Chapter 43

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I slowly opened the door, peeking my head through first to look around before fully opening the door and entering the apartment with everyone trailing behind me.

“Where is he?” Calum whispered.

“I don’t know, he was here when I left,” I whispered back. “Stay here.”

I went to check the bedroom and the bathroom for Luke, when I opened the door, he was lying on the bed with empty beer bottles surrounding him and one pressed to his lips.

“Luke, what are you doing?” I asked softly, shocked at his turn to alcohol. I’ve never seen him drink, and to see him drink this much in around two hours wasn’t good.

“What does it matter? What are you doing here anyway?” he spat, not even glancing at me.

“Since when did you drink?”

“What do you care?” he slurred.

What the fuck got into him? I turned around, leaving the room to go get the boys for help.

“Is he in there?” Ashton asked.

“Yeah,” I croaked, close to tears. He had never been so cold to me, and it was a shock to see him drink. I don’t know if I could handle it because of my father. I never told anyone here, I lied to Kristina when she asked me if I drank.

“What did he do to you?” Michael asked concerned.

“He’s giving me the cold shoulder, I didn’t do anything wrong and now he’s drowning himself in alcohol,” I said, fighting back the tears.

“Fuck,” Calum, Kristina, Michael, Ashton, and Sydney all said in unison.

“What?” I questioned.

“I’m going in there, Calum come with me,” Ashton announced before leaving the room with Calum.

“I mean I know it’s not a good thing to turn to alcohol, but this is his first time,” I said confused. When no one responded, I asked, “This is his first time, right?”

“Um, well, when he and Aleisha broke up, he turned to alcohol…” Kristina spilled.

“His mom sent him to rehab for a month after we graduated, and he never touched alcohol again,” Michael continued.

“But he always had a drink in his hand at Sydney’s parties,” I defended.

“Water,” Sydney stated. “I’m calling his mom.”

“Is that necessary?” I asked Michael, suddenly feeling myself begin to panic.

Michael must’ve noticed and pulled me into a hug. “Don’t worry, he’s going to be fine, he just needs a bit of help right now.”

When I heard yelling and the sound of glass breaking, I ran into the bedroom before Michael and Kristina could stop me.

Luke had just thrown a bottle at Ashton and Calum, luckily they ducked and it hit the wall instead.

“Bri, go wait out there with Kristina and Sydney, please,” Ashton begged.

I looked at Luke and he was fuming. He hadn’t responded to my presence, but he looked like an animal. That wasn’t Luke.

“Luke, why are you doing this?” I cried, unable to hold back the tears any longer.

Unlike usual, Luke didn’t run over to comfort me, instead, he drove his fist straight into the wall, leaving a giant hole behind and blood dripping from his hand.

That’s when I finally took Ashton’s advice and ran out. Michael went in, leaving me with Kristina, Cat, and Sydney.

“That’s not Luke, I can see it in his eyes,” I sobbed as I approached the girls.

“His mom is on her way,” Sydney informed me.

“He just threw a bottle at Calum and Ashton and drove his fist into the wall, we might need more help than just his mom.”

Police sirens were heard outside, and before I knew what was happening, Luke was taken out by two police, the rest of us following behind.

By the time we made it down to the lobby, Liz showed up, suddenly panicking when she saw her son being put in handcuffs.

“What the hell happened?” she asked worried. “Is everyone okay?”

While Kristina and Calum explained to Liz, I watched as the police drove off with Luke in the back of one of the cars, my shoulders shaking as I sobbed into Michael.

“Who called the cops?” Ashton asked, turning to Sydney and Cat.

“Wasn’t us, probably was the neighbors,” they said.

“Do you want to come home with me?” Liz offered.

I nodded, Michael releasing me from the hug and I walked with Liz to her car.

“Don’t worry about Luke, he’ll be okay,” she assured me, but for some reason, I wasn’t quite sure.

It was a long drive back to Luke’s childhood home, and I was exhausted. My eyes slowly drooped shut and I fell asleep.


I sat down at Luke’s desk, looking around his old room. It’s exactly what I had pictured it as, and it smelt like him too. I opened his closet and searched for one of his old sweatshirts to wear since I missed him so much.

Liz offered me dinner, but I kindly declined and told her I was exhausted and I already ate, which was a lie. She said she would wake me if the station had called, but until then there was nothing we could do except wait it out.  I lay down on Luke’s small childhood bed and cried myself to sleep.

What do you think about Luke being a recovered alcoholic at only 19 years old?!

What do you think willl happen next?

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