Chapter 19

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Bri’s POV

Kristina went down to let Calum in, while Sydney and I helped Cat fix some last minute problems with her hair.

“Thanks so much guys, I’ll see you when I get back,” she thanked us before going down the stairs to leave with Calum.

He was taking her out to a movie and then he was dropping her back off here.

“Have fun you two,” Sydney winked as they stepped inside the elevator.

“But not too much fun,” Kristina added loudly right before the doors shut. “They’re so cute together; I’m so good at matchmaking.” She clapped her hands together and sat on the couch.

“Kristina, you had nothing to do with them going out tonight,” Sydney said, sitting down next to her and throwing her feet onto her lap.

“Shut up and let me have my fun,” she winked.

We all agreed to watch a movie while we waited for them to get back. Searching through channels, we decided on ‘She’s The Man’ because it’s probably one of the best movies to date. Plus once I told them I never saw it, they refused to change it.

Let me tell you something; never watch a movie with Kristina or Sydney. Kristina spoiled the entire ending about half way through, and Sydney got up to pee every ten minutes.

Before we knew it, Cat was back. She walked in with the most disappointed look on her face possible.

“What happened?” Sydney eagerly yelled.

“Why are you not happy?” Kristina chimed in.

“What did he do?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

“Nothing, that’s the problem,” she muttered, collapsing onto the chair across from the couch we were sat on.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“The entire night we couldn’t stop laughing and everyone in the theatre was getting mad at us, which only made us laugh more. I honestly had an amazing time-”

“I’m not seeing the problem,” Kristina interrupted.

“Will you let me finish?” she sassed. Kristina pretended to zip her lips and throw the key away, so Cat continued. “On the ride back, we were singing together in the car obnoxiously loud and horribly, and when he walked me to the door, I really thought he was going to kiss me, but he didn’t.”

“He’s such a dumbass,” Sydney rolled her eyes. “He definitely wanted to, maybe he was nervous.”

She shrugged and began to unlace her boots.

“I have an idea, let me call him and ask how it went,” Kristina smiled evilly before running up to Sydney’s room to grab her phone.

By the time she was back, Calum’s number was already dialed. She held a finger to her lips, signaling us to be quiet.

“Hey,” he answered cheerily.

“So,” she sung, “how’d it go?”

“Aren’t you with Cat right now? I’m sure she told you,” he laughed.

“I went down the street to get more ice cream,” she lied. “I’m going to ask her when I get back, but I wanted to hear what you had to say too.”

“Oh,” he responded. “Well I think it went really well, I had fun.”

“Did you kiss her?” she asked as if she didn’t already know.

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