Chapter 51

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Hey guys! My laptop broke, so I couldn't upload anything and I'm really sorry for the long wait! This chapter may be a bit short, but my laptop is fixed now so I'll be back on schedule with my updating!

I just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who is reading, whether you vote or not, although I really appriciate when you do. You guys are incredible, this story is now at 101,000 reads! That's insane! I love you guys so much, I teared up a little when I saw it. This means so so so much to me, so please keep reading, voting, commenting, and doing whatever you do because it really means the world to me :)

Bri’s POV

The week was long and boring. At work, I went on pretending I had no idea about the package to Luke and nothing was happening, but at least tonight will be fun.

Ashton and Michael decided to buy an apartment together since they already shared a dorm room and they were getting really tired of the pranks that the graduating seniors were playing on everybody in the showers. They kept complaining about how tiny their dorm was, and Sydney offered for Ashton to move in with her, but Michael wouldn’t be able to afford the dorm alone and didn’t want a different roommate, so Sydney and Kristina helped them find an apartment not too far off campus, and lucky for me; it was only down the street from mine and Luke’s, well, mine for now.

They invited Cat, Calum, Sydney, Kristina, and I over for a movie night since we haven’t had one since before Luke left and they wanted everyone to come see their new place.

It was going to be a little strange for me, since Luke has always been there with us, and now he wouldn’t be, but at least Kristina and Michael would be there with me, since they’re the only other ones in our group of friends right now who aren’t in a relationship.

I’ve been having nightmares lately, bad ones. I didn’t know who to talk to, since I didn’t want anybody to know about my father. I couldn’t call my mother because she would never let me speak to Luke again if she knew where he was.

I couldn’t talk to Kristina because I’ve dodged the questions about my father multiple times. I’m not ready to talk about it, I’m not ready for everyone to judge him.

It’s really hard when your nightmares are memories, not fiction. I couldn’t escape my past no matter how hard I tried, and I need to learn to deal with it.

No one really knew why I broke down so much when I found out Luke struggled with alcohol in the past, and is now struggling once again. I can’t let history repeat itself; I can’t lose another man in my life to alcohol. I won’t.

I took a deep breath before heading over to Michael and Ashton’s.

When I got there, everyone was there except Calum.

“Where’s Calum?” I asked, and they exchanged looks before giving me a weird look. They knew something I didn’t.

Luke’s POV

“Isn’t Bri going to be pissed when she finds out where I am?” Calum asked.

He arrived here this morning and I couldn’t be happier. I haven’t spoken to anyone except my doctor for the past few weeks and I was beginning to go stir crazy.

“Probably, but I didn’t want her to see me like this,” I answered. “Plus, she had  a breakdown last time I drank.”

He nodded, “Do you want to call her? I know you can’t use your phone, but they said nothing about using mine.” An evil smile grew on his face.

As if on cue, Calum’s phone went off. He looked at the screen, and Bri was calling.

“Should I answer?” Calum asked quickly.

“Yes, speaker, but I’m not listening,” I responded.

He answered his phone immediately putting it on speaker phone.

“Hello?” he answered.

“Calum?” she asked, her tone was stern and deadly.

“Yes?” he gulped.

“Where are you?” she asked.

“Uh, rehab…” he answered.

“Is Luke with you?” she asked, venom still pulsing through her voice.

“Yeah,” Calum sighed.

“I don’t understand,” she stated.

“Bri, he’s trying really hard to get better for you, but he doesn’t want you to see him like this, like some caged animal in a zoo, he misses you like crazy though,” Calum answered perfectly.

He looked at me and I mouthed a thank you while we waited for her to say something.

“Can I talk to him? I just need to hear his voice,” she pleaded, her voice much softer now. Instead of anger, now desperation was laced in her words.

“Bri?” I spoke.

“Luke, I miss you,” she admitted.

“I miss you too. I’m sorry I didn’t ask you to come down here, but I wasn’t even sure if you wanted to be with me still,” I said.

“Of course I want to be with you, I just don’t want to be with the person that the alcohol turns you into,” she spoke.

“I know, that guy’s a real douchebag,” I joked.

She laughed, and my heart skipped a beat. I missed that sound so much, her laugh is contagious and I never get tired of hearing it.

“Come home soon please,” she begged.

“I’m trying babe, I really am,” I said truthfully. I wanted nothing more than to be back in Sydney with her.

“Don’t let history repeat itself any more than it already has,” she commanded, but I had a feeling there was more behind that statement than just my own drinking habits.

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