Chapter 3

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When we got to the mall, Kristina immediately ran into the first store she saw and began taking shirts and jeans off the racks left and right.

She not only threw clothes into her own arms, but into mine as well. I was surprised when I looked at the clothes and they were all my size.

"How'd you know what size I am?" I asked, curious.

"I used to work in a clothing store back in high school, I helped size people, so I'm just really good with it," she shrugged.

After we had at least ten outfits each, we headed to the dressing rooms. Every shirt she picked was the same color; black. They were all tight and short as well. All the jeans were colored, they ranged from forest greens and dark purples to neon blues and pinks.

Everything looked so nice, I wanted to buy all of them, but my mom was only sending a certain amount of money a month, and I wouldn't have any money for food if I did.

"Did you pick one yet?" Kristina asked from the other side of the door, knocking slightly.

"No, did you?" I responded.

"Yeah, let me see what you're in now," she said.

I stepped out of the stall to show her my outfit. I was in a tight black tub top that was a little short, but not to the point where it looked ridiculous and dark green jeans.

"Bri, that looks," she paused, "amazing. You have to get it."

"Really? If you don't like it, be honest," I warned.

"I'm the one who picked it out, of course I like it," she laughed and rolled her eyes. "It shows off your curves too! Here, give it to me and I'll go pay while you change. You can just pay me back later."

I quickly changed and tossed it over the door so she could pay. I changed back into my clothes and made sure everything was on right before I met up with her in the front of the store.

"Ready?" she asked.

I nodded and we walked out of the mall and to the parking lot to find her car.

"Do you drink?"

"Yeah, but not too much," I lied. I rarely drank, my father died from alcohol poisoning and it really opened my eyes. Plus, every time I drank too much, I would start crying over him.

"Good," she smiled.


After we finished getting ready, we met up with Calum and Michael in front of their dorm. We took Calum's car to the party. They were obviously supplying the alcohol for everyone tonight; they had enough to open a bar.

When we pulled up to the apartment building, I got butterflies in my stomach. I always get them before a party, I guess it's because I'm sometimes socially awkward and end up sitting in the corner alone.

We went into the lobby and I was in awe. Everything was modern and looked extremely expensive. We rode the elevator up to the top floor and we stepped out already in Sydney's penthouse.

My jaw literally hit the floor. Her place was gorgeous. Everything was modern, yet comfortable. One wall was entirely made of glass, overlooking the entire city. There were people everywhere, so it was hard to judge the size, but I'm guessing it was a pretty big place.

"Does she live here alone?" I asked Kristina as we walked into the kitchen, helping the guys carry all the beer and vodka inside.

"Yeah, pretty sweet place, right?"

"It's beautiful," I shook my head.

"Thank you," Sydney said from behind me. I didn't even notice she was there. "So do you know what time Luke and Ashton are coming?"

"I think they should be here soon," Calum answered.

I turned to say something to Kristina, but she was gone. So was Michael. Great, I already lost the only people I know here.

I walked around to try and find someone, but after I circled around three times, I gave up. I sat down on the couch and just waited.

"Want a drink?" someone asked. I look up to find Ashton with two drinks in his hand.

"Sure," I said, taking one of the drinks from his hand.

"Do you know where Sydney or Kristina are?" he asked loudly so I could hear him over the music.

"Not a clue, I've been looking for them all night," I answered as I took a sip of the drink.

He nodded and walked off.

I didn't want to sit alone for the rest of the night, so I downed the rest of the drink to loosen up and went off to find someone I knew.

While walking through the crowd of people, someone grabbed my arm, stopping me from going anywhere.

"Where have you been all night?" Luke asked smiling.

"Walking around trying to find Kristina," I informed him.

"I saw her by the bathroom a little while ago," he said.

"Thanks," I smiled before walking over to the bathroom.

"Bri," I heard Kristina's voice calling my name. I look over and she's standing in the kitchen.

"Yes?" I ask after walking over to her.

"Look," she giggles before pointing at something behind me. I turn around and follow where she's pointing.

Sydney and Ashton were full on making out by the bottom of a stair case.

"When did that happen?" I asked, laughing.

"Not sure, but I know that Ashton has liked her for a while and now that she's single, I guess he made a move," she shrugged and took a sip of the beer that was in her hand.

"Speaking of liking people, I know someone who fancies you," she blurted, obviously the alcohol kicking in. She was slurring her words and it was pretty hard to understand what she said.

"Really?" I asked, intrigued. Who would like me? I've been here for two days and barely know anyone.

"I can't tell you, it's a secret," she giggled before running off.

I took off after her, letting my curiosity get the best of me.

She ran up the stairs, almost taking out Sydney and Ashton, not that they noticed. I followed her up the stairs and into Sydney's room.

She hit my arm and yelled, "Tag, you're it!"

"We're not playing tag Kristina," I sighed.

"Then why are we running?" she pouted.

"You said you knew that someone fancied me," I said, using air quotes with the word 'fancied'.

"Oh yeah," she laughed loudly and fell back onto Sydney's king sized bed.

"Who is it?" I asked, getting irritated with her. I hate dealing with drunken people.

She sat up and finally stopped laughing before taking in a deep breath.

"It's..." she paused.

cliffhanger! please comment and votee!

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