marci's POV
It's already 6:56 in the afternoon and prom starts 7:00. Jack and I were just talking about a new swimming park while we are inside of the gym. As we were just talking, many of the students gathered one specific spot like they were Lining? What is this? IS there a super star in our school? Jack and I followed one of the students. Many of the girls shouted... One shouted "I love you! Please be my prom date!" While the other one said "The prince of Echo Creek High is here!" Prince!? Come On! I can't see... How popular is this guy anyway!? Another yelled "An angel has fallen down from heaven" I told Jack that I must see this 'whatsoever' popular guy. He nodded then told me "It's okay, I'll grab us some juice and Don't fall for the mystery guy *laugh*" I rolled my eyes then he laugh... Typical Jack "Of Course, I won't and besides your my boyfriend" As I was digging dip to see this guy I finally got a place to see him better. One student, which is beside me and whisper to herself "Whao... His Hot" What do you mean His Hooooottt... My eyes shot wide, What an amazing entrance like all eyes are on them. Have you ever experience that everything has slow down as you see him walk, speak or even smile at you. Well, I'm experiencing it right now... My heart is beating fast... My eyes are all for him... I can't moved. I was lock by his gaze. What is this odd feeling! I felt this before but I just simply ignor it... I don't think that I can avoid this feeling AGAIN, It shot me too fast. I CAN'T AVOID IT!

"I'm I in love with him?..."

"No, not yet...."

"Comet~ *gulp*" Comet spotted me then walk towards me with tomara. CALM DOWN MARCI, LET'S TALK ABOUT THIS ODD FEELING LATER! AT HOME. Comet was smiling at me, he looks proud. I though we were about to die because tomara would get upset then burn the school down... but nothing happend. I look at tomara, who is so calm and happy? Tomara did change after all! Both of them greeted me like some stranger. Comet said "Hi marci, you look beautiful today~" I Thank him and compliment them both "Comet, you look handsome and tomara, you look Amazing!" Tomara smiled and Thank me. As we were just talking some other stuff, finally Jack has arrived "Sorry, I was late... The line was really long..." He look at comet then tomara, they were right in front of him. He waved his hands and apologized for intruding them. Both of them didn't mind at all then the music has started... Comet faced tomara and lend his hands for her to accept then ask "May I have this dance?" Tomara replied "I would be delighted" That's weird?.... Why aren't the students dancing but only them? I asked Jack "Jack, why aren't the students dancing?" He replied still looking at them "Oh... you didn't know. Comet was asked by the principal to dance first because his an expert at it and to also encourage the students who didn't want to dance. You know that comet is a real prince so since our principal knows that his a real one, He then thought of an idea to make the event even more fancy by letting them dance properly or to make an amazing entrance. That's why a lot of girls wanted to asked him to 'Be' his princess but instead he brought a real one *laugh*" I shake my head in understanding then look at them "So that's why he has no choice because he took it literally, to TAKE A REAL PRINCESS... *laugh* dummy" I stare at them as they pose themself first. After that a spotlight was flash above them. They slowly dance in glory. They were so focus on each other's eye, He never even took a glimps of any of the girls but just her... I can see that his and tomara's lips are moving. Their having a sweet conversation even comet laugh and continue on dancing with her. As the music ended they still stare at each other's eyes but eventually tomara was the one who broke their gaze. After that inspiring dance, some students started to dance. I felt someone tap on my shoulder then I faced him "Jack~" He smiled then took my hands "Will you dance with me?" I smirked then I drag him to the dance floor. I held his hands and guide him to his footstep, He said "I guess that's a 'Yes', marci~" The music changed into a slow dance. Before we dance, I took a glimps of comet and tomara talking. Since comet noticed me staring, he then gave me a thumps up for support. Comet is still an observant guy. I nodded then faced Jack.

