Chapter 64

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Wow, second update on schedule, I'm so proud of myself hahahahaha. Anyway, I hope you enjoy :)

Luke’s POV

As soon as my mom and I figured out a plan, I jumped in a quick shower and went to bed. I tossed and turned all night, unable to sleep due to my excitement.

I woke up extra early the next morning, eager to get this show on the road. I did my hair up for the first time in weeks, maybe even months, and I pulled on my favorite tee shirt, the black one with the white Vans logo on it and a red and white flannel with my usual black skinny jeans with black Vans.

I looked myself over in the mirror every few seconds, anxious to look my best. I needed today to go perfectly. I couldn’t mess this up.

This was my last chance to prove to Bri that I love her and that I am extremely sorry for lying to her. Plus, this plan also acts as a distraction so hopefully, all goes as planned and I can sleep with her in my arms tonight.

I hurried down to the kitchen to find my mom eating cereal.

“Well don’t you look handsome,” she complimented me. “I haven’t seen you get this dressed up for classes in months.”

“Thank you, but I don’t know why you’re so surprised, you’re the one who came up with this whole idea for today,” I answered with a chuckle. I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and a spoon from the drawer before sitting down at the table across from my mom.

She passed the box of cereal along with the milk so I could pour some for myself.

I ate quickly, keeping my eye on the clock. I don’t even know why I was so anxious to get to my first class, she wasn’t even in it. I had to sit through three classes before seeing Bri and no doubt in my mind they would be the longest three classes of my life.

I checked myself over once more in the mirror before heading out the door. Before I got in my car, my mom stopped me.

“Good luck Luke.”

I nodded and mouthed a thank you before getting inside and starting the engine.

It was a long drive back to campus and if I wanted to get there in time for class, I had to leave now, and with it being rush hour, I expected I would be late for my first class.

As I drove, I grew more and more nervous. My palms were sweating and I was biting the skin around my nail. That was my worst nervous habit.

I took a deep breath and wiped my hands off my jeans one at a time so I had at least one hand on the wheel.

I know that Bri told me only yesterday that she wanted to wait it out and take things one step at a time before she decided whether we would be getting back together or not, but I prayed that my mom’s plan would make her forget all about yesterday.

It had only been four days since we fought, but it feels like it’s been forever since she’s been mine, all mine. I was only back for a couple of weeks before we fought and it’s beginning to feel like things will never go back to normal, not that our relationship has ever been normal, but that’s what makes it so special.

We have a connection that is so strong and our love for one another is so powerful that we can overcome anything that is thrown our way.

Bri’s POV

After meeting up with everyone this morning, as usual, we realized that we’ve all been very occupied and we’ve neglected to hang out with each other ever since Luke came back.

When I brought it up, I thought it was only me who had been forgetting to call, but with my confession came everyone else’s. Turns out that Cat and Calum have been pretty busy lately, and Ashton and Sydney really haven’t spoken to anyone but each other for the past week due to the stress and time it took for him to help her repaint her kitchen.

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