Chapter 74

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As promised, here's the next update. It's a little shorter than I would've liked, but I have work soon so I had to stop writing. 

All updates this week will be quick as next week I'm going away to see 5SOS for a few days and won't be able to update. 

Enjoy :)

Bri’s POV

Classes dragged on for what felt like forever. I couldn’t stop staring at the clock, wishing for each and every minute to pass by faster than last. Of course they never did, until History. Luke and I sat next to each other and could hardly pay attention. We just drew doodles of New York to and wrote little notes to each other.

History went by in the blink of an eye. Maybe because with Luke by my side, I was never bored. I could be sitting in a room with nothing inside for days and I’d be entertained completely as long as he was with me.

We practically ran to the car together, dancing around the parking lot in excitement for our trip, not caring who saw or what they thought because they didn’t matter. No one did. We were young and dumb and in love and we were going to do what made us happy.

We stopped at the diner on the way home, picking up food so we wouldn’t have to cook anything that night. All we wanted to do was hangout together and sleep, aside from all the packing we had to do.

Luke’s POV

I’m really lucky Bri took off of work even earlier than she needed to because I definitely would not have been able to figure out how to fit all my clothes into a suitcase.

After we ate dinner, we headed to the bedroom to pack our stuff. I grabbed half of my clothes and threw it inside and then spent almost an hour trying to squish it down low enough to get the zipper to close.

Bri was able to get her suitcase closed the first try and she had double the amount of clothes as me.

“The key is to fold it,” she informed me as she took the messy pile of clothes out of my suitcase.

I rolled my eyes, “But that takes ten times longer.”

“But the suitcase closes,” she rolled her eyes, mocking me. She began to fold my clothes for me and repack my suitcase. “Since I have to pack your suitcase too, can you make sure you have your passport?”

“I actually think it’s at my mom’s house,” I sighed, not wanting to go out again.

“I hate to nag, but you should probably check because if not then we’re going to have to get you a new one tomorrow morning and rush order it,” she said.

“I’ll be back in an hour,” I sighed as I left the room. I grabbed my keys from the counter and left.

I knew I had a passport, but I had no idea where it was. Good thing she reminded me or else we’d have a big problem. Part of me was hoping I couldn’t find it so we could skip classes tomorrow to get one.

If my mom found out the amount of classes I had been skipping lately, she’d probably kill me.

When I arrived at her house, I noticed she wasn’t home from work yet and that the door was locked. Great. Now I have to wait here until she comes home and then I have to spend even more time looking for the damn passport.

“Fancy seeing you here, Luke,” someone said. I turned to see where the voice was coming from, and of course, there was Matt with Aleisha right behind him.

“What the hell are you doing here? You guys are fucking stalkers,” I said back, my blood immediately boiling at the sight of them.

“We came to see you, see how you were doing,” Aleisha smiled cynically.

“I don’t know what you’re up to, but I swear on everything I have, I will beat the living shit out the both of you if you don’t back the fuck off of me,” I yelled.

“What do you mean? We would never,” Matt sneered. I wanted to punch that god damn smirk off his face so badly.

“I don’t understand why you both are so obsessed with me and Bri, you two should just date each other, you’re perfect for each other; you’re both psychotic,” I rolled my eyes. I had the worst headache and I just wanted them to both leave. I knew they were planning something, and I was so grateful that Bri wasn’t here right now.

“Don’t get cocky now,” Aleisha accused. “We actually are dating. This isn’t about you and her anymore. This is all about you, Luke. You don’t deserve her. You don’t deserve to be happy, and we all know she is the only thing that makes you happy these days. You’ve been a shitty person these past years and we all know that without her, you’re nothing. You are no good for her, you’re weak and you bring her down into your mess with you.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I whispered.

“I do actually,” she fought. “I don’t know if you remember, but I was once in her shoes. You were much worse back then, but at least you were strong enough to keep fighting. You could even finish rehab this time Luke. Don’t you see it? You are a constant reminder to her of her father and you’re going to end up just like him, leaving her just like her mother. Bitter and alone. Is that what you want?”

“What is going on here?” my mother asked as she got out of the car, saving me from having to respond to her cruel, but true words. “I’m going to have to ask you both to leave.”

“Fine,” Matt said. “We already said all that we needed to say.”

Once they left, my mom took me inside and asked me if I was okay. She could tell by the look on my face that their words had gotten to me way more than I would’ve liked.

All I could do was shake my head no.


So, what did you think?

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