Chapter 66

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Sorry for the delay! My grandma flew in from Florida and it's the first time I've seen her since my birthday back in October so I was just spending a little time with her! Anyway, enjoy the update!

Bri’s POV

We sat down in Sydney’s living room to watch a movie, but Luke tapped my shoulder.

“What?” I asked, turning around.

“Can we talk?” he asked.

“Right now?” I answered with a question. He nodded. “Fine,” I agreed.

“Okay, well I know that you said you wanted to wait it out and you wanted me to prove that I’m trustworthy and I can be the perfect boyfriend for you, but I can’t wait any longer. Bri, I’m so sorry for lying to you, I just didn’t want you to see me as weak, I didn’t want you to be disappointed, and after you told me about your father, it dug me deeper into the problem and I didn’t know what to do,” he stopped to take a breath.

“Luke, I-“ I started, but he spoke up again.

“No, it’s my turn to talk. I know that I don’t deserve you, but I need you. I need to hold you in my arms at night; I need to hear your laugh in the mornings. When I wake up and you’re next to me, I can’t help but to smile because you’re flawless. You light up every room you go into and I can’t spend any more time away from you.”

I looked around to find that everybody was staring. I completely forgot they were here.

He took my hands in one of his, and grabbed something out of his back pocket with the other before getting down on one knee. He can’t…

“Don’t get scared, I’m not proposing,” he laughed, obviously seeing the worried look on my face. He looked up at me nervously. “However, I do have a proposition for you.”

“What would that be?” I asked, curious and nervous. I knew that whatever he had planned would work. He knew it to. I’m not strong enough to say no, I love him too much. Plus, with everybody watching, I couldn’t say no even if I wanted to.

“You take this necklace as a birthday present from me, and take me back for a week, just give me a week to prove that I can be the guy you not only want, but need, and then you can make the final choice to get rid of me forever, or take me back.”

I looked at everyone, and they were all nodding eagerly. I turned back to Luke and took a deep breathe.

“I accept your proposition,” I smiled. He stood up and hugged me tightly, almost too tight to breathe, before helping me put the necklace on. It was beautiful.

Luke’s POV

The heavy weight was instantly lifted off my shoulders the second the words escaped her beautiful lips. I accept your proposition.

When I hugged her, everything finally felt right again. I put the necklace on for her and spun her around, kissing her softly on the lips. A wave on electricity shot through my entire body and in that short instant, I was ignited. She was the gas to my flame.

A bunch of awes came from our friends sat beside us, who to be honest, I completely forgot about. I knew they were waiting for us to get back together just as much as I had.

“Oh, happy birthday by the way,” Cat said as she hugged Bri.

“Oh shit, I almost forgot!” Sydney yelled, quickly running to the kitchen.

She came out moments later with a batch of cupcakes, the one in the middle with a burning candle in it.

Bri smiled and claimed that she didn’t have to, but by the look on her face, I knew she was happy. For the first time in a month or so, she was truly and genuinely happy.

After we sang happy birthday, we all took a cupcake and ate it, only to be rushed by Michael moments later.

“Can we watch the movie now?” Michael asked grumpily.

“Jesus,” Kristina rolled her eyes at him. “Someone’s a little cranky; did you forget to take your nap?”

Michael rolled his eyes right back at her, causing Bri to giggle. She always finds their friendly banter hilarious.

I grabbed her hand in mine and she followed me to the couch. We sat down next to Sydney and Ashton who had been cuddled up under a blanket this entire time, while everyone else was sprawled out across the floor in front of us.

I didn’t pay much attention to the shitty movie on the screen; all I could focus on was Bri. My arm was around her waist and she was resting her head on my lap. I’ve missed this so much. I know it’s not much, but it’s enough when it’s her.

Bri’s POV

When the movie ended, I slowly sat up while yawning, extending my arms over my head to stretch. I turned to Luke to ask him if he wanted to sleep in here or in one of the two guest rooms, only to find he was already asleep.

“Where is everyone sleeping?” Sydney asked as she stood up from the floor, Ashton right behind her.

“We’re taking one of the guest rooms,” Cat and Calum announced in sync before getting up an going down the hall.

“I’ll meet you upstairs,” Ashton said to Sydney, kissed her on the cheek, and went up the stairs to her room.

“Why don’t you and Kristina take the other room, I’ll sleep in here with Luke,” Michael offered, not even bothering to stand up.

Sydney went upstairs to sleep seeing that we all had somewhere to sleep and Kristina and I headed to bed as well. I whispered goodnight to Luke before I left the room even though he couldn’t hear me.

I took the side of the bed closest to the window, and Kristina crawled into the other side.

"Are you happy?" she asked.

"Yeah," I smiled even though she couldn't see me. I took a deep breath before falling asleep peacefully for the first time in a while.


so.... did any of you know what the surprise was in advance? and who's happy about Bri and Luke finally getting back together?! No drama for the first time in a while :)

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