The slow music played already. (BackGround music) 'Perfect- Ed Sheeran' Jack held Marci's hand then moved slowly to the right then to the left. Jack lip sync the music then did a funny face, Marci giggled at him. As Jack saw marci's smile He then pulled marci even closer to him. Marci blush and so as Jack, They were an inch apart to each other. Marci could feel the love from Jack and it's filling her up. She rest her head on the chest of Jack as Jack rest his chin on top of marci's head.

As Marci and Jack started to dance together. Comet has been staring at them for a while and never even tried to blink but eventually tomara tap comet's shoulder "Comet? Do you want to talk about our relationship? But if you don't want to... it's okay, I'll understand" He shake his head then replied "It's okay... Let's talk about it" Tomara faced comet then talk some few things to make their relationship even better. Comet felt better after he talk to tomara but yet again felt weird "Hey? Tomara? I just wanted you to know that I like Marci and... I'm not ready to let go of this feeling that I got from her. So can I ask you to cast a spell on me that Can remove this kind feeling" Tomara frowned and held her tears, Comet was in love with marci AND THEN YET he ask to remove his feelings for her?... Her voice cracked "Comet, I know one spell but... If I do that... you won't feel anything towards from her and maybe some side effects. I don't fully understand how the spell works... but all I know is that It will hurt you A LOT. I don't want you to feel extreme pain just because you have feelings for her" Comet replied "I want to do this so that I can be a better boyfriend for you" Tomara replied again "You are a sweet good boyfriend... but yet an idiot" Comet smirked then look at tomara. Tomara felt an strange aura from comet for a second. She distance herself a little then noticed something odd from his eyes. She thought if his eyes turn green for a second or it was just her head messing. Tomara sighed then gave him the instruction to make the spell work "I have to weaken my love for marci? How?" Tomara pushed comet and comet had a better view of them. Tomara pointed out Marci and Jack. Marci and Jack stopped Dancing then lean to each other close. As comet watch them, Tomara went at the back of comet then ready to blast him by the spell. She whisper to herself "To feel heartbroken... that will weaken your love for her" She aim at comet then waited for Jack and Marci to kiss... They lean in and finally took a long kiss meanwhile comet's tear flows down on his cheeks as he was blast by tomara at his back. He was unconscious and was about to fall on the ground but instead on tomara's arms. Tomara dragged comet's body to the portal then through his room. She left comet sleeping on his bed while she went back to the prom while Marci broke the kiss then blushed "Wow, *blush* Jack that was amazing~" Jack chuckled "*blush* Yeah, it was my first kiss" Marci replied "*blush* Mine too *Awkward laugh*" There was silent in between them. It was Awkward. Marci excused herself so that she can breath again. Jack laugh because of that reason but then accepted. She was about to go to the table area but accidently bump into Tomara "Sorry! Tomara, I didn't mean to bump you" Tomara replied "It's fine" Marci replied back and notice that something is missing "Where's comet?" Tomara replied in sweat "Huh? Comet, He... ummm... *Awkward laugh* He... went home! First! He.... said that.... he didn't feel well so... he can rest early! *Fake smile* So ummm... Since he went home... so I should too.... bye!" Marci raised her eyebrow then replied her "Okay.... Bye" tomara leaved by a portal but then went to the mewni's throne "Queen moon! King River!" Both parents of comet were surprise and let her continued "I'm not sure how should I say this but... Toffee's back" King River yelled at the her "What! I thought his gone!... I knew it! That he was inside of my son's body!" Queen replied in a calm voice "River, tell comet that he should spend his summer on mewni but don't tell him the real reason, Why he needs to be home" Queen moon looked at tomara "How did you know his coming back" Tomara laugh nervously then played her hair "Ummm... Comet asked me to cast a spell on him to feel nothing towards marci and I told him that everytime that he will experince love again, He will feel enternal pain from the inside and it will weaken him. I didn't know that if he gets weaker day by day, toffee will break free and takes over his body... SORRY!" Both parents face palm and excused her to go home.

Tomara's POV
"I better keep an eye on comet" she leaved the portal of mewni then went home.

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