Chapter 2

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After class yesterday, Kristina and I went down the road a little bit to a pizzeria for lunch. We talked a lot about our friends from high school and family. She's really funny and I'm actually really glad I got her as a roommate.

I was terrified at first that she would be a snob and a bitch because she was pretty had such hot guy friends.

She also mentioned to me that her friend Sydney is throwing a party tomorrow night to celebrate starting college and she said I could come. I was excited, but to be honest I was really nervous.

Back home, I had friends and went to parties so it's not that I haven't been to any, but I was going to be surrounded by people that I didn't know. Apparently, the majority of Kristina's old high school goes here so they all have friends, where I am one of the few who doesn't have anyone. Plus, I'm a shy girl, in the sense of I'm not good with introducing myself and putting myself out there, I wish I had the confidence to, but I just don't.

Lucky for me, Kristina was very outgoing so she pushed me to hangout with her, and I'm glad I did. She was really easy to talk to, so I opened up to her. For the extremely short amount of time we've known each other, we've become pretty close. She told me that Sydney was exactly like her, which I hope she is, because then I think Sydney and I will be really good friends too.

Today was exactly the same as yesterday. Kristina had to wake me up again because I still hadn't set an alarm clock. My jetlag was getting a little better, but I still felt a little off. We went to the showers, got ready, and met up with Calum, Luke, Michael, and Ashton before classes.

I went to the on-campus gym for students to use for free after classes today, so I decided to take another shower. When I got back into the room, Kristina was gone, but she left a note on the nightstand between our beds.

*Went down to the lounge to meet up with Sydney, come down when you're dressed!*

I quickly got dressed and went down to the lounge. I was hesitant at first, but I wanted to meet her before her party, so if I lost Kristina, I would at least have someone else.

I spotted Kristina on the couch the minute I walked into the lounge. Her friend was just as pretty as she was.

I walked over and sat down next to Kristina.

"Hey, that was fast," Kristina said.

"Yeah, I guess," I laughed. "Hi, I'm Bri," I said to Sydney.

"Hi, I'm Sydney," she smiled.

Kristina filled me in on the beginning of the story that Sydney was telling. She was talking about her boyfriend cheating on her and she was reading their conversation.

"Dylan was such an asshole, you could do so much better anyway," Kristina blurted when Sydney finished.

"Literally I can't believe I wasted eight months with him," she shook her head.

"Are you going to get with anyone at your party?" Kristina asked.

"Should I?" Sydney asked me.

"Definitely, show that asshole that you don't need him," I added.

"Alright, I'll do it. I'm not having sex, but I think a little kiss wouldn't kill me," she smiled.

"Well duh, we don't need you getting pregnant," Kristina slapped her shoulder playfully.

The conversation went on for a little while before Michael and Ashton showed up.

"Well as much as I want to stay and talk, I have to get back to my apartment for my parents," Sydney said, standing up.

"You have an apartment?" I asked.

"More like a penthouse," Kristina answered for her. "Her parents are pretty rich and they didn't want her having a roommate who would steal all of her clothes and jewelry."

"Understandable," I smiled.

"Yeah, they just want to check up on me, make sure I don't need any help," she explained before saying goodbye and leaving.

"What do you need?" Kristina asked the guys.

"We were bored, and Luke and Ashton went out to get alcohol so we thought we'd meet up with you girls," Calum answered.

"Well we're having a girls night, sorry," she sassed, linking arms with me.

"Really?" Michael raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, really," Kristina mocked him before turning around and practically dragging me with her.

We went back up to our room and she was taking this 'girl's night' very seriously. She waxed my eyebrows and plucked her own, which she was surprisingly very good at, and then we did our nails together.

Since we had no classes tomorrow, we stayed up pretty late talking about past boyfriends and just funny stories about our past.


I slept in since we had no classes today. By the time I woke up, Kristina was gone. She left a note saying that she had work and she'd be back after lunch.

I decided to start some of my homework while I waited. I hadn't exchanged numbers with anyone yet so it's not like I could make plans to meet up with anyone. When I was about halfway through, I got hungry. Down in the lounge, they had a buffet so I went down to grab something. I picked up a bagel and headed back up to my room to finish up my work.

Finishing up the last bit of work of I had, Kristina came back in all black.

"Hey," she sighed, collapsing onto her bed.

"Hey, I didn't know you had a job," I stated.

"I work at a restaurant up the road as a waitress," she explained.

I nodded and closed my books, gently throwing them onto the small desk at the foot of my bed.

"I have nothing to wear for tonight," she sighed. "Wanna come to the mall with me?"

"Sure, I'm bored out of my mind," I admitted.

"Why didn't you text me or one of the guys?" she laughed.

"We never exchanged numbers," I told her.

She immediately handed me her phone to put my number in.

"Text yourself when you're done so you have my number too, and I'll give the guys and Sydney your number at the party tonight," she decided.

"Alright," I agreed.

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