Chapter 44

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Wow, guys, I hit 50k reads so thank you so much! Aside from that, I got over 70 votes on the last chapter, thank you guys so much I actually like cried. 

Please keep voting, it means so much to me you dont even know, and since you guys voted so much, I'm updating early!

If I get around the same amount of votes as last time, I'll update tomorrow too since the next chapter is already written! :) Thanks again, I love you all soo sooo soo much :) 

I felt a small hand on my shoulder, lightly shaking me awake. My eyes fluttered open and I saw Liz hovering over me.

“Sorry to wake you so early, but the station called and we can pick up Luke,” she informed me.

I nodded, unsure of what to say.

“I’m leaving soon to get him, would you like to come?” she offered.

“Yeah, and if you wouldn’t mind dropping me back at the apartment, I have work today,” I explained.

“Of course,” she smiled before leaving the room. I’m sure she knew I would need to get ready. I didn’t bring any of my own clothes, so I looked through Luke’s things until I found gray sweatpants and a plain white tee shirt.

I was nervous to see him, scared actually. I understand he probably didn’t want to tell me about him being a recovered alcoholic at such a young age, but I was a little mad that he hid it from me. Also, his actions from last night really scared me. I had never seen a violent side to Luke before that, aside from when he punched Matt at the club, but I would have never of thought he would be like that.

I also never thought he would yell at me like that. I know that he hadn’t physically hurt me, but after learning this new information and seeing him throw bottles at the people he calls his best friends, I grew worried. I know he told me he would never hurt me, but I was beginning to have doubts.

Liz called my name from downstairs, letting me know she was ready to go. I looked myself over in the mirror before I headed downstairs. I noticed my eyes were a bit puffy from crying last night, and I seemed a little paler than usual.

I got in the back seat of the car and looked out the window the entire ride there, too deep in thought to speak.

As we pulled into the parking lot of the police station, butterflies rose in my stomach.

“Do you want to come in, or wait here?” she asked.

“Uh, I think I’m going to wait out here,” I concluded. She nodded before getting out of the car.

I watched as her figure disappeared into the gray building.

I was waiting for a good half hour before the door opened to reveal Liz with Luke trailing behind. I could see her scolding him, but I wish I could hear what she was saying.

Luke’s face lit up when he saw me in the car, and he started running across the parking lot to get to me, suddenly ignoring the words coming out of his mother’s mouth.

“Bri, I missed you so much, I thought you were going to be-” he rambled the moment he opened  the car door, but I cut him off.

“I’m still mad at you, and what you did last night was not okay,” I said.

“I know and I’m sorry, I thought you left and you weren’t coming back and I didn’t know what to do so I just drank,” he sighed, looking at the floor of the car. I could tell he was embarrassed by his choices, and he had every right to be.

“Why didn’t you tell me about you drinking?” I asked softly. I saw Liz waiting outside the car, she knew better than to get in.

“I thought it would change the way you felt about me and you would leave,” he shrugged, still not looking at me.

“Why would you think that? I mean obviously it’s not something to be proud of, but it’s in your past, and what’s done is done,” I said, keeping my ground. Deep down, I wanted more than anything to pull him into my arms and play with his hair as we listened to the radio on the drive home, but I can’t.

“I don’t know,” he mumbled. “I’m sorry, okay?”

“Luke, you don’t need to apologize for that, but there are plenty of other things that need to be worked out,” I said.

“I’m sorry for everything. I shouldn’t have yelled at you, I know you were right, and in the midst of me fighting with Calum and Ashton last night, they told me why you wanted to make up with her, I should’ve listened, but I was just so afraid that she would try and take you away from me again.”

“It’s okay, but if you ever do it again, I won’t hesitate to duff you,” I said, smiling.

He laughed, knowing that I was half serious and half joking.

“I love you Bri, and I never meant for any of this to happen. I need to find an alternative to getting my anger out because I know alcohol and I are not good friends,” he sighed.

“I love you too,” I smiled.

Once Liz saw him pull me onto his lap to cuddle on the small backseat, she got in the car, knowing it was safe.

“Sorry for making you wait,” I apologized to her.

“I made you wait twenty minutes longer than you should have, I yelled at him too,” she admitted, laughing.

On the long drive back to the apartment, Luke softly sang along to the radio in my ear while playing with my hair.

We both fell asleep after a while, tired from our sleepless night last night.


By the time we got to the apartment, I had to shower and get ready for my shift at the restaurant.

“Can’t you call in sick?” Luke pouted, sitting on the toilet seat, watching me get ready.

“No, I just got promoted and I’m making really nice tips now, plus I’m working with Daisy and Matt today,” I explained.

Luke cringed at the mention of Matt.

“I know you don’t like him, but I work with him and that’s not going to change,” I stated.

“I know, and I trust you,” he said.

“Good,” I smiled before leaving the bathroom to put on my shoes and grab my keys.

“I’ll miss you,” he cooed, following me.

“I’ll miss you too, but I’m going to be late, so I’ll see you around dinner time,” I said quickly as I pecked him on the lips and left.

Luke’s POV

After she left, I was bored and lonely. I decided to call everyone over, including Sydney. I needed to apologize to everyone because of last night, and I wanted to apologize to Sydney too.

It was time to man up and face the consequences. 

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