Chapter 67

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hey guys! im sooooo sorry that this took so long, its been hard adjusting to my new job and writing schedule. i have so much less free time to write, but ive figured out a better way to manage it, so dont worry, the next chapter will definitely not take as long. Sorry if there are any errors, i havent proof read it yet, but i will tomorrow to fix any errors. Enjoy :)

Bri’s POV

I woke up to the sound of a blow dryer. Of course Kristina has to wake up and do her hair early in the morning. I groaned and rolled over to look at the clock. It was seven in the morning, what the fuck?

“Kristina, can you please do that in the bathroom by the kitchen please? It’s so early,” I complained, still half asleep.

“That’s where I was before! Luke and Michael yelled at me because I woke them up too,” she frowned, shutting the blow dryer off.

“Why are you up anyway? Can’t you wait another hour or two so I can sleep?” I begged.

“No can do, my sister is coming to pick me up in a half hour. We’re going shopping,” she explained.

“Thanks for telling me you had a sister,” I said sarcastically. You would think after a good six or seven months of being friends, she would’ve mentioned her sister at least once.

She started the blow dryer up again and after a few minutes of shoving pillows over my head to attempt to drown out the obnoxious noise, I got up and headed for the couch where Luke and Michael were sleeping.

By the look of it, Michael kicked Luke off the couch and kept it for himself, and Luke was sleeping on the floor with his arms and legs sprawled out like a starfish. I laughed quietly to myself before lying on the floor near him and falling asleep.

My slumber didn’t last long, however. I only got another hour of sleep at most. Cat and Calum burst through the door screaming something about food, which obviously was an effective way in getting the rest of the boys to the kitchen in less than a minute. They all sprinted to the kitchen, even Ashton who was upstairs.

At this point, Kristina was already gone and Michael kept complaining that he was ‘seventh wheeling’. Although Cat and I were heading out to the gym soon anyway, seeing as while Luke was away we would go every Saturday morning , and we’ve skipped out on it the past two weeks, but we really needed to get back.

Luke wasn’t happy that I was leaving since we were finally back together and he wanted to spend some time together, but like I told him, we can’t spend every waking moment together and we can’t let our relationship rule our lives.

Yes we live together and yes we are young and it’s going to happen, especially this being my first time falling in love, but we still have school to worry about as well as our friends and family. Who speaking of, I hadn’t spoken to in a while.

Luke’s POV

Cat and Bri left shortly after we sat down for breakfast, leaving just us guys and Sydney. Calum, Michael, and I were going to leave and give Ashton and Sydney some private time, but they both insisted we stay.

“So, Luke, are you happy?” Sydney asked. We were all still sat in the kitchen around the island counter, too lazy to move to the couch.

“Yeah,” I answered with a shrug. Why wouldn’t I be? I just got my girlfriend back.

“That didn’t seem very convincing,” Ashton noted.

“Well I’m not going to pour my heart and soul out to you guys, I mean you all pretty much know how I’m feeling right now, you’ve all listened to me rant about how much I love her and need her back at some point within the last few days,” I explained, but none of their expressions looked convincing. “I don’t know, I just know I’m going to fuck this up, or something, somehow will go horribly wrong. Bri and I have never had it easy and I’m just nervous. This is probably my last chance and I really can’t fuck it up.”

Now that they found out what was bothering me, they had something to say.

They all took turns, going on and on about how our struggles have made us stronger, even though it seems like it’s made us weaker, not only as a couple, but as people in general. We’ve turned each other’s worlds upside down. They went on about how they would all try their hardest to keep ‘them’ away from us. What did I miss?

“Wait, who’s ‘they’?” I asked, clearly being the only one here who in unaware of the situation.

“Well we all were extremely curious of how you got your hands on the alcohol in the first place, and what made you break your record of being sober for three years, I mean you never wanted to go near it again after what happened with Aleisha… but anyway, we found out who sent it to you and who was blackmailing you with it,” Calum informed me.

“I assumed it was Aleisha. For one, it would cause problems between Bri and I, plus I would need to go back to rehab, thus repeating what happened between Aleisha and I,” I shrugged.

“It was Aleisha,” Sydney confirmed. “But she didn’t do it alone.”

What? Who else would want to break us up? Who else would have any reason to ruin my life?

“Matt,” Ashton interrupted my thoughts, answering them as if he could read my mind. “It was Matt too.”

“Who the fuck is Matt?” I asked, my blood boiling. I grew angrier and angrier. Whoever this Matt guy is must have a real big set of balls for trying to come in between us, for trying to ruin my life, not only in short term, but for the rest of my life.

“That guy who took Bri out when you broke up for the first time. Remember? He’s the one you punched at that club,” Michael said, trying to get me to remember, and he succeeded. Finally, everything made sense, and yet, it only caused more confusion.

“Did he come anywhere near her while I was away?” I asked through gritted teeth. It took every ounce of me not to head over to that damn restaurant and ring his neck right there.

“They had a few shifts together due to Bri using work as a distraction from the empty apartment, but she stayed away from him without making it obvious that she knew it was him,” Calum answered.

“So Bri knows?” I asked, suddenly feeling slightly better. At least she knows. I know that she would never get involved with someone as devious as Aleisha, but now the problem was keeping our three enemies away.

Aleisha, alcohol, and Matt. All equally as toxic, but only one could be removed from our system with a few hours of sleep.

Hope you liked it! 

Kik: danielleroseromano

Twitter: @sillystringluke

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