Chapter 63

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Wow first update on time in like three months, hopefully my new schedule will stick :) Enjoy 

Bri’s POV

He nodded. That was it. No fight, no nothing. I saw the hurt flash across his face which each word I said and every breath I took. It hurt me and I wanted to stop, but I knew it was the right thing to do. I knew it would benefit the both of us. We would both grow as people if I resisted him just a little longer. It has only been two days and it was almost impossible. It took every ounce of my strength not to crawl onto his lap and kiss his frown away.

I wanted to be happy again, I wanted everything to go back to normal.

But after sitting in all of my classes today, reminiscing on our good times, and some of the bad times as well, I realized something; this was our normal. Looking back, this relationship has never had a dull moment. Between us battling against Aleisha, and then Matt, and then Sydney, and then each other due to Luke’s battle with alcohol, I started to realize that we’ve never had a ‘normal’.

Yet, with Luke, I never really noticed all the demons that surrounded us, trying to break us apart. The world was against us, but I was blind. I hadn’t noticed because when it was just him and me in this apartment, all my worries, all his worries, were instantly forgotten.

There’s something about him I just can’t let go of, there’s something about him that makes me believe that no matter what is thrown our way, we will make it through it and end up together.

Even after my epiphany, I still didn’t change my mind. Luke and I were still sat on the couch, sitting in a tense silence.

“So, I better be going then,” he said, softly and slowly, almost unsure of himself.

I wanted to stop him, to tell him to stay, and that everything was okay, but I couldn’t. I know that no matter what, our makeup was inevitable, but I was trying to postpone it, to show him that what he did was not okay.

It took my entire being to sit still as he stood up, fixed his shirt and walked out the door. When I heard the door close behind him, I threw my head in my hands.

I rubbed my temples, trying to relieve myself of the major migraine pulsing through my skull. The phone rang. I groaned and leaned over to grab my cell off the coffee table.

“Hello?” I answered, without checking who was calling.

“Bri? Hi,” a voice responded. Matt.

“What’s up?” I asked, trying to act as normally as possible.

“Not much, I’m actually really surprised you answered,” he said honestly.

“Why?” I questioned.

“I don’t know, you’ve just been very distant from me lately,” he replied. Maybe that’s because you sabotaged my relationship and almost ruined Luke’s life.

“Oh, sorry. I’ve just been pretty busy, I’ve had a lot going on,” I shrugged.

“Oh, what’s wrong?” he asked innocently, as if he had no idea.

“Just problems with my mother back home,” I lied. Two could play at this game.

Luke’s POV

I didn’t want to inconvenience Ashton again, especially because his place was quite small, only really made for one person, so I had no idea on where to go.

For a minute, I was debating on sleeping in my car, but I decided on going home to my mom’s house. She knew about the whole thing, so it only made sense to go to her for advice, plus my tiny bed in that house was better than the back seat of my car.

As I drove, the nerves grew. My mom was always on my side, as that is what a mother does, but she told me not to keep this from her, she knew it would blow up in my face, and she was right. I needed her support right now, her advice and comfort, but I knew that I was in for a lecture.

The ride seemed never ending. Lucky for me, the roads were empty for the most part.

It was late by the time I reached my mom’s home, but she was still up. She was waiting for me. I texted her and told her I was coming over for the night.

“Where’s Bri?” she asked the moment I stepped inside the house.

“She’s not coming,” I sighed. “She knows.”

“You told her?” she asked, confused.

“No, the facility did,” I answered. When she tilted her head to the side in confusion, I explained why they called in the first place and how it all panned out.

“Luke I knew this was going to blow up in your face, it always does with her,” my mom said, shaking her head.

“Okay I didn’t come here to here an ‘I told you so’. I don’t know what to do,” I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair anxiously.

She sat for a moment, staring at me intently. I knew she was thinking, she always stares when she’s deep in thought.

I sat on the loveseat across from the sofa on which she was seated, staring back at her, waiting for her breakthrough. My mom always knew what to do in tough situations.

After a few minutes past, I grew impatient and nervous, so I went into the next room to grab a snack from the fridge.

I sat back down in my previous position with a bowl of grapes. She still hadn’t moved. Just as I was about to interrupt her, she moved.

She snapped her fingers and stood up with a smile and a glisten in her eye. “I’ve got just the thing.”

 Hope you liked it! Please vote and comment :) 

What do you think Liz's 'thing' is? Any ideas? 

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