Chapter 52

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Hey guys! I know it's been too long since I have updated, but I apologize! I had snow days and my wifi was knocked out and I kept losing power, which made it extremely hard to update, but I made this a litle longer for you guys, and I worked really really hard on it. 

I suggest you listen to Our July In The Rain - He Is We for this chapter, it really goes well with it. I'll put a link on the side for those of you who read it on the computer!

Bri’s POV

It was Valentine’s Day, and I would be spending it alone, since everyone I knew had a date. Cat and Calum, Sydney and Ashton, Kristina and Michael decided to go out for the night, as friends, just as they did every year, and Daisy was out with her boyfriend that she had started seeing a few weeks ago.

A few months ago, I would have thought I would be spending tonight with Luke, going out for dinner and maybe even a movie, then we could walk around the beautiful city, going in and out of shops together after exchanging gifts, but instead, both of us were alone.

I called my mother and spoke to her for a little while before getting out of bed for the first time all day to make myself a nice dinner.

I made myself chicken cutlets, something my mother always used to cook for me when I was younger. It was one of my favorites.

I sat down at the table to eat, but instead I just ended up pushing my food around the plate with my fork, zoning in and out, and thinking of everything Luke and I had been through together.

 There was a knock on my door, bringing me out of my thoughts. I groaned, getting up to answer it.

I wasn’t expecting company, so I looked through the peephole and nobody was there. I opened it and on the floor sat a bouquet of flowers.

I picked it up and found a note inside. I pulled it out before stepping back inside to read it.

“My dearest Bri,

Meet me at the fountain in the park located outside of the administration building on campus.”

The note was left unsigned, but I decided to get dressed anyway. As much as I wasn’t in the mood to go out, especially with another man, I haven’t gotten out of bed in days, and it was time to take care of myself and get dressed.

I quickly braided my hair and did my makeup, before slipping into skinny jeans and a lace tank top.

I grabbed my phone and my keys and got in my car and drove to campus, suddenly thinking of all the possibilities of who could have sent the flowers. All I could think of was Matt, I had no idea where he was tonight and he was the only single guy I was friends with beside Michael, but he was out with Kristina tonight.

By the time I pulled into one of the many empty parking lots on campus, the sun had already set, leaving it dark and chilly. It wasn't too cold, but when the wind picked up every few minutes, I found myself shivering to keep warm.

I walked quickly down the paths, trying to hurry up and get to the park. I wanted to get this over with so I could return to the warmth of my car. Once the fountain was in my sights, I sighed in relief and slowed my pace back to normal.

Once I reached it, I heard faint music playing, but I couldn't make out what it was over the sound of the water rushing down the top of the fountain.

I walked around the fountain to see who sent me here, and no one was there; just a blanket lying on the grass and a speaker playing music from someone’s phone. I sat down on the blanket, cuddling into it to try and keep warm. Who the hell…

The song stopped playing mid-song and I looked around frantically, hoping to spot the mystery man. When the oh-too-familiar song began to play, I knew immediately who it was.

I began to cry, not of fear, or sadness, or because I was freezing, but because he’s finally home.

I felt a hand on my back and I knew I was right.

I looked up to meet his piercing blue eyes and I kissed him harder than I’ve ever kissed him before.

He chuckled into the kiss, but quickly stopped and kissed me back, wanting this just as much as I did.

He pulled away to wipe the salty tears from my face, “Don’t cry baby.”

“I missed you so much,” I admitted.

“I missed you too,” Luke smiled.

“I love you, you know that, right?”  I asked, wanting to confirm he still felt the same as he had when he left.

“Yes, I do. And I love you too,” he said back. No matter how many times I’ve heard him say it; my heart still quickens its pace and gives me a fuzzy feeling inside. This boy has driven me insane.

“I thought you weren’t supposed to be back for another month or so,” I questioned, knowing that I was right.

“I wasn’t originally, but after a couple of weeks there, my doctor saw that I had recovered incredibly quickly, seeing I already went through that process, it was just the second half of the recovery process I lacked during my first treatment period. Since I had taken half the recovery time in the first part as anybody else, I was able to heal a month early,” he explained, but I was only half listening. I was paying too much detail to his accent, the way his lips formed his words; something I had missed immensely while he was away.

Luke pulled a small box out of his pocket and handed it to me.

“Luke, I can’t,” I said, handing it back to him.

“Why not?” he asked as his eyes flashed worry and rejection.

“I didn’t get you anything, I didn’t think you would be home for today,” I shrugged.

“It’s fine, take it. I have everything I need right here,” he smiled, throwing an arm over my shoulder after he kissed my cheek.

I blushed, taking the box from him.

I slowly opened it, gasping when I saw what he had bought me.

A diamond necklace. The chain was the perfect size for the silver heart it held that sparkled with diamonds.

“Look at the back,” he told me, and so I did.

Engraved on the backside of the heart was “For my beautiful girlfriend, Bri. I love you”.

I traced my thumb over the small script letters and looked up and my amazing boyfriend.

“You’re the best, thank you,” I said, smiling. I gave him a quick kiss before we cuddled up on the blanket, watching the stars.

Just me and him.

So what did you think?!?! Please let me know!


please vote and comment, love you loads! :) ( twitter is @sillystringluke but if you like one direction you can follow my other account, @cocaineniam )

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