Chapter 58

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Hope you like it, loads of drama coming. :)

Bri’s POV

Luke went to Michael and Ashton’s apartment for the day with Calum, which left me to do whatever I wanted.

I called Sydney, but she was visiting her parents for her father’s birthday. Cat and Kristina were studying together, so I was left with nobody. I called up the restaurant to see if I could come in today to pass the time, but they didn’t need me, and even worse, both Daisy and Matt were working, so I had absolutely no one.

I really should’ve made more friends for times like these.

After about an hour of watching TV, I got bored and decided to go to the gym. I got up to go change, when the phone rang.

I hurried to the bedroom to grab the phone.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hi, is Luke Hemmings available?” a lady asked.

“Not right now, may I ask who’s calling?” I asked. Her voice was one I didn’t recognize.

“This is the rehabilitation center, I was calling to find out if Luke would be returning to finish the program, or if he had dropped out completely,” she informed me.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“He left before finishing the program. Students tend to leave so they can return to classes and get the work they missed, but he hasn’t returned.”

“I’ll let him know you called,” I said before hanging up. This kid is dead.

He dropped out? He fucking dropped out and had the nerve to lie and say he completed the program. Why wouldn’t he tell me that? Does anyone else know?

I don’t understand. Especially after I told him what happened with my father. Why wouldn’t he want to take advantage of the help and fix his problems before they got worse?

I was mad, no; I was furious, and heartbroken. Heartbroken that despite my multiple warnings and confessions to him, he let history repeat itself. He obviously couldn’t care less about his health, or me. IF he cared about me at all he wouldn’t have lied to me, or at least he would have the decency to confess, especially after hearing about what happened to my father.

I didn’t know what else to do, so I just cried. I cried because I knew where he was headed. He’s going down the same fatal path my father had and obviously there was nothing I could do to stop him. These were his choices and clearly I couldn’t change them.

Luke’s POV

It’s been a long day, fun, but long. I’m exhausted. I said goodbye to the guys and get in my car to go home.

It was a quick drive, only took about five minutes, if that.

I get inside to find Bri in the kitchen making dinner.

“What are you making?” I asked.

No answer.

“Bri?” I asked again.

She looks up at me before stopping what she had been doing.

“Do you have anything you’d like to tell me?” she asked. The tone of her voice made it obvious that she was pissed, and now that she was looking up at me, I saw her eyes were slightly puffy.

“Not that I know of,” I answered. “Were you crying?”

“No,” she lied.

Obviously something was pissing her off, so I decided I should let her cool off before some big argument started.

“I ate already, so I’m just going to go to bed,” I told her.

I was halfway to the bedroom when she spoke again.

“Oh, by the way, your rehab called.”

Oh shit. Oh fuck.

“What did they say?” I asked, not turning around. I silently prayed they hadn’t mentioned anything of me dropping out.

“The lady wanted to know if you would be returning to finish the program like you were supposed to, but apparently you never came back,” she explained in the most conniving voice I’ve ever heard.

“They must’ve made a mistake,” I lied.

“Oh save it,” she snapped. “Why would you lie to me about it even after I told you about my father? And even now, when you’re caught you still lie to me?”

“I didn’t want to disappoint you. And after you told me about your father it only made me feel worse, how could I tell you that your fear of history repeating itself already fucking came true? How could I tell you that I was doing exactly what your father did that led him to his death? How could I ever tell you that?”

“Luke, if you lied about all of this to me, how can I trust you about anything else?” she shook her head. Her voice was calm, too calm. Unlike mine, where I was practically yelling at her.

“You can trust me!” I exclaimed. “You’re acting as if it’s the easiest thing to come clean about that. I didn’t want you to see me as a failure; I didn’t want you to see me as some fuck up alcoholic that was no better than your father.”

“My father was a great man, he just had his fatal flaw, and I warned you about that. How could you hear that and not even think about going back to finish the program? Does that not scare you to think you could end up just like him?” she yelled.

“It does! Obviously I’m afraid, but I was more afraid of disappointing you, and even more afraid of losing you.”

“Well it’s a little late for that,” she said before pushing past me into the bedroom, slamming the door behind her and locking it.

Why does everything I do have to blow up in my fucking face?

I sighed in defeat as I walked over to the couch and stripped down to my boxers. I grabbed an extra blanket out of the closet next to the bathroom and made myself a bed out the old couch.

When I heard muffled cries coming from the bedroom, I knew I wouldn’t be getting any sleep tonight.


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 I love you all, thank you soooo much for over 210,000 reads on this story, that's crazy! 

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