Chapter 9

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so sorry for taking so long to update! i had a bit of writers block and i had a few tests i needed to study for, but here ya go! ill be updating a lot more often now though

When I woke up the next morning, Kristina was gone. I was glad to have some alone time. I needed to catch up on my work and I didn't feel like dealing with the mother figure that Kristina has turned into. I love her to death, but she acts like my mother sometimes.

I put my headphones in my ears and opened my books. I worked for hours and hours, not even realizing how much time had passed until my stomach growled, and I looked up at the clock to see it was three in the afternoon.

I put all my stuff back onto the desk in a neat, organized pile before heading down to the lounge for lunch.


I spent the rest of the day alone, catching up with school work and talking to my friends from back home through the internet.

Luckily, tonight was Sydney's party. It had been a very long, rough week full of work and my emotional roller coaster with Luke.

I'm still not quite sure what's going on with Luke and I, but I'm hoping tonight will clear things up about us. We've been talking a lot and we went out once or twice since Sydney's last party, so maybe things are slowing developing.

I went to my classes this morning, all of them seeming to go by in the blink of an eye.

Before I realized it, Kristina and I were at Sydney's penthouse helping her set up for the party.

Sydney was across the street getting some snacks to put on the counter in her kitchen while Kristina and I were taking her valuables and putting them into a closet next to the bathroom.

"So how did she get all this money?" I asked curiously. She wasn't just a wealthy girl, she was loaded. You could tell from all the stuff we were loading into the closet, watches, necklaces, rings, bags, shoes, and all kinds of expensive brand name things. Plus she owned a penthouse in the most expensive building in the city.

"Her parents own some record company, get loads of money from all the singers and songwriters that they sign and manage," she explained, wiping a bead of sweat from her forehead.

"Really? That's so cool," I praised. I wish my mother did something cool like that, but instead she worked in the medical field.

"Yeah, I would kill to be her, I mean look at this," she said holding up a gorgeous pair of shoes that look like they could be worth more than my car. "Plus the fact she has met and dated so many of the famous singers."

"Not to offend Ashton in any way, but why is she with him then? When she could have some celebrity?"

"She's been there and done that so many times. Almost all of them are big headed and conceited and she's done being played with. Ashton's a quality guy and I think the last heart break has finally made her see that," Kristina explained.

"What happened?" I questioned, but before she could answer, Sydney came through the door holding bags of chips and pretzels.

We closed the closet door and locked it before giving her a hand with the bags.

It didn't take much longer to finish setting up.

We headed to Sydney's room to start getting ready.


The rest of the day flew by, and soon enough, hundreds of people flooded the place, making the large penthouse feel claustrophobic.

The strong smell of sweat and alcohol overwhelmed me as the night went on.

Kristina and I took some shots of vodka with two guys who offered, and Sydney and I had won a game of beer pong against her friends Liam and Dylan.

I had been looking for Luke all night, and it was almost midnight, and I still hadn't been able to find him. I spotted Michael and Calum on the couch, and a few girls sitting on the couch across from them, all of them drunk out of their minds.

I continued my search when finally, I spotted him across the room. Just as I was about to say something, a girl taps him on the shoulder and when he turns around, he freezes.

I couldn't hear their conversation, but I could tell he was nervous by the way he held his drink with both hands tightly.

That's when my heart shattered into millions and millions of pieces, put itself back together, only to fall apart again. The pain in my chest was unbearable, and I wanted to vomit.

She kissed him. He kissed her back.

My legs ran as fast as they could, shoving people out of the way left and right as I ran into the bathroom and sunk to the floor.

I sat there, crying on the cold tile floor, praying what I had just seen was only a side effect of the vodka shots I had taken only moments before.

Luke's POV

I was talking to Ashton about Sydney and Bri, when someone taped my shoulder. I turned around eagerly, expecting it to be Bri.

When I turned around, I came face to face with a blonde. Not Bri, but Aleisha.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her monotone.

"I came here to see you. It's been a while," she said with a smirk.

I wrapped both hands firmly around my drink, as I began to remember everything. All the good memories we shared, but then I remembered the heart break. All the pain she had caused me, and I refuse to let that happen again.

"Listen, I know we ended on a bad note, but I really think we can make it work, we have to. We're meant to be together, I know you feel it too," she pleaded.

"Aleisha, I've moved on. I feel nothing for you anymore. I would never go back to you, even though we had a lot of fun together. You broke my heart in the cruelest way possible," I shook my head.

She frowned, but quickly recovered. "Maybe this will change your mind." She leaned in and before I could stop her, her lips were on mine.

I pulled away, refusing to let her win. I can't let her hurt me again, plus I have a good thing starting with Bri and I can't mess that up.

I turned my face away from hers and much to my dismay, I locked eyes with a heartbroken Bri.

She immediately sprinted off towards the bathroom. I tried to follow her, but the crowd was too big and she was too fast.

The door was locked, and I repeatedly knocked on the door for what felt like forever, before giving up and going home.

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