Chapter 50

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Bri’s POV

I woke up in the middle of the night for the third time this week. I kept having nightmares about that night when Luke got arrested. I missed him so much, and it probably wasn’t a good idea to move back into the apartment. Ever since I had, I’ve been having the nightmares, but I couldn’t stay in the dorm anymore. I missed having a kitchen to make home cooked meals and having my own bathroom.

Living here without Luke was so lonely, and with all of his things gone too, the apartment was empty. I never realized how cold our room got at night, since Luke always had both arms wrapped around me, not caring that when he woke up his arm would be asleep. He always cooked breakfast for me and was there to make me feel better when I was having a rough day.

At first I was very indecisive on if I wanted to stay with him or not, but I’ve decided that I want to stay together. I know that getting involved with a person who has or had problems with substance abuse is never good, especially when they turn violent under the influence, but I miss him so much and after everything we’ve been through, I can’t see myself starting all over with somebody else. I don’t want anyone else; I just want Luke to come home already.

 I’ve taken off work almost every day this week, avoiding Matt at all costs. I’m not sure if I want him to know that I know he was the one who sent the alcohol to Luke, but I’ve been postponing the confrontation for as long as I possibly could. My boss told me if I took off another day, I would be fired, and lucky for me (note my sarcasm), Matt was working the same shift.

I knew I would have to face him sooner or later, but I was really hoping it would be later.

I drove to work very slowly, trying to give myself more time to think about what I wanted to do. Since I arrived at work before I came to a decision, I sat in the parking lot and tried to figure something out. I finally came to the conclusion that I would pretend I had no idea about it for today, to see if Matt says anything about it, or tries to hit on me, and I’d decide tonight when I got back home what I would do.

I finally got out of my car and hurried into the restaurant since I was a little late.

“Hey Bri,” Daisy greeted me with a tray full of food in her hand.

“Daisy,” I nodded with a smile as I walked past her to put my things down in the back room.

I immediately started waiting tables, not even having time to talk to Matt; thank God. However, I caught him on multiple occasions watching me while I took orders. I wanted to slap him, punch him, and kick him where it hurt for what he did to Luke.

Wanting me was one thing, but to use Luke’s biggest weakness against him, causing him to need rehab took things way too far. My only question for the boy is how he and Aleisha decided to join forces against us.

It seemed like the world was out to get us and tear us apart, but I couldn’t stay away from him, and I know he couldn’t either. I just wish I could have gotten a goodbye, even though I was extremely upset with him, he knew I wouldn’t be able to talk to him or see him for another two months. It may even be longer if my mother asks me to go home for a month of the summer break. I would do anything to see his face, to be able to get lost in his beautiful blue eyes, to hear his voice, hear his laugh, feel his hugs, his kisses, and feel his body against mine as we cuddled up at night. I just want him to come home. I want the Luke back that I met when I first arrived to this school, the Luke that wasn’t under the influence of alcohol.

Luke’s POV

Dr. Louiseo and I have been having weekly sessions, and as much as I hate all the inspirational bullshit he says, he’s really helping me recover. The man is a living fortune cookie; he always says weird phrases that manipulate your mind into thinking things you would have never of thought to think, but strangely, everything he’s been saying is right.

I just finished my session with him, and decided to sit out on the balcony. Another patient was out here, she was much older than me and sometimes spoke to me about her family, but I just nodded and pretended I was listening.

He just informed me that due to my speeding recovery, I was allowed to have a visitor come for a day next week. I really wanted to call Bri, but I don’t know if that’s such a good idea. I was thinking more along the lines of Calum, he had been my friend the longest and no matter what fucked up things I did, he never judged me.

I don’t know what to do though, because if Bri finds out I picked Calum instead of her, she’ll be heartbroken, but maybe she’ll understand. I just want to see her face, I wish I was allowed to use my god dammed cell phone, it would make this hell of a lot easier on me. I needed her to give me strength.

I wanted to get better for her, but as the days went on and the amount of time that passed since I saw her grew, I was beginning to lose hope, and I began to wonder if she was already moving on.

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