Chapter 8

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After History, I went straight back to the dorm. I was exhausted from being up so early and I had a horrible headache. I’ll ask Kristina what I missed in English, since I’m skipping it. I’m such a badass, I know.

The second I walked through the door I collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.


The rest of the week went agonizingly slow, making me physically and emotionally exhausted. Basically the only thing keeping me from skipping class was Luke. Seeing his smile every day and hearing him laugh made me forget everything else in the world.

Tonight I had my first date with Luke. He asked me after History earlier today, inviting me to go out to dinner with him and to see Insidious 2. I hated scary movies, but maybe it won’t be too bad.

I put on an oversized sweater with jeans and did my hair and makeup. Nothing too fancy or bold, but just enough to not look like a slob.

Lucky for me, Kristina went to Sydney’s with Ashton and Calum to work on some assignment in a class that they all have together so she wasn’t able to interrogate me on where I was going.

I sat down in the lounge and waited for Luke to come and pick me up. I didn’t get around to buying a car yet, and I need to take the road test here since my license from America is invalid, so he was my only ride.

I only waited for a couple of minutes before I spotted him looking around to me. I got up and walked over to him, a nervous feeling building in my stomach already.

He looked so cute. He was wearing a gray tee shirt with black jeans and his hair was down, something I hadn’t seen yet.

“You look beautiful,” he complimented.

“Thank you,” I said as I looked at the ground.

I shyly mumbled a thank you before he led me out to his car. Like a gentleman, he opened the door for me and then gently closed it. I watched as he walked around the car to get in as well.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Liz's Diner," he answered. "Nothing too fancy, and it's only two doors down from the theatre."

"Sounds good," I said in hope of easing his nerves. He kept wiping his palms off on his jeans every few minutes. I assumed it was a nervous habit of his. When we pulled up to the diner, there were a few people outside who seemed to liven up when they saw us.

"Luke!" the woman yelled as he got out of the car. She turned to me and said, "And you must be Bri."

"Yeah," I smiled shyly.

I guess she sensed my confusion, as she continued to introduce herself.

"I'm Liz, Luke's mother."

"She owns the place," Luke awkwardly added.

"Well its nice to meet you," I greeted.

"Hurry on inside, it’s chilly, we have a table ready for you anyway," she said sweetly as she ushered us inside.

The scenery of the diner was adorable, all the waitresses and waiters were on roller skates and the floor was black and white checkers, there was a juke box and the tables had chrome finishing with red leather booths. Reminded me of the classic diner back home.

We sat down at a booth towards the back, and Liz sent a waiter over to take our orders.

“This place is so cute,” I said, looking around at all the posters and decorations on the walls.

“Thanks,” he laughed before taking a giant bite out of his sliders.


After we finished eating at the diner, which was amazing, he paid for my food and we walked down to the theatre to see the movie.

I was really nervous since scary movies usually keep me up for weeks or I get horrifying nightmares, but Luke insisted he would keep me safe.

The entire movie, I had my face buried in his chest, too afraid to even watch the movie. I flinched every time I heard a yell or a loud noise come from the speakers.

Luke was laughing at me, but he soothingly traced patterns on my lower back the entire time, making me feel a slight bit better.

I made him pull the car up right in front of the theatre and I ran into the car terrified that someone was behind me.

“I really hate you for making me see  that movie,” I pouted as I buckled my seatbelt.

“You didn’t even watch it,” he fought playfully as he began to drive back to campus.

“But still,” I rolled my eyes.

“I’m sorry,” he said sincerely, grabbing my hand in his. The simple gesture made my heart flutter.

He walked me up to my room and kissed me goodnight before heading off to his own place.

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