Chapter 69

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I'm really really really sorry for the long delay, but I have regents and finals and other exams coming up, plus I've had work so the updates are going to be slow for the next week or so, but once its over, the updates will be back to daily, so it'll be worth it, I promise! Just be patient with me please :)

Bri’s POV

I woke up the next morning to the irritating sound of my alarm.

“Turn it off,” Luke whined with his arms still wrapped around me and his eyes still closed.

“I’m trying, but I can’t reach it,” I groaned back. Luke loosened his grip on me, giving me enough room to lean over and turn my alarm off.

I tried to get out of bed, but I was only pulled back by Luke’s arms.

“Luke, we have this argument every morning, we need to get up. We’ve both missed way too many classes,” I rolled my eyes even though I was secretly enjoying the warmth of his body against mine. After not being truly together with him for so long, I almost forgot what it felt like to sleep alongside him.

“I know, that’s why I did it. I’ve missed everything about us, and if this is our normal, then we shall have this argument every morning to come,” Luke confessed, making my heart tingle. He’s such a sappy guy, but I loved it.

“Our normal is also you making me breakfast while I get ready,” I smiled, batting my lashes at him. We both knew it was a lie, but I was really hoping he would. I was starving and wasn’t in the mood to have cereal or another pop tart. That’s what I had every single morning and I was beginning to get sick of them.

“You’re such a liar,” Luke laughed. “But I’ll do it anyway.” He rolled over and sat up, searching the floor for his boxers from last night. Once he located them he pulled them onto his body and headed to the kitchen.

“You’re the best,” I yelled.

“I know,” he called back. I could practically see the stupid grin on his face as he pulled out the pancake mix from the cabinet.

I quickly got dressed, eager for my meal. Luke always made the best pancakes. Once I joined Luke in the kitchen, he gave me my breakfast and left the room to get ready.

“Are we meeting up with everyone?” I asked loudly as I glanced at the clock. If we wanted to get there in time, we would have to leave soon.

“I’d like to, yeah. I haven’t really gone with you since before rehab,” he answered equally as loud. His voice was still muffled between the walls, but I understood.

“In all honesty, you haven’t done much of anything since you came home,” I said. I heard a loud groan come from the bedroom as I finished the last bite of my meal. “What happened?” I asked, chuckling as I entered the room to find a pant-less Luke.

“My jeans ripped,” he frowned before picking the pair up off the floor to show me the giant rip that was right along the crotch. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Aw Luke,” I giggled. “We need to get you to a gym.”

“Oh shut up, it’s not my fault my dick is too big,” he joked.

“Oh yeah, keep telling yourself that,” I rolled my eyes and left the room.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he yelled after me.

“Just get ready,” I yelled back.

Luke’s POV

Two pairs of pants later, I was finally dressed and Bri and I were on our way to Kristina’s dorm to meet up with everyone. I made a mental note to go shopping later. I was down three pairs of jeans.

“Want to go shopping with me later?” I asked.

“Sure, as long as I can stop in a couple stores while we’re there,” she said.

“What do you need?” I questioned.

“Nothing specific, but I haven’t gone out and gotten anything new in way too long,” she answered. I nodded.

As I drove, I sighed. Not a sad sigh or a frustrated or angry sigh, but a sigh of relief. Finally, things were back to our usual and it was about time. It felt like forever since the last time we had done this all together.

So much has changed these past couple of months, everything has been so crazy and hectic, but I guess that’s what happens once you leave high school. Everything changes. I mean, Sydney and Ashton have known each other forever and they only started dating this year. Calum usually was the one to go out and party every night and never really wanted a girlfriend, and here he is, with Cat. Then you have Michael and Kristina who are exactly the same. I, on the other hand, have had the biggest change. After Aleisha did what she did, I never wanted a girlfriend ever again. She broke my heart in the cruelest way possible.

I went away to rehab the first time, to get better for her, and I came home to find her in bed with her ex-boyfriend. She didn’t even apologize or fight for me or even stop what she was doing, she pretended that I wasn’t there and that’s what hurt the most. She didn’t care.

“Are you okay?” Bri asked, stopping my brain from wondering any farther.

“Yeah,” I said.

“Well you just passed the turn,” she informed me.

I groaned and made a quick U-turn. I turned down the road and we finally made it to Kristina’s dorm.

Everyone was already outside and waiting, cheering as we pulled up.

“Finally!” Calum yelled.

“Shut up, I had a rough morning,” I said as I got out of the car.

“I think you mean rough night,” Michael winked, being typical Michael.

Bri’s cheeks flushed and I just laughed.

“No, he ripped three pairs of jeans this morning,” Bri announced.

I rolled my eyes and changed the subject, quickly. “We should get going before we’re late.”

We walked the usual route, Bri and I holding hands the entire way. Once we got to the point where Bri and Michael broke off from the group, I kissed her goodbye and kept going.

“Nice to have you back man,” Ashton smiled.

I nodded in agreement. It really was. Things were finally looking good for us.

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