Chapter 59

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Thank youu @cahlumbae for the amazing cover :)

Luke’s POV

I tossed and turned on the couch for a solid three or four hours before I finally couldn’t take it anymore. I got up and grabbed my keys before slamming the door behind me, making it clear to Bri that I left. I wasn’t worried about waking her since I still heard her crying from our room. I left my phone there on purpose. I obviously wanted to work things out with her, but she needed space and she made that pretty clear by locking me out of the room. I wasn’t just going to sit there and listen to her cry all night. I tried a few times to get her to open the door, but if it hadn’t worked the first three times, it wouldn’t work the next.

Her cries were driving me insane and it made my chest feel heavy with guilt, making me feel as though I was physically drowning in my lie.

Luckily it wasn’t too late, only a quarter to ten, so Ashton was still awake by the time I got knocked on his door.

“What are you doing here?” Ashton questioned as he opened the door.

“Bri found out I dropped out of rehab,” I sighed.

“You what?” he asked, eyes doubling in size.

“She found out I dropped out. The rehab center called while I was out and she’s beyond pissed,” I repeated, explaining myself.

“I heard you the first time. I just can’t believe it,” he said, shaking his head. “Why’ you tell all of us that you completed the program? We all congratulated you and told you how proud you were, yet you just sat there and said nothing.”

“I panicked. It was dumb and I’m sorry. I couldn’t tell you guys without having Bri find out,” I confessed. The heavy pain of guilt that I wore on my chest grew heavier, even though I didn’t think it could. I swore it was going to cause my rips to collapse.

“I’m not going to yell at you mate, you’re probably getting enough shit from Bri right now and I’m sure you don’t need me adding to it. Obviously I’m hurt that you lied to me, but hey that’s life.”

He opened the door wider, allowing me to come inside.

Bri’s POV

I heard the door to our apartment open and slam shut. I wiped away my tears and unlocked the bedroom door.

“Luke?” I called. My voice was hoarse from all the crying. No answer. He left. I knew that he wanted to fix this from the three times he tried to get me to open the door, but I always forgive him too easily. That’s exactly why he keeps fucking up. I let him. If there’s no consequence to his actions, why would he change? I went into the kitchen to get a glass of water for my throat when I saw he left his phone on the counter right next to mine.

Great. I have no idea where my boyfriend went and have no way of contacting him. After all his hard work, I just pray he doesn’t plan on drinking. I know that I shouldn’t even call it ‘hard work’ since he dropped out, but he only left a week early and he didn’t cheat while he was there. He tried, he really did.

I glanced at the clock to find it was only ten to ten. I should probably go to sleep soon if I want to be able to get up for classes tomorrow morning.

As if on cue, my stomach growled loudly and I remembered I didn’t have dinner. I was too exhausted, mentally and physically, to continue cooking the meal I originally planned on making, so I grabbed a pack of pop tarts from the cabinet and filled a glass with water before returning to the bedroom.

I sat in bed eating my makeshift dinner and that’s when I realized I wasn’t sad anymore. I wasn’t sad or angry or anything, I didn’t feel anything. I was numb.

All I felt was the haze that my mind was in. I knew I needed sleep and water. I knew my body was dehydrated from all the tears that escaped my sorrowful eyes and I needed sleep to let my mind clear itself out, but something deep inside of me knew it would take more than just a glass of water and a good night’s sleep. I knew that making Luke prove himself to me would be harder than I would like, mainly because I’ve tried to do it in the past.

I’ve never been able to make him work for it because I needed him in my life. I never wanted to admit it to myself, or him, or anyone for that matter, but I knew that the reason I let him back in so easily was because I’ve been deprived of a man-figure in my life and now that I do, I don’t have it in me to let him go.


So.... what do you guys think? Sorry again that it took so long, but the next update will definitely be on schedule! I have a free write in class tomorrow and study hall so I'll have tons of time to write and edit the next chapter tomorrow! :)

Please vote and comment!

Oh, and a few of you have asked how to contact me to talk, you can either follow me on twitter and we can DM (@sillystringluke) or you can kik me (@danielleroseromano) 

Thank you for 5.1k votes :) I LOVE YOU ALL SO SO SO MUCH

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