Chapter 42

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It didn’t take much convincing to get Kristina on our side, but once she found out about mine and Luke’s fight, she got a little side tracked and wanted to ‘rip his head off’ instead of help Cat, Sydney, and I get Michael, Calum, and especially Ashton back on our side.

We sent Cat off to get Calum and Kristina off to get Michael and Ashton while Sydney and I waited in Kristina’s dorm.

“I’m nervous,” she admitted.

“Don’t be,” I told her. “Everything I going to be fine.”

“I haven’t spoken to Ashton since, we never even officially broke up, but I mean it’s kind of obvious,” she sighed.

“Sydney, listen to me,” I continued, “he was upset and angry with what he had thought you did, and be honest, you would have been angry with him too.”

“I just don’t think that was a reason to break up with me, it had nothing to do with us, or anyone else for that matter,” she vented. “I understand why you and Luke were angry, but everyone else was being a bit irrational.”

“I think that’s why Cat stayed with you, she didn’t think it was right for everyone to be mad at you, and it wasn’t,” I agreed.

Our conversation was cut short by Kristina walking in with Michael and Ashton.

Ashton sighed the moment he laid eyes on Sydney, which made her look down at her feet. I could tell she was hiding her tears from him.

“What’s going on?” Michael asked.

“Sydney didn’t do it,” I stated.

“How do you know?” Ashton questioned.

“I looked at the email that mother got from ‘Sydney’ and it wasn’t Sydney’s email address,” I informed them.

“You did?” Kristina asked. I know I hadn’t told anyone this information yet, but I did.

“Yeah,” I confirmed.

“So then why did Luke fight you when you brought it up?” Sydney pondered.

Cat and Calum entered the room holding hands.

I shrugged, “He didn’t give me the chance to tell him, he’s beyond pissed.”

“Wait, you and Luke got into a fight?” Calum asked.

“Yeah,” I nodded. “He started screaming at me and calling me stupid and gullible.”

“Dick,” Ashton muttered.

“Tell me about it,” I huffed.

“So are you guys still mad at me?” Sydney asked nervously.

“No, you didn’t do it,” Michael smiled.

Everyone agreed, except for Ashton.

“Ashton?” Sydney searched his face for any sign of emotion.

“I’m sorry for cutting you off, it wasn’t even our problem, but Luke is my best friend and I felt betrayal. I shouldn’t have avoided you and I was wrong. Will you take me back?” Ashton begged.

“Of course,” Sydney smiled before running over to hug Ashton before giving him a kiss on the lips.

A chorus of awes erupted from everyone and everything finally felt right in our world, aside from the fight I was in with Luke, and the fact that Aleisha was gone.

“C’mon,” Ashton offered his hand out to me.

I gave him a puzzled look and he spoke again.

“Let’s go get you your man back,” he smiled. I smiled back and took his hand, him leading Sydney and I out of the dorm.

Cat, Calum, Michael, and Kristina followed us and we all piled into two cars and headed over to mine and Luke’s apartment.

A uneasy feeling grew in my stomach the closer we got to the apartment, fearing what would happen when we all arrived, especially with Sydney by my side.

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