Chapter 10

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Bri's POV

I don’t know how I could be so stupid, so blind. I was probably nothing to him, just some girl to play with. Another girl to try and have sex with, and since after a week or two i still hadn't given it to him, he left, moving on to his next victim.

He probably didn't even care that he hurt me. He knows he did, we locked eyes after he pulled away from the kiss.

He didn’t try and bother explaining himself because he didn’t care and he had no real excuse.

Better to find out now then later I suppose. After I finally stopped crying like a weak and pathetic high school girl, I washed my face and headed home. I sent a text out to Kristina, telling her not to worry about me and I was already home.

I have the whole weekend to sit in my room and sulk since I did all my work yesterday.

I can’t let that happen, I will not waste my time being depressed about losing a guy that was never mine.

I decided to go out and find a job, since my mom doesn’t send enough money for me to buy anything but three meals a day.


I spent the entire morning and most of the afternoon filing out applications and scheduling job interviews. If I had to look at another application I swear to God, it wouldn’t be pretty.

Luke's POV

When I woke up, or should I say when the sun came up, since I got barely any sleep last night, I jumped in the shower.

I was up all night pacing back and forth, scolding myself for letting Aleisha kiss me, letting Bri cry in the bathroom.

I should have knocked until she let me in or waited until she finally came out. I know she wasn’t mine, but I should have fought harder.

I thought I was finally going to move on, be happy again, but no, Aleisha had to swoop in and ruin everything once again.


I can’t get Bri out of my mind. I hope she's not in her room crying or moping around, but maybe I’d rather have her to sulk around than her moving on from me.

She's my only chance for love and happiness. Aleisha is back and yes, I could go back to her, but I don’t want to, I don’t want her. I don’t want anyone except Bri.

I haven’t known her for very long, but the way she carries herself is making me fall for her more and more every single day.

Those eyes, and that smile, unforgettable. Her long blonde hair, the way it softly lies over her shoulders and swiftly sways as she walks. The way she leans away and throws her head back when she’s truly laughing. Everything about her drives me crazy.

I don’t know what she’s doing to me, but whatever it is, I can’t live without.

She’s been running through my mind all day so I decided to go to her and explain what had really happened.

I put on a pair of sneakers and jogged over to her and Kristina’s dorm. Half of me was praying she wasn’t there, and the other was praying she was.

By the time I reached the door to their room, I was out of breath and a thin layer of sweat covered my skin. I wiped my face off on my sleeve and caught my breath before knocking.

I heard a fumble in the room and footsteps head towards the door, before everything on the other side of the door went silent. I then heard footsteps move back away from the door.

“C’mon Bri, open the door,” I asked loud enough for her to hear me. No response.

“I know you’re in there,” I spoke again. Still nothing.

“I’ll give you one minute to open this door or I’ll use the spare key Kristina gave me and open it myself,” I retorted, becoming annoyed from her stubbornness.

Unexpectedly, the door opened and I came face to face with Bri.

“You have five minutes,” she gave in, looking up at me with angry, cold eyes.

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