Chapter 60

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Sorry this took so long! My crappy ass iPhone 4 had water damage and it finally broke. It turned off and wouldn't turn back on, so I lost the chapter I wrote, so I had to write it again. This one is definitely better than the other one though, and a little bit longer too. Hope you like it :)

Bri’s POV

When the alarm clock on my phone sounded, waking me from my restless night of sleep, I groaned. I was not looking forward to today.

Mondays are hard enough as it is, but this Monday was going to be especially torturous. I slowly got out of bed and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a V-neck tee shirt along with the appropriate under garments and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

My throat was dry and sore. I looked in the mirror and saw dark circles under my eyes. My skin was drained of all color. I looked dead. Even my hair looked dull and lifeless.

I needed him, but I needed to stay away from him. I need to move back into my dorm room with Kristina so Luke can stop slumming it wherever he is. This is his apartment after all and even though he was kind enough to leave, I’m the one who needs to go.

My stomach was doing flips at the thought of seeing him today. I wasn’t ready to see him. It’s been less than twenty four hours since our fight, and I haven’t had time to decide what I want to say, what I want to do. I knew ignoring him wouldn’t work, it never does.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Luke is a drug, and I’m addicted. No matter how far away I am from him, he consumes my thoughts and I can’t stop it, I don’t want to. The withdrawals are too much to bare, mainly because I don’t want to stop. I love him, and he’s been amazing to me. We’ve never had any problems until alcohol came into the picture.

Hopefully for his sake, he doesn’t return to his old habits. I know that he was unsuccessful with the rehab, but I believe that he is strong enough to do it. The only problem is, I’m not sure he knows that.

It was getting late and I needed to get a move on if I didn’t want to be late. I grabbed my books from the coffee table and my wallet along with my keys and phone.

I met Kristina outside the dorm building like I do every morning during the week, as did Calum, Michael, Ashton, and Luke.

“Where’s Ashton?” I asked, noticing both him and Luke weren’t here. I didn’t care much that Luke wasn’t here, I assumed he wouldn’t be.

“Luke crashed at his, so they both went straight to their first classes,” Michael answered.

“Ah, so that’s where he went,” I nodded, more to myself than anyone else.

“How’d you know that?” Calum asked.

“Ashton told me not to wait for them,” he responded. “You didn’t know he went there?”

“Nope, we got into a fight when he came back last night and he left without his phone,” I explained.

“Oh no,” Kristina frowned. “What about?”

“The rehab called,” I smiled sarcastically. “They were calling to find out if Luke was going to finish the program. Turns out he didn’t finish early, he dropped out and since he admitted himself, no one was called about it.”

Everyone gasped almost perfectly in sync.

“Yup,” I whispered. “He lied to me, to all of you.”

I looked at all of their faces, trying to gage if they were going to be mad at him too, and Calum just looked at the ground.

“Calum, are you okay?” I asked.

“Uh, yeah, I have to go,” he said quickly before hurrying off.

Kristina chased after him since they have class together. Michael and I turned the opposite way and continued walking to our class.

“I’m sorry you have to go through all this. I’m sure this isn’t exactly what you expected when you moved here,” he apologized, giving me a sympathetic look.

“It’s not your fault, don’t apologize. I’m the one who did this to me; I’m the one who agreed to go out with him in the first place. I’m the one who has taken him back time and time again almost instantly, not even making him sweat it out,” I sighed.

“Hey, Luke’s a good kid. He’s just going through a hard time in his life. He needs you, and I understand you’re mad at him, and if you don’t want to take him back, that’s fine, it’s up to you, but at least be there for him as a friend,” Michael said as he rested an arm on my head, making me feel even worse about our height difference than usual.

At least be there for him as a friend. Luke as a friend? The concept seemed so foreign, a concept I didn't like. Luke and I have never been just friends, and I’m not sure that would even work. From the moment we met, it’s been all or nothing. His appearance is captivating, he drew me in from the first time I met him, back in September in my old dorm room, back on my first day here. From then on, he’s always been something special to me. Every time I saw him, I had butterflies. Back then, I just thought it was my slight social anxiety, or maybe my shyness, but I soon discovered it was way beyond that.

Luke and I have that special connection books are written about. Luke and I have a story like no other. We have our highs and our lows, but our highs are high, and our lows are low.

“Which one?” I asked, holding up a makeup pallet with greys and browns. I’ve always been extremely indecisive.

Luke laughed, eyeing the pallet. One side was browns, and the other side was greys.

“Whichever one you like better,” he replied.

“I don’t know, that’s why I’m asking you,” I sighed.

“The brown,” he replied.

“But the grey will match my outfit better,” I fought.

“So the grey,” he changed his mind.

“Luke,” I warned.

“What?” he raised his voice, laughing.

“I’m serious,” I whined. “Help me.”

“I did, and you weren’t happy with my pick,” he teased. I groaned in defeat and went back into the bathroom.

After staring at the colors for a good five minutes, I gave up.

“Here, do one of my eyes brown and one grey, and see which you like better,” he offered.

“You’d let me put makeup on you?” I giggled at the thought.

“If it’d make you happy, yes,” he sighed, second guessing his decision.

I sat him down on the toilet and spent the next twenty minutes doing Luke’s eye shadow.

“Luke man, you really need to get those brows done,” I teased him.

“I let you do my makeup and you pay me back with insults? I see how it is,” he jokes.

I found myself reminiscing on all our good times throughout the day, and when it finally came time for History, I froze in my tracks, unable to enter the building, knowing he was in there.

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