Chapter 71

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Finally!So sorry for the long wait, but like I said, the school year is ending and exams are killing me right now. Only ten days of classes left and then I'm all yours, so the nest update will probably be slow, but after that it will be daily and the book will sadly be over before you know it!

I tried to make this a little longer to make up for it, but it's hard! You can thank my best friend Julianne for doing my global homework so I could have time to write this, by the way :)


Luke's POV

Since my mom was 'already late', she told me I would just have to follow her to work and explain to her what I needed in her office. I wasn't sure how she could be late if she owned the place, but if I wanted the money to go to America, I needed to stay on her good side, so I kept my mouth shut.

After annoyingly following her car to the diner, we got out of our cars and walked inside together.

"Please tell me you didn't do something stupid again because I really don't know how many more times she's going to take you back, Luke you need to be a lot more careful," she scolded me as we entered her office.

"Mom, I don't need that kind of favor, jeez, chill out," I sighed.

"Sorry, but you can't blame me for thinking that, I mean how many times in the past few months have I had to help you fix shit with her?" she asked.

"Okay mom, I get it, I fuck up a lot, I know. Can we move on, please?" I practically begged. I'm sick and tired of being reminded of how much of a fuck up I am and if Bri is willing to look past it, why can't my own mother?

"Sorry," she apologized while flipping through loads of paperwork. I'll never understand how she has so much, she owns a diner, not a major business. "What do you need?"

"Well let me start off by saying that I'm more than willing to take on extra shifts for free until we break even," I clarified.

"Oh God," she sighed. "I'm not buying you a dog."

"I don't want a dog!" I laughed. "Bri is going home for a week and a half over the break and she invited me to go with her, and obviously she said I can stay at her house, I just need money for the plane tickets. I do have a little saved up, but not nearly enough."

She stared at me and stayed silent for a while. I didn't try to hurry her up because I knew she was actually considering it.

"I'll let you know by tomorrow, I have to look up the prices and see how many shifts it'll take for you to get there..." she trailed off.

I nodded, trying to hide my excitement. Just because she was looking up costs didn't mean I was able to go. I couldn't get my hopes up.

"Okay, I'll see you tonight, remember you promised to work since Lenny quit," she reminded me before I left.

As expected, on my way home, Bri called.

She asked where I was, so I told her that I went to talk to my mom about America.

"While you're out... do you mind picking something up for me?" she asked quietly.

"Sure, what do you need?" I asked.

"Uh..." she stopped.

"What?" I asked, laughing a bit.

"I'm glad you find my embarrassment amusing Luke," she said sarcastically.

"Why are you embarrassed?" I asked, now wondering what the hell she could possibly need me to get.

"We're out of um, tampons," she coughed, "and um, it's that time of the month..."

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