Chapter 31

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Bri’s POV

“Hey, Bri, wake up,” Luke’s voice softly whispered in my ear.

I groaned before slowly opening my eyes.

“What?” I asked, as nice as possible, even though I wanted to yell at him for waking me up early on a weekend.

“I made you breakfast,” he informed me.

“Thanks, but I think I’ll eat it later, when I wake up,” I smiled, lying back down.

“Let me rephrase that,” he suggested. “I made you breakfast in bed.”

My eyes shot open and I immediately sat up. I was pretty hungry anyway, and I could always go back to sleep after.

He grabbed a tray from the nightstand, which I blindly didn’t see until moments ago, and waited for him to place it on my lap.

“You didn’t have to do all this,” I said in awe, looking at the amazing breakfast he prepared. French toast, a sliced banana, orange juice, and pancakes with two little blueberries sitting on top, drowning in the syrup.

“I wanted to,” he smiled, crawling into the bed next to me.

“Thank you,” I smiled back, planting a quick kiss on his lips after shoving a forkful of French toast into my mouth.

He nodded and turned the TV on.

I ate my breakfast as Luke watched TV next to me, occasionally stealing slices of my banana.

We spent most of the day relaxing in bed, but eventually we got off of our lazy asses and cleaned up the apartment. Luke washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen while I cleaned our room and did the laundry.

Everything was spotless by the time we were done, but I was exhausted.

Calum invited Luke over for the night, so I had the place to myself. Even though this was now my home too, it felt weird being here without him.

I called up my mother; since she should be awake my now.

“Hello,” she answered sweetly.

“How are you doing?” I asked.

“Good, I just turned on the TV to watch Macy’s Thanksgivings Day parade,” she told me, “How are you?” I completely forgot about Thanksgiving. I guess since nobody celebrates it over here I haven’t heard about it.

“I’m good, I’m actually hanging out with my friends tonight,” I said honestly.

“Are boys going?” she asked and by the tone of her voice I could practically see her raising her brow.

“No mother, just my roommate Kristina and our friends Cat and Sydney,” I explained, rolling my eyes even though she couldn’t see me.

“Good, well the parade is about to start, so I will speak to you later, have a good time,” she said and before I could answer, the call disconnected.

I don’t even know why I call her, she’s nothing but rude to me.

Sydney’s POV

As I was getting ready to go out to dinner with Bri, Cat, and Kristina, my phone rang.

“Hello?” I answered, waiting for whoever was calling to speak.

“Hi Sydney, it’s Aleisha,” she introduced herself.

“What do you need?” I sighed, knowing this would be about Bri and Luke.

“Depends, did you do what I asked?” she asked.

“Yeah, Bri moved in with Luke like yesterday I think,” I answered.

“Good, I was just making sure my plan was falling into place,” she said evilly.

“What plan?” I asked, starting to feel guilty and used.

“You’re so stupid Sydney. I can’t believe you actually believed that I had you convince her to move in with him to make them stronger as a couple,” she yelled rudely before laughing at my expense.

“You are an evil girl,” I accused her.

“Yeah, I know, but at least I’m not a dumb whore,” she snorted before hanging up, leaving me to feel like absolute shit. If Bri finds out that I had anything to do with this, she will hate me forever.

I know I should probably tell her now, but I can’t. I can’t even warn her about what is coming because I don’t even know.

Vote and Comment, tons of drama coming!

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