Chapter 17

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Bri’s POV

I couldn’t sleep at all last night, but I had to get up and go to my classes anyway, since I missed yesterday’s due to our group sleepover.

I tried my best to cover the newly formed bags under my eyes with makeup, but it was no use.

I couldn’t pay attention in Calculus, all I could think about was whether I should talk to Luke about it or not.

After having an inner war with myself all night about it, I decided to let it go, for now. He told Michael that they were going as friends, and that it was nothing more and he wouldn’t do anything to risk losing me, and I didn’t want him to think I didn’t trust him either.

Seeing him in History and having to act like nothing was wrong was probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do in my life. If it was any other girl besides Aleisha, I wouldn’t care. They have major history together and it just worries me that the kiss did bring some memories, and feelings back too.

“Want to come over later and study for the exam tomorrow?” he whispered, leaning towards me so no one around us could hear.

“I can’t,” I said, not sparing him a glance.

“Why not?” he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

“I have work, remember? Just like I had it yesterday,” I said, hinting that I was there.

“Oh, alright,” he said and returned his attention back to our professor.


I rushed into the restaurant to try and catch Daisy before I left, since she never got around to calling me last night. Lucky for me, I caught her in the back room.

“You never called me last night,” I stated, smiling to ease the tension.

“Oh, yeah, sorry. I forgot, I got out pretty late and I didn’t want to wake you up,” she shrugged.

“I didn’t sleep at all last night,” I sighed. “Anyway, what did Matt hear?”

“Nothing really, just a casual conversation. He seemed to be ticked off because he left like a half hour after you did,” she explained.

“Oh,” was all I could say. I don’t know if I should be happy about that or not.

“Yeah, she was hitting on him and he left. He’s a keeper darlin’. Kept saying he had a girlfriend,” Daisy patted me on the back before leaving me to start my shift.

Relief washed through my system after she said that.

I sent Luke a quick text, deciding to go over to his place after my shift, which ended at seven.

While waiting for tables to clear, I checked my phone to see if he had answered.

From: Luke

Bring stuff to spend the night, it’ll give us more time to study

Wasn’t going to argue with that, I told him I would find a ride and not to worry about me.

After work, Calum called and told me he was going to Luke’s building to look into getting an apartment and offered me a ride. I was grateful that he was heading over there so I wouldn’t have to inconvenience anyone.

Luke let me in before jumping in a quick shower. I decide to take the opportunity to call my mother.

“Is everything okay?” her voice was panicked.

“Yeah, why? Is it a bad time?” I asked.

“Well it’s only four in the morning…” she trailed off.

I mentally face-palmed, “Fuck, I forgot the time difference, sorry.”

“It’s alright, what do you need?” she questioned.

“Is there any way you can sell my car and send me the money?”

“You love that car! Why do you need all that money anyway?” she sounded worried.

“Yeah I know, but it’s no use to me over there. Plus, I need a car here. I obviously have to get around to taking the road test here, but I hate burdening my friends and boyfriend for a ride all the time,” I explained.

“Boyfriend?” Now Bri, we already went over that you-“

I cut her off, “I know mom, no boyfriends.” I shouldn’t have said that. “I’ll break up with him tonight, he’s in the shower right now, so I’ll do it when he’s done.”

“I will see what I can do about your car.”

I hung up the phone.

“I’ll save you the breath, just go,” Luke’s voice said from behind me, sounding lost and broken.

“Luke, I wasn’t serious,” I said, panicking.

“Really? Because you had whoever that was convinced,” he rose his voice.

“Yeah, it was my mom. She doesn’t want me having a boyfriend, and I accidently told her about you, so I lied. I don’t want her telling me what to do I’m not a little kid anymore,” I cried out.

“So what? I’m your little secret?” he spat.

“No? Luke, why are you getting so pissed off? The entire fucking campus knows about us, obviously you’re not my little secret, but once the semester is over and the grades are out, I will show my mom I’m able to balance school and a relationship, I have it all planned out,” I explained.

“Whatever,” Luke stormed off into the other room, slamming the door shut behind him.

Well someone has anger issues…

I sighed, deciding on calling Calum.

“Hey Bri, everything okay?” he answered the phone.

“Yeah, are you still at here?” I silently prayed he was.

“No, I left, the guy wasn’t there,” he told me.

“Oh,” I nodded, even though he couldn’t see me.

“Why? Do you need a ride?” he asked.

“No, it’s fine, I’ll just stay the night,” I answered.

“Well call me if you need me, I don’t mind coming to get you,” he assured me, and I thanked him before hanging up.

I came to study, and that’s exactly what I did. I sat down in the dining room and opened my books.

After hours of studying, I was exhausted.

I tiredly walked to the couch and the second my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.

I tried updating last night, but my internet failed me, I'm so sorry! If this gets enough votes and comments I'll update again tonight! 

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