Chapter 26

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Bri’s POV

It’s been a week since Luke and I had gotten back together and I’m so happy that I forgave him. I still have my guard up for Aleisha, but she hasn’t been around since the fight.

Luckily, Matt has been perfectly normal with me at work, as if nothing ever happened. I still feel bad, he’s a really sweet guy, but I’m happy with Luke.

My school work has been back to normal, my grades rapidly improving. These exams were not the easiest, but Luke has been helping me study, as well as Kristina and Sydney.

Cat and Calum have been on a few more dates, and tonight, he’s going to ask her to be his girlfriend. He’s so nervous, but I know she’s going to say yes.

For payback to Kristina for always acting like my mom when it came to Luke, I in turn have turned into her mother when it came to Michael. I interrogated her for hours on end for every single possible detail, only to be disappointed that they are only friends with benefits, for the time being. I personally think they would make a perfect couple, and I’m rooting for it completely.

I took my driver’s test over the weekend, and I got my license, which still doesn’t make a difference until the money comes.

According to UPS, it should be here in a few days. I figured it would take a while because of the distance, but I didn’t expect it to be this long.

It’s weird having it be November and it still be warm. That’s something I’m going to have to get used to. I’m a native New Yorker, and the seasons are always intense. The summers are hot, the winters are cold, and here, it’s pretty much hot and warm all year long.

The temperature has dropped enough that I could wear all my oversized sweaters, but instead of pairing them with jeans and leggings, I’ve been wear shorts and skater skirts.

Luke was on his way over to hang out. Usually, we go to his apartment because it’s more private, but since Kristina is away for the weekend for her sister’s wedding, I figured I’d have him here.

Luke’s POV

When I got to Bri’s dorm, I hurried up to her room, excited to see her.

“Comedy or horror?” she asked as she opened up the door.

“Horror then comedy?” I suggested, walking past her into the room. She had already set up her laptop on the floor with pillows and blankets. We always sit on the floor together when we watch movies here, since the beds are twins and Kristina gets mad when we push one over to make a bigger bed.

“Good idea,” she giggled, scrolling through Netflix until she got to the horror section.

“Wait a minute,” I said, stopping her from looking through the movies.

“What?” she asked, taking her eyes off of the screen and onto me.

“You actually WANT to watch a scary movie?” I asked, emphasizing ‘want’.

“Well since every single time we watch a movie, whether it’s just the two of us or the whole group, we always watch them, so I’ve gotten used to them I guess,” she shrugged as she explained.

“We’ll see about that,” I challenged. She still hides her face in my shirt during the ‘scary parts’.

She rolled her eyes playfully before turning her attention back to the laptop.

I love nights like these, where it’s just me and her, being ourselves without a care in the world.


I woke up the next morning to Bri’s alarm clock.  I felt her warm body pull away from mine, taking the blankets with her, leaving me cold and sad.

“Do we have to go?” I whined.

“Yes, we always skip and it’s not good, we are paying for these classes and I’m not wasting all this money,” she said sternly.

I groan and rolled over to stretch before getting out of bed.

I got dressed and brushed my hair, deciding to leave it down today while Bri went down the hall to take a shower. Being the good boyfriend that I am, I picked up all the pillows and blankets and put them back on her and Kristina’s beds.

Bri came back in in just a towel, the skin on her shoulders glistening from the water left from her shower.

She told me to turn around while she changed, but I kept sneaking little peaks every few seconds. She’s so beautiful, I can’t help it.

“Luke, I see you,” she laughed.

“I see you too,” I joked, laughing as well. This is why I love her, she doesn’t get mad over these things. Instead, she blushes and laughs with me.

“I love you,” I whispered, barely audible, but I know she heard me because she turned around.

“You do?” she asked quietly, biting her lip in attempt to hide her smile.

I nodded.

“I love you too,” she smiled before walking towards me to kiss me on the lips.

I smiled into the kiss, she loves me too. After all that has happened since she met me, she still loves me. I don’t know why she keeps coming back to me after Aleisha keeps pushing her away, but I am so happy.

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