Chapter 23

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Luke’s POV

I walked back to my apartment, fuming with anger towards Aleisha. I slammed the door shut behind me, making her jump with fear.

“What’s wrong babe?” she cocked her head to the side, playing dumb.

“Since when did you become such a manipulative bitch?” I screamed at her. I really hate yelling and cussing at girls, but she deserved this.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Luke,” she shook her head, giggling.

“Oh cut the crap, Bri is long gone now. What the fuck do you want?”

“You,” she smirked. “I thought I made that very clear to you last night and when we met at dinner, where Bri works, but I bet you didn’t even know that, or that we went as her shift was ending, so she saw us.”

Oh my God. No wonder why she was so quick to leave, she probably has been suspecting things this whole time.

“Even with Bri gone, I would never go back to you, after what you did to me, and for what you are doing right now,” I said behind gritted teeth.

“And what would that be? Trying to re-connect two people who are meant to be together?”

“No, ruining my one last chance at happiness, tearing apart two people who are meant to be together because you are too God damn stupid to realize we are over and done for good and nothing you can do will change that,” I replied, calming down a bit on the outside so I wouldn’t wake up the neighbors.

“I’m only asking for a second chance,” she shrugged nonchalantly.

“And I told you no,” I mimicked her calm tone.

We kept going back and forth aimlessly, until I finally got sick of it and literally dragged her out of my apartment by her arm, slamming the door in her face and locking it.

Bri’s POV

I was thankful that it was finally Friday, as I wouldn’t have to sit next to Luke for another two days. When I saw Matt at work yesterday, I told him things were over between me and Luke, and I would love to go on a date with him.

He was taking me to a club, since the drinking age was much lower here than America. I was grateful, I really didn’t expect to run into any of my friends, since not once have I heard of them going there.

It’s been really hard seeing Luke every day, he keeps trying to explain himself, but I won’t let myself listen. I’ll fall right back into his trap if I do, I know I will. I care about him a lot, but I refuse to let myself be taken advantage of.

I now understand why my mother didn’t want me having a boyfriend yet, all they want right now is sex, they are finally old enough to drink and girls don’t care what people think anymore, so why would they want to get caught up in a relationship? I surely wouldn’t if I was a guy.

Kristina told me I could borrow whatever I wanted, as long as I didn’t ruin anything, so I took one of her sexy black dresses that barely covered anything. I knew this wasn’t the way to get over Luke, but I didn’t care. I’m young and free, so I can and will do what I want.

Matt picked me up around eight, so we got to the club about a half hour later. The smell of alcohol and sweat burned my nose and the lights coming from inside were blinding.

Matt laced his fingers with mine as he escorted me inside and to the bar to order something. It was then when I realized I don’t know anything about this guy, and here I am at a club with him drinking, no idea of his intentions.

He seemed really sweet and caring, and there was no Aleisha that came with him, so why not?

He handed me a drink and I downed it pretty quickly.

“Is it really going that badly already?” he asked nervously, staring at my empty glass.

“No, I just had a rough week,” I half smiled and he nodded, handing me his drink before ordering another.

This time, I drank it much slower, before we both walked out onto the dance floor.

We danced for a while, my body now covered in a thin layer of sweat as was his, and I was having a blast, until I opened my eyes and saw them. Luke, Kristina, and Michael walked through the door.

I quickly turned around, facing Matt.

“Everything okay?” he asked loudly, so I could hear him over the loud music.

“Yeah,” I lied, plastering the most convincing fake smile I could onto my face.

“Want me to grab another drink?” he asked, pointing to the bar behind him and I quickly nodded.

He told me to wait where I was and that he would be back shortly.

“Bri? What are you doing here?” I heard Michael’s voice. Fuck.

I turned around, trying to act surprised.

“Oh, I had no idea you guys came here,” I laughed.

“I could say the same about you, how’d you even know about this place?” Kristina chimed in. Luke awkwardly stood behind them, staring at me.

“I’m here with Matt; I told you about him, right? He works at the restaurant with me,” I said.

“Where is he?” Michael asked, looking around.

As if he was waiting for a cue, Matt returned with an ice cold drink in his hand, just for me.

“Matt, this is my roommate Kristina, and our friend Michael, and this is Luke,” I said, introducing them.

Luke’s eyes widened at the sight of Matt and he looked crushed. I know this was wrong, so wrong, but I couldn’t stop myself.

He wasn’t an ugly guy, in fact, he was quite attractive. He was even taller than Luke, and was pretty built.

After a few minutes of an extremely awkward silence with so much tension in the air you could practically see it, Matt caught onto the situation, and I could tell he felt slightly uncomfortable.

I finally excused ourselves and we moved to a different part of the dance floor, and we began to dance again.

We were grinding on each other when all the sudden, Matt yelled out in pain and stopped dancing with me, I turned around quickly.

Luke was standing there, out of breath, his hand balled up in a fist, and Matt clenching his jaw.

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I'm starting an Ashton fanfic soon, so watch out for that as well :)

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