Chapter 7:Mewberty!

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It been 4 months since Comet and Marci became bestfriends. Comet had to moved into the Diaz family house since his mother and father already known them. The Diaz's house is where exchange students lived for a few month's or even a few years until they ready to go to another place. Comet was send here to practice and to become a better person. Comet and Marci will start to go to school together since they lived at the same roof. So that Comet won't be lost.
Comet's POV
I am at school in Echo Creek High, I am having science subject and it was REALLY boring! I take a look at the window then went down to Marci, I tapped her table "Marci... I'm bored! Can we go home! Like Now!" I whispered yelled at her. She stopped taking notes then look at me "Comet, if your gonna be like this, you might take summer classes" I quickly sat properly as I heard the word 'summer classes'. Marci teached me what is summer classes and it was horrible! It's like St, Olgas but less worse. They take classes at their summer break like who wants to go to school if you have the rest of the months to rest and have fun! Well.... Marci likes taking classes at summer but I doubt that they will let her take summer classes So I pay full attention to my teacher and learned Puberty? WHAT THE CORNS NAME IS PUBERTY!? I look at other people's reaction and they were in disgust. I look again on the projector then learned How Earth Boy's and Earth Girl's got their puberty. Hmmmmm, I think I heard that from my parents but I can't just put a finger on it. I paid attention again then heard giggling from my seatmate 'Marci' "Marci, Why are you giggling? Is puberty that funny?" I tilt my head then look at her as she held her stomach "*giggle* No, puberty is not funny but your face is! *giggle*" I ask her again and I lessen my attention to my teacher "What do you mean my face? What's wrong with my face?" I touched my face if something was there. She stop giggling then replied "It's just that when your becoming serious, you have another look on your side... Ah! The responsible comet side! Yeah... that's right" If I have that kind of Side then I wouldn't have met my bestfriend Marci! *Shock* "Marci! If I have that kind of side. I wouldn't have met you. So I am very Thankful That I am such a troublesome person" I said with confidence. Marci's face went red as she looked down on her desk "Yeah... You are very blessed for being such a stubborn Guy. *Blush* I wouldn't have met you if you were not like that~" She whispered some words but I couldn't hear the last ones... Well, It's not that important anyway. Maybe Marci said That I'm an idiot or a trouble maker.... I don't know! The class ended then it was already dissmisal.
After school~

I waited for Marci to come to my locker but then I notice girls passing by me. They were giggling, looking at me and most of them were blushing. One of the girls even winked at me as she passes by. What's wrong of her eye? Does something hit her eye? I was being suprised by Marci at the back "Hey! Comet, why are you staring at the floor?" *pop* I looked at her then her face changed expression as she looked at me "Uhhhhh... Comet, there's a small blue/violet thingy heart on your forehead" I look up then removed it. I take a good long of it then back up quickly away from marci "Marci! I'm having Mewberty!" I yelled her then went to her close "Marci! Keep me away from girls..." As I grabbed her hoodie on the front. Wait... MARCI IS A GIRL! *pop!* *pop!* *pop!*

Marci's POV
OH NO! Comet's parents has told me this before. This is comet's first time. He was a late bloomer of mewberty! Then suddenly comet grab my hood in front then looked at me in hearts of his eyes as more hearts were coming out of his face and skin *pop* *pop* *pop* I tried backing him off then as I was released by his grasp, I then ran off as quickly as I can. Comet was Chasing me in Dragonfly form, 30 minutes were already wasted "Hey, Comet! If your in there, Then don't worry! Your mother said it will last in an hour" I keep on running in circles on the park then was eventuallty trapped in the edge of the cliff. I stopped and stare at the edge of the cliff. I was trembling in fear, everything was whirling around and my head went dizzy. I ask my self, I'm I afraid of heights? or I'm I... traumatize. The sound of my alarm on my phone snapped me in reality. I yell at comet "Hey! Comet... Ummm there will be only 1 minute before you go back to normal so sta-" I was cut off by comet tackling me down on the cliff. WE WERE FALLING! "Ahhhhhhh! Why me!" Comet who is hugging me never let go of me. He was enjoying the hug... WHY ARE YOU DOING! Were about to die! Comet went to my ear while he still hugged me "I Love You Marci~" He said it sweetly. I blushed and tried to deny it "Comet, Your undercontrol! WAKE UP" I yelled while were are closing to the ground "I don't care *Laugh* I'll be fine if your with me~" He rested his head on my forhead. He giggled "Why can you be mine? Marci~ *giggle*" He was leaning into my lips... Is he gonna kiss me!? I blush and I can't move. I looked at my watch then it was only 5 seconds left "5, 4, 3, 2," I can feel his breathing and his warm smile. He stop leaning at me "I can't..." "1?" I look at comet's eyes, his back to normal! "Comet, were GONNA DIE!" I yelled at him. He looked confused and looked down, He look at me back. *Scream* We both scream as we fall fast but comet pulled me on top so that I won't hit on the ground *Crashed* *boom!*... The Next time I opened my eyes, I was on top of comet. His hands were still wrapped all over my waist as his grip strenghten back. He opened his eyes and was meeted by mine "Hi... marci" I pinched his nose then let go for a second "Awwww! Why did you do that for" I smiled at him *Chuckled* "Next time We must be always prepare" I said. He nodded "Comet, come on! Stand up or you'll get germs all over your hands and! butt...*laugh*" I helped him stand up. He looked at me all embarrassed while rubbing his neck "Ummmm, I-I thought that my mewberty would c-ome out with-thin the n-next two months but I was wrong. Th-this was suppose to be be be... private~" I blushed. He then avoided my gaze "I can't be-believe t-that you helped m-me on my- my... Mewberty~" The last sentence was clearly heard by me. I held my small laugh because *small laugh* He is VERY VERY VERY! RED! *small laugh* *small laugh*. I pinched my face then held my laugh so hard. As I look at the floor then back at him... Comet was tearing up "Comet, It's okay to embarrassed. I already experienced that feeling" He sob and tried to wipe his tear "Oh... Comet. Please don't cry. Come here" I hugged him like I'm his Older sister "YOUR such a cry baby, comet *smirk*" He replied back still tearing up and wiping his tears away "I cried for many years and this is normal... *sob* I can't help it... Marci. My late bestfriend on mewni told me that even I am a boy and eventually becomes a man.*sob* She said that There is no shame in crying" I patted his smooth hair and laugh underneath my breath "Wow... your other bestfriend on mewni is sure a great person. Then She may rest in peace... She will be very proud to see you all grown up, comet. I hope she wouldn't mind if I look after you *laugh* Hehehehe~" Comet is still hugging me, I don't mind at all "Marci, your not my baby sitter and besides I don't need one... Watch me!" He let go of me then walked properly by himself. He closed his eyes and then tripped and fall. I laughed and Went to him. I kneeled down and watch him "Now, Little messy. Do you want Big sister to help you? *chuckled*" He laied there on the ground for a while then He tug on my sleeves of my Hoodie. He faced me with a pout on his face "Hey... Big sis. Can you help me get up?" I burst into a laugh. He whisper yelled at me "This is my best acting, OKAY!" I wipe my tears away then helped comet up. I checked for inguries and he was fine. I put comet on a leash and pat him like a dog. He followed my game and acted like a Dog "Good Comet, Now little messy. Let's go home Before MOM gets angry" Comet refused to walk. SO I decided to dragged him back to home. Your always be my little mess. MY little messy, My Dog and My partner... comet~

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