Chapter 39

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I'm so sorry that this is so delayed, but I'm having terrible writers block, so I'm trying my hardest! Please vote anyway, I'll fix this chapter tomorrow!

Bri’s POV

The next few weeks flew by, Christmas shopping every chance we had, and figuring out what to do about Sydney in the process. I was never one to hold grudges, where I found out Luke was the complete opposite.

He refused to forgive her, even though, myself, was starting to believe she was innocent here.

I knew better than to bring it up today, since it was Christmas Eve. I had been running around all week looking for the perfect present to get him with Michael. I had already bought everyone else their presents, but I had no idea what to get Luke. The pressure was even higher now that Luke’s parents and brothers were coming over to exchange presents.

Michael and I finally found the perfect present for him, and I kept it in my old dorm, making sure Luke wouldn’t find it before today. I’ve caught him multiple times snooping around the apartment and there was no way in hell I would leave it here.

“I’ll be home in a little while, what time did you say everyone was coming?” I asked Luke as I put on my shoes.

“Around five,” he answered.

“Okay, I’ll see you in a little bit,” I smiled, giving him a peck on the lips.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

“I’m getting your present from the hiding spot,” I smirked.

“Oh, you mean Kristina’s dorm?”

My eyes widened. “How did you know that?”

“Did you really think Kristina would keep quiet?” he asked, laughing. “Don’t worry, she didn’t tell me what it was.”

“Good, I was ready to slit her throat,” I said, joking.

He laughed along and I left, eager to get back and get ready.

It was strange having a warm Christmas, in New York; it’s a freezing blizzard right now.

Kristina wasn’t in her dorm when I arrived, although I didn’t think she would be, she’s probably out with her family right now enjoying her Christmas.


When I got back to the apartment, I stuck the gift under the tree and turned to Luke, frowning.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, slipping his arms around my waist.

“We never decorated the tree,” I pouted.

“Seriously?” he raised his eyebrows.

“Yeah, I always loved to decorate it back home,” I said.

“I’ll go get the ornaments,” he sighed.

“You have them?” I asked

“Well duh, I used to put them up all the time, but I haven’t gotten around to it,” Luke shrugged.

“Really? I mean look at the tree,” I paused as he glanced at the completely bare tree, “You can’t even tell me you thought this looked good.”

“I don’t,” he laughed. “I’m lazy.”

I rolled my eyes and motioned for him to hurry and get the ornaments, we only have a few hours to decorate it and finish making dinner.

I decided I would decorate it alone so Luke could finish dinner because we were running out of time. I started with stringing lights around the tree and once that was done, I started with the ornaments.

Before we knew it, the clock struck five o’clock and our guests had arrived.

“Hello,” Luke’s mom eagerly sung as she entered our apartment.

“Hi guys!” Luke said happily, greeting his family.

“Bri,” she smiled, pulling me into a hug. I hugged Liz and then Luke’s brothers, Ben and Jack. A man walked up to me, who I assumed was Luke’s father.

“I’m Luke’s dad, but you can call me Andrew,” he smiled, offering a hand to shake.

“I’m Bri,” I smiled back. “Nice to meet you.”

“You too, I’ve heard many great things about you,” he informed me.

We sat down for dinner and enjoyed ourselves. Luke’s dinner came out perfect and it was delicious. We all talked about our past few weeks and Liz spoke about how well her restaurant had been doing lately.

Finally, it was time for gifts.

Everyone passed around gifts, Luke got his mom a new cooking set, his dad a new watch, and he gave his brothers cash. Luke received clothes from his brothers and his parents gave him a new TV for his, well our, room since our current one was tiny and barely working.

“Thank you so much,” he said as he hugged them both.

“Thank you guys,” I smiled humbly and finally it was time for Luke and I to exchange the gifts we had gotten each other.

Luke went first, giving me a medium sized box, way larger than I had assumed as he said, “Merry Christmas babe.”

I smiled at him as I began to un-wrap the box. When I finally lifted the top off the box that covered my present, I gasped.

I pulled out a beautiful Louis Vuitton bag, the one I had passed many times while Luke and I went Christmas shopping, sighing every time I looked at the price tag.

“Luke, I,” I stuttered, at a loss for words.

“Do you like it?” he asked nervously.

“Of course! I love it, thank you so much babe,” I hugged him tightly before pecking him on the lips.

“Here,” I handed Luke his present slowly, now afraid that his gift was better than mine.

He unwrapped it and his jaw dropped when he saw what was inside, an iPhone5s.

“I preloaded it with 200 dollars so you can buy whatever you want on it and A Twist in My Story is already on it,” I explained. “I know you lost your phone and you’ve been using your old Nokia so I thought you’d like it.”

“I love it, thank you so much Bri, I love you,” he confessed, kissing me, not caring that his parents and brothers were watching.

After his lips left mine I said, “I love you too.”

